【English march


protest march,示威遊行

protest over sth,示威

Long March,行軍

the soldiers were weary,疲憊

March of the Volunteers,義勇軍進行曲

Wedding March,婚禮進行曲


母校,alma mater

母公司,Parent campany

子公司,subsidiary/daughter company

小時候學語言,mother tongue

掌握最好語言,native language


on fire,起火

light / put out a fire,點火/滅火

You're on fire,情緒熱情

play with fire ,冒著風險從事危險的行為


have second thoughts,對原先的決定產生懷疑,重新考慮

think twice ,仔細考慮,再三思考

第三者,mistress/home wrecker


Let's dance,shall we?怎麼樣

Let us marry,will you?獲准許

