
Balbek Bureau設計了基輔一家餐廳的室內設計,以現代的方式融合了傳統的烏克蘭形式、材料和顏色。餐廳名為100 Rokiv Tomu v,從烏克蘭語翻譯過來是“100年前的未來”,菜單上有傳統烏克蘭菜的現代更新。

Balbek Bureau has designed the interiors of a restaurant in Kiev that incorporates traditional Ukrainian forms, materials and colours in a contemporary way.Called 100 Rokiv Tomu Vpered, which translates from Ukrainian as “100 years ago in the future”, the restaurant has a menu featuring modern updates on traditional Ukrainian dishes.

總部設在基輔的Balbek Bureau表示,希望室內裝飾遵循“在烏克蘭的歷史過去與創新現在之間建立聯繫”的主題。260平方米的餐廳分為兩層。餐廳、宴會廳和酒吧區位於一樓,而較小的飯廳和廚房位於二樓,大窗戶可提供充足的自然光線。

Kiev-based Balbek Bureau said that it wanted the interior to follow this theme of “creating a connection between historical past and innovative present of Ukraine”.The 260-square-metre restaurant is split between two levels. A dining room, banquet hall, and bar area are located on the ground floor, while a smaller dining room and a kitchen are located on the first floor where large windows provide plenty of natural light.


For example, the restaurant’s walls, floor and furniture are finished in light-ochre tones accented with clusters of red – a colour scheme typically used to make traditional Ukrainian embroidered shirts.The design of the large dining table and benches is inspired by the old interior but its white finish and clean lines enable it to blend within the new modern setting.


The design incorporates natural materials such as oak floors and wall paneling as well as a calming neutral colour palette that mixes ochre, sienna and raw umber-coloured funriture. Tables are individually lit to create a warm and welcoming ambience.Balbek Bureau also used plenty of natural textures including driftwood lighting, bullrushes and potted ferns to evoke the atmosphere of an enchanted forest.

∇ 平面圖


項目名稱:100 years ago in the future





設計公司:balbek bureau

建築師:Slava Balbek, Anna Kruglova, Elena Kruglova

項目經理:Yana Laskavenko

攝影:Yevhenii Avramenko