

地中海東部有一個島嶼,自古以來享有豐富的礦產資源、精湛的葡萄酒和無邊自然海景。希臘“塞浦路斯詩人”Leonidas Malenis有關於塞浦路斯的描寫:“宛如一枚金黃而鑲嵌綠寶的樹葉浮在地中海上”擁有“狂野的天氣和多姿多彩的火山地貌”--她就是塞浦路斯。

Welcome to Lotusland Teahouse,we opened a new bilingual column in both Chinese and English. We welcome your valuable Suggestions.

There is an island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea renowned since ancient times for its mineral wealth, superb wines and produce, and natural beauty. A “golden-green leaf thrown into the Sea” and a land of “wild weather and volcanoes,” in the words of the Greek Cypriot poet Leonidas Malenis, Cyprus。




Cyprus is a small island with a long history and a rich culture that spans 10,000 years, making it one of the oldest civilisations in the Mediterranean - as evidenced by the many fascinating cultural sights, museums, monuments and galleries.I know this amazing island from my mother by a wooden disk with a map of Cyprus Island and a local pencil that can be bent.



Cyprus lies on major migration routes for birds. In spring and autumn millions pass over the island, while many species winter there. Among the numerous resident species are francolin and flamingo.


圖片為歐亞鳥類遷徙路線 migration routes for birds

今天我們要提到的是塞浦路斯的拉納加(Larnaca ),在這個地方擁有觀景最好的位置和絕佳的景色,可以盡情放鬆一下。拉納加就有魅力網紅生物--火烈鳥。

What we want to mention today is Larnaca, Cyprus, which has the best view of the scene and the wonderful scenery for relax. Larnaca has a glamorous red creature, flamingo.






圖片為塞浦路斯當地有名愛橋。Love bridge.Cyprus.

Today Cyprus is a popular tourist destination for visitors from Europe, favoured by honeymooners (as befits the legendary home of Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of love).

We hope that in the future, we will bring our children to this magical island, and continue to talk about the memory of this charming island handed down by the older generation.

備註:因為我們家小寶最近瘋狂迷戀火烈鳥,吃飯睡覺都要抱著flamingo 玩具不放手,而且小寶幫忙包餃子的時候,看見姥姥帶回來的印有塞浦路斯地圖的木盤,很是好奇,學會認識了這個神奇地方。為了寶寶,寫下此文。給孩子講述之後,待將來長大再回頭看看,又將是別樣的感覺。

