



圖表 1謂語動詞or非謂語動詞


1. Get someone who is on good terms with him ______ (try) and persuade him.

2. It is ridiculous ______ (predict) that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

3. The selection of TV programmes, especially at the weekend, leaves a lot ______ (desire).

4. He told a rather rude joke, and every one looked ______ (embarrass).

5. There was something about him she found ______ (disturb).

6. Now, Mary ______ (experiment) with different typewriters to see which one suits her best.

7. The temperature ______ (control with computers, no matter how the weather is outside.

8. The place, once a small town, ______ (transform) into a modern capital city.

9. I left immediately the clock ______ (strike) twelve.

10. Chinese food is varied. Guangdong cuisine and Sichuan cuisine ______ (serve) in our restaurant.


1. to try。get sb to do sth意為"讓某人去做某事"。

2. to predict。It作形式主語,to predict是真正的主語。

3. to be desired。Leave sth to be desired為固定表達法,意為"有些方面需要進一步改進"。

4. embarrassed。表示人的情緒、情感的過去分詞作表語。

5. disturbing。表示人的情緒、情感變化的現在分詞作賓語補足語。

6. is experimenting。從時間狀語now可以看出該句應該用現在進行時。

7. is controlled。該句應該用一般現在時,同時control與temperature之間是被動關係。

8. has (been) transformed。Once表達的是過去的事情,與此相對應主句表達的是現在的狀態,同時,transform與the place之間既可以是被動關係,也可以是主動關係,所以既可以用現在完成進行時的被動語態也可以用現在完成進行時的主動形式。

9. struck。immediately在此用作時間狀語從句的連詞,相當於as soon as。所以從句中應該用一般過去時。Strike此處的意思是"鐘敲響幾點"。

10. are served。Serve此處的意思是"供應(飯菜)",所以與cuisine之間是被動關係,根據is varied可以看出應該是一般現在時。

