
原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:青丘國的守護者 轉載請註明出處

Thai chicken rice, or khao man gai, is similar to Hainan chicken rice in that it’s a one-dish meal: chicken, rice and a clear broth made from the bones of the bird. The big difference is in the accompanying dipping sauce. Hainan chicken rice is served with a trio of sauces: ginger, chilli and sweetened soy sauce. Khao man gai comes with only one, which is tangy and on the edge of being too spicy.
泰國雞肉飯或者說khao man gai與海南雞肉飯的相似之處在於他們都是一種雞肉,米飯和由禽類骨頭製成的清湯組成的料理。 最大的區別在於附帶的蘸醬。 海南雞飯配三種調味料:生薑,辣椒和甜醬油。 泰國雞肉飯只配了一種,味道濃郁,略帶辛辣。
Thai chicken rice (khao man gai)

Thai yellow bean sauce, also called soybean paste, comes in bottles – some with a lot of solids and others with most of the fermented soybeans strained out; either is fine. Kecap manis, or Indonesian sweetened soy sauce, can be substituted for the Thai sweet soy sauce.
泰式黃豆沙司(也稱為大豆醬)裝在瓶中–有些含有很多固體,有些則濾出了大部分發酵大豆; 反正兩者都可以。 Kecap manis或者說印尼甜醬油可以代替泰國甜醬油。(譯註:Kecap manis 印尼甜醬)

The ingredients for the dish. Photo: Jonathan Wong
For the Thai chicken rice:
350 grams long-grain rice
70 grams glutinous rice
2 pandan leaves
Fine sea salt, as necessary
1 fresh chicken, about 1.2kg
40 gram chunk of peeled ginger
60 grams spring onions
2 garlic cloves, peeled
250 grams daikon (Japanese white radish), peeled
250 grams carrot, peeled
2 Asian cucumbers, sliced
Fresh coriander sprigs
For the nam jim khao man gai dipping sauce:
20 grams palm sugar
30 gram chunk of peeled ginger
1-2 garlic cloves, peeled
10 grams fresh coriander roots
15-20 grams red bird’s-eye chillies
70 grams yellow bean sauce
10 grams Thai sweet soy sauce or kecap manis
10ml-15ml vinegar
5ml fresh lime juice

10克泰國甜醬油或kecap manis(印尼甜醬)
1 Put the long-grain and glutinous rice in a bowl and wash in several changes of water, until the water is almost clear. Drain through a fine-mesh colander shaking off as much water as possible. Leave to air-dry, occasionally stirring the rice, while preparing the other ingredients.
1將長粒米和糯米放在碗中,並用幾倍的水沖洗,直到水幾乎清澈為止。 通過細網漏勺瀝乾水分,儘可能多地瀝乾水分。 晾乾,準備其他配料的同時偶爾翻拌大米。

(譯註:雞油飯在東南亞各國是相當受歡迎的一道餐點,製作原料主要有茉莉香米、雞油等。在泰國, 更是把它當早點, 午餐, 晚飯, 還可一路吃到當宵夜· 這煮雞∕燙雞/浸雞 的手法, 各家不同, 不在此贅述, 在此想說得是飯和蘸醬· 雖說泰式雞油飯是由海南華僑引進, 但時至今日, 它的煮制方法和所用材料皆已受到泰式飲食文化的影響。)

4 Render the chicken fat. Add about 30ml of water to the pan holding the fat and tail. Place the pan over a medium-low flame. When the water starts to simmer, lower the flame and cook until the fat liquefies. Remove the solids from the pan.
4提取雞油,向盛有帶脂肪和尾部雞肉的鍋中加入約30毫升水。將鍋放在中低火上。當水開始沸騰時,降低火焰並煮至脂肪液化。 從鍋中取出固體。

5 Make the sauce. Roughly chop the palm sugar, ginger, garlic, coriander roots and chillies then put them in a food processor or blender (or use an immersion blender). Chop the ingredients to a rough paste, then add the yellow bean sauce, sweet soy sauce, vinegar and lime juice. Blend to a rough purée then taste for seasonings and correct, if necessary. Add about 25ml of hot water (or some of the simmering chicken broth) to thin out the ingredients to a dipping sauce consistency.

6 Pour 25 grams of the rendered chicken fat into a skillet and heat over a medium flame. Add the rice and 1½ tsp of salt. Stir constantly until the rice grains are coated with the fat, then transfer to a rice cooker. Cut the pandan leaves into 10cm lengths, tie them into a knot and add them to the rice. Add 520ml of the chicken broth to the rice cooker.
6將25克提取出的雞油倒入煎鍋中,並用中火加熱。 加入米飯和1.5茶匙鹽。 不斷攪拌直到米粒上塗有雞油,然後轉移到電飯鍋中。 將香蘭葉切成10釐米長,打成一個結,然後放入大米中。 將520毫升雞湯加到電飯鍋中。
7 Place the whole chicken legs, the whole bone-in breast and the wings into the rice cooker, on top of the rice. Turn it on and let the ingredients steam until done.

8 Cut the daikon and carrot into two-bite chunks and add them to the remaining chicken broth. Simmer until tender.


12 Taste the chicken soup and add salt, if necessary. Stir several fresh coriander sprigs into the soup before ladling it into the bowls and serving with the chicken and rice.