

jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake



Tianjin's catering industry association has approved a cooking standard of the city's renowned snack known as jianbing guozi, or deep-fried dough sticks rolled in a thin pancake.



1) 天津煎餅餜子的原料(ingredients)是綠豆麵(green bean flour)、小米麵(millet flour)、雞蛋、麵粉等;

2) 輔料(dressings)包括麵醬、蔥末(chopped scallions)、辣醬(chili sauce)、腐乳(醬豆腐)、芝麻;

3) 餜子又稱油條(deep-fried dough sticks);餜箅兒是油炸面制食品,薄、脆,形狀方形;

4) 刷子攤成的薄餅直徑應在38-45cm;

5) 成品建議兩小時內食用(to be consumed within 2 hours)。

此舉引發了大量討論,網友質疑是否有必要為煎餅餜子制定統一的製作標準(unify the cooking standards)。煎餅餜子分會秘書長宋冠鳴在接受中國日報採訪時表示,煎餅餜子作為中國知名小吃(renowned Chinese snack)在天津已有600年的歷史,而且已經成為世界各地都喜愛的一種美食(become a favorite gourmet flavor worldwide)。"但我們的目的並不是把煎餅餜子做成肯德基這樣的標準化快餐。我們只是希望更好地規範這一歷史悠久的天津名吃的加工過程、製作工藝和食品衛生(better regulate the cooking process, techniques and health safety for the time-honored Tianjin snack)。"


鹹鴨蛋 salted duck egg

饅頭 steamed buns

豆漿 soybean milk

滷肉飯 braised pork rice

陽春麵 plain noodles

餛飩麵 wonton and noodles

燒仙草 grass jelly

重慶小面 Chongqing spicy noodles

牛肉拉麵 hand-pulled noodles with beef

炒米粉 fried rice noodles

刀削麵 sliced noodles

涼麵 cold noodles

涼皮 cold rice noodles

涼糕 cold rice cake

花枝羹 squid thick soup

蛤蜊湯 clam chowder

愛玉 vegetarian gelatin

雙皮奶 milk custard

牡蠣煎 oyster omelet

椰子凍 coconut jelly

臭豆腐 stinky tofu (smelly tofu)

滷煮 stewed assorted giblets with wheaten cake

鍋巴 crispy rice

烤串 kebab

蛋卷 egg rolls

春捲 spring rolls

肉夾饃 meat burger

