




1. grill 燒,烤(高溫燒烤,類似BBQ的方法)

We're planning to grill some chicken for dinner. 我們正打算烤一些雞肉當晚餐。

2. roast 烘烤,爐烤

Are you going to roast the fish? 你打算做烤魚嗎?

3. fry 炒

Add oil in the pan and fry the onion. 加些油到平底鍋裡,然後把洋蔥炒一下。

4. deep fry 油炸

Deep-fry for about 4 minutes, until the potato has softened. 油炸四分鐘左右,直到土豆變軟。

5. boil 煮

Boil the water before drinking it. 喝水之前最好煮一下。

6. steam 蒸

Chinese normally steam or fry their foods. 中國人通常把食物拿來蒸或炒。

7. stew 燴,燜

He stewed the meat and vegetables for himself. 他為自己燉了肉和蔬菜。

8. braise 紅燒,燉煮

I want to taste the braised bamboo rats. 我想嘗一下紅燒竹鼠。