
A half-cooked chicken marinaded in a pickle of broth, mixed with oil, to which is added a bunch of dill, leeks, satury and green coriander. Finish it in this broth. When done, take the chicken out dress it nicely on a dish, pour over the sauce, colored with reduced must, sprinkle with pepper and serve.



不過在這本古羅馬食譜De Re Coquinaria of Apicius 中倒是列了一些有提到是油炸/煎來烹製雞肉的燒法,不過都沒註明油量,所以也不知道是像現代炸雞那樣整塊浸入還是像在平底鍋裡煎一樣。

古羅馬雞塊(Aliter pullus,直接翻譯過來就叫另一種雞肉燒法- -):

A little honey is mixed with broth; the cooked [parboiled] chicken is cleaned (skin taken off, sinews, etc., removed), the carcass dried with a towel, quartered, the pieces immersed in broth so that the savour penetrates thoroughly. Fry the pieces in the pan. Pour over their own gravy, sprinkle with pepper, serve.


帕提亞燒雞(Pullum Parthicum):

Dress the chicken carefully and quarter it. Crush pepper, lovage and a little carraway moistened with broth, and add wine to taste. After frying place the chicken in an earthen dish, pour the seasoning over it, add laser and wine. Let it assimilate with the seasoning and braise the chicken to a point. When done sprinkle with pepper and serve.


別人的還原圖(來源, 不過這個人是烤的):


Parthian Chicken & Chickpeas accompanied with Date Paste© Carole Raddato

努米底亞燒雞(Pullum Numidicum):

Prepare the chicken as usual; parboil it; clean it seasoned with laser and pepper, and fry in the pan; next crush pepper, cumin, coriander seed, laser root, rue, fig dates and nuts, moistened with vinegar, honey, broth and oil to taste. When boiling thicken with roux, strain, pour over the chicken, sprinkle with pepper and serve.




Pullum Numidicum (Numidian Chicken) accompanied with Conchicla Cum faba (Beans with Cumin)

這最後一種應該算是真正的羅馬炸雞了(Pullus leucozomus,炸雞配白醬):

Take a chicken and prepare it as above. Empty it through the aperture of the neck so that none of the entrails remain. Take a little water and plenty of Spanish oil, stir, cook together until all moisture is evaporated. When this is done take the chicken out, so that the greatest possible amount of oil remains behind. Sprinkle with pepper and serve.



無論如何,現代炸雞更應該追溯到十九世紀中期美國南部。而炸雞塊,像日本的唐揚和麥當勞的nuggets就完全是兩碼事了。麥當勞那種混合碎料炸出來的雞塊得到上個世紀50年代康奈爾大學教授Robert C. Baker才發明出來了。


