以色列L28 Culinary Platform餐廳,年輕廚師的孵化器

以色列國家創投數據中心 (Start-Up Nation Central,簡稱SNC)是一家致力於將以色列新發明與世界接軌的非政府組織,它推出了以色列第一家致力於為廚師提供發展平臺的L28 Culinary Platform餐廳,這家餐廳位於國家創投數據中心(Start-Up Nation Central)新總部的首層,由當地公司Kimmel Eshkolot Architects設計、Yarzin-Sella集團(旗下包括Cafe Italia, Magazzino, Taqueria)運營。L28 Culinary Platform餐廳名字來源於所在的特拉維夫Lilienblum街道,並以創新的烹飪理念著稱,餐廳每隔六個月就會入駐一位前途光明的新以色列廚師,第一位入駐主廚是Shuli Wimer。

Start-Up Nation Central (SNC), an NGO whose mission is to connect the world to Israeli innovation, has launched L28 Culinary Platform, Israel’s first chef accelerator restaurant. The restaurant is located on the ground floor of Start-Up Nation Central’s new headquarters, designed by local architecture firm Kimmel Eshkolot Architects. L28 Culinary Platform is operated by Yarzin-Sella Group (Cafe Italia, Magazzino, Taqueria). Named after its address on Tel Aviv’s storied Lilienblum Street, the restaurant boasts an innovative culinary concept, which sees a new and promising Israeli chef take up residency in the kitchen every six months. The first chef in residency at L28 Culinary Platform is Shuli Wimer.

▼餐廳內部空間,interior of the restaurant ©Amit Geron

L28 Culinary Platform是以色列烹飪領域內一家獨特的企業:目的是為了推廣那些通常沒有機會開設自己餐廳的年輕廚師。每年兩次,一位不同的廚師將被邀請接管廚房並給予充分的創意自由,方便其探索他或她的個人烹飪理念。廚師將擁有烹飪實驗的條件設施、專業人員的指導,以營造積累烹飪經驗的最佳條件。這樣操作的目的是為年輕的以色列烹飪人才提供一個進入行業的機會,向當地和國外顧客展現以色列的創意菜餚。Yarzin-Sella將其稱之為“年輕廚師的平臺,在L28任職後,將有機會管理自己的餐廳。”

L28 Culinary Platform is a unique venture in the Israeli culinary space: the idea is to promote young chefs who would not normally have the opportunity to open their own restaurant. Twice a year, a different chef will be tapped to take over the kitchen and will be granted full creative license to explore his or her own culinary concept. Chefs are provided with laboratory conditions, including mentoring by professional staff so they can create an experience in the best possible conditions. The goal is to provide an industry entry point for fresh Israeli culinary talent, and to highlight Israeli culinary innovation to local and foreign audiences. The Yarzin-Sella Group calls it “a platform for young chefs who, after their stint at L28, have a shot at managing their own restaurant.”

▼入口空間,entrance space ©Amit Geron

Kimmel Eshkolot Architects的室內規劃將L28 Culinary Platform寬敞的內部劃分為不同的區域,以滿足眾多的功能需求。在兩層高的首層空間中,朝向Lilienblum街道的天花板高處安裝了堆疊的木塊,木簾將內部不同區域分隔開。面向街道的入口處有一個抬高的平臺作為休息會面區,主要在白天營業。餐廳內部圍繞著開放廚房的主要座位區在各個角度都能看到。廚房上層是樓座和舉辦活動的私人房間。

Kimmel Eshkolot Architects’ interior planning divided the spacious interior of L28 Culinary Platform to serve its numerous functions. The double height of the space was emphasized through the installation of high wooden boards that fold towards Lilienblum Street and separate the various seating areas through a scrolling curtain. The street facing entrance features a raised platform for lounge meetings and operates mainly during the day. The internal main seating area of the restaurant is visible from all angles and frames the open kitchen. Above the kitchen, rests the gallery and private room for events.

▼朝向街道的入口空間設置抬高平臺,天花板上安裝了堆疊的木塊,the entrance features a raised platform and installed wooden boards that fold towards the street ©Amit Geron


L28’s interiors and finishings are based on natural and warm materials. Wooden cladding is featured prominently in the ceilings and furniture, while vegetation grows along an installed green wall and vertical agricultural planting in front of the kitchen. The visual scheme combines with the neutral materiality of a smoothed concrete floor made of resina and black steel. An urban farm was developed on the roof of the building that serves in the restaurant’s farm-to-table setup, along with spice plants in the green wall for use in the beverage bar.

▼開放的廚房空間-植被沿著綠牆和廚房前的垂直農作物種植架生長,the opening kitchen-vegetation grows along an installed green wall and vertical agricultural planting in front of the kitchen ©Amit Geron

▼主要座位區圍繞著廚房,the main seating area is around the kitchen ©Amit Geron

▼空間內的綠牆,the green wall ©Amit Geron

▼廚房及吧檯空間,kitchen and bar area ©Amit Geron

Shuli Wimer在以色列北部的Galilee地區出生和長大,是L28 Culinary Platform的第一位入駐廚師。在回到以色列之前,Wimer女士在倫敦米其林星級餐廳River Café工作了六年的時間。Galilee地區以農業和當地風格的烹飪而聞名,她的烹飪理念受到家鄉的影響,以所接受的意大利烹飪訓練為基礎,結合了Galilee本土化、季節性的飲食哲學。L28 Culinary Platform採用屋頂城市農場的新鮮作物,烹飪供用餐者共享的美味菜餚。

Shuli Wimer, L28 Culinary Platform’s first chef in residency, was born and raised in the Galilee region in the north of Israel. Ms. Wimer spent the last six years working at London’s Michelin-starred River Cafe before returning to Israel. Her culinary concept is inspired by her roots in northern Israel, known for its agriculture and Galilee-style cooking. Her concept is based on her Italian culinary training, incorporating Galilean philosophy of eating off the land and eating in season. The dishes served at L28 Culinary Platform incorporate fresh produce from the building’s urban farm, with plates intended to be shared between diners.

▼樓梯,stairs ©Amit Geron

除了推廣年輕廚師,L28 Culinary Platform也是以色列本土產品的舞臺,餐廳使用本地生長的原材料,酒單隻供應以色列葡萄酒。屋頂上的城市農場為廚房提供烹飪材料;“農場-餐桌”的理念豐富了廚師關於有機作物的知識,可以幫助他們將這些原料應用到菜餚之中。SNC總經理Guy Hilton說:“國家創投數據中心(Start-Up Nation Central)總部是以色列創新技術公司的大家園。我們認為有一家創意以色列烹飪企業作為這個家庭的一員是自然而然的事情。”

Aside from promoting young chefs, L28 Culinary Platform offers a stage for local Israeli produce, with raw materials from local growers and offering only Israeli wines on the wine list. An urban farm on the building’s roof provides vegetation to serve the kitchen; A farm-to-table principle enriching the knowledge of the chefs about organic crops that could be incorporated into their dishes. “Start-Up Nation Central’s headquarters is a home for innovative Israeli technology companies. We thought it only natural to complement that with a home for innovative Israeli culinary entrepreneurs,” said Guy Hilton, SNC’s General Manager.

▼樓上用於舉辦活動的私人房間,the private room for events on the upper floor ©Amit Geron

▼從城市街道看內部點亮燈光的餐廳,view from the street towards the illuminated interior

▼首層平面,ground floor plan