
(1)布丁 pudding

布丁 pudding

葡萄乾布丁 raisin pudding

牛奶布丁 milk pudding

黃油布丁 butter pudding

麵包布丁 bread pudding

水果麵包布丁 fruit and bread pudding

大米布丁 rice pudding

奶蛋餅布丁 custard pudding

煎白蘭地布丁 fried brandy pudding


(2)甜食 dessert

飯後甜食/甜食/甜點 dessert

炸果餅 fritter

炸蘋果餅 apple fritter

蛋奶酥 souffle

蘋果蛋奶酥 apple souffle

奶酪蛋奶酥 cheese souffle

水果凍 fruit jelly

果凍 fruit jelly

菠蘿凍 pineapple jelly

巧克力凍 chocolate jelly

奶油可可凍 chocolate jelly

鬆糕 trifle

鬆餅 puff pastry

可可鬆餅 cocoa puff

奶油松餅 cream puff

奶蛋餅 custard

燴蜜桃 stewed peach

燴杏 stewed apricot

燴梨 stewed pear

燴蜜棗 stewed dates

鮮水果沙拉 fresh fruit salad

蜜桃沙拉 peach salad

菠蘿沙拉 pineapple salad

桔子沙拉 orange salad

(3)餅卷 pancake roll

肉餡煎餅卷 fried pancake roll with meat filling

炸口蘑雞卷 fried chicken roll with mushrooms

炸奶酪雞卷 fried chicken roll with cheese

炸龍蝦雞肝卷 fried lobster roll with chicken liver

炸奶酪蝦卷 fried prawn roll with cheese

炸口蘑蝦卷 fried prawn roll with mushrooms

炸鴨肝餡蝦卷 fried prawn roll with duck liver filling

炸棗鹹肉卷 fried bacon roll with dates

烤火腿鴨卷 roast duck roll with ham

香腸肉卷 sausage roll

奶油卷 cream roll

雞蛋卷 crispy egg roll; egg roll

蛋卷 egg roll

果醬雞蛋卷 egg roll with jam

(4)餡餅 ,餅,排,派 pie

小餡餅 patty

肉餡餅 meat pie; patty

牛肉餡餅 hamburger patty; hamburger

漢堡包 hamburger patty; hamburger

薄荷糕 pepper mint patty

蘋果餅 apple pie; apple tart

蘋果排 apple pie; apple tart

蘋果餡餅 apple pie; apple tart

水果餡餅 fruit pie; fruit flan

果餡餅 tart; flan

巧克力餡餅 chocolate pie

巧克力餅 chocolate pie

巧克力排 chocolate pie

檸檬餅 lemon pie

檸檬排 lemon pie

香蕉餅 banana pie

香蕉排 banana pie

奶昔餅 milk curd pie

奶昔排 milk curd pie

法式甜餡餅 French pastry

(5)肉餅 cutlet

牛肉餅 minced beef cutlet

清煎小牛肉餅 natural fried veal cutlet

蔬菜豬肉餅 minced pork cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥拌肉餅 minced meat cutlet with mashed potatoes

蔥頭肉餅 meat cutlet with onion

奶酪口蘑烤雞排 chicken cutlet au gratin

炸雞排 fried chicken cutlet

炸雞肉餅 fried minced chicken cutlet

蔬菜雞肉餅 chicken cutlet with vegetables

土豆泥清煎雞肉餅 fried chicken cutlet with mashed potatoes

炸魚肉餅 fried fish cutlet

炸魚蝦餅 fried fish and prawn cutlet

土豆泥煎魚餅 fried fish cutlet with mashed potatoes

鮮豌豆餅 fresh pea cutlet

