目的狀語從句(so that)

Jay: Vicki, you will give a presentation to us about the product tomorrow, do you remember?

Vicki:Yes, Jay.

Jay:Good, have you finished the PowerPoint?

Vicki:Yes, of course.

Jay:OK, please open it so that I can check it for you.

Vicki:OK, here it is.

Jay:Mmm, I think the words are too small, you should make them bigger so that everyone can see them clearly.

Vicki:Got it, any other problem, Jay?

Jay:That’s all. Oh, just one more thing, please speak louder during your presentation so that everyone can hear you.

Vicki:OK, I will.

目的狀語從句(so that)


是Please open it so that I can check it for you.

You should make them bigger so that everyone can see them clearly.

Please speak louder during your presentation so that everyone can hear you.


它們都含有so that。

so that在這是從屬連詞,意為“以便,為了”。Molly,你能解釋下這三句話嗎?




由這三個句子可知,so that這個從屬連詞後面連接了一個表示目的的從句,所以我們稱之為“目的狀語從句”。(目的狀語從句)

目的狀語從句(so that)

再仔細觀察下這三個句子中so that後的從句,有什麼共同點呢?

Please open it so that I can check it for you.

You should make them bigger so that everyone can see them clearly.

Please speak louder during your presentation so that everyone can hear you.



另外,在目的狀語從句中,還可以使用一個更正式點的連詞in order that,在表達目的時,它和so that通常可以互換哦~

使用in order that嘗試翻譯下下面這兩個句子嗎?



I get up early in order that (so that)I can catch the bus.

Bring it nearer in order that (so that) I may see it better.

學會了so that 和 in order that這兩個從屬連詞。

目的狀語從句(so that)

You should study hard so that you can get good grades.你應該努力學習以便拿個好分數。

Two heads are better than one.集思廣益。遇到了問題和同學或老師討論,也不失為一種提升自我,提高分數的好方法哦。

