【English 跨年 飲料】

跨年,celebrate New Year's Eve

新年倒計時,countdown to the new year

立新年目標,make New Year's resolutions

新年來臨,As the New Year approaches us/dawns , I hope it is filled with the promises of a brighter明媚tomorrow.

提前祝福,wish you and your family a wonderful year ahead.

通往成功,On the road to success,

到達終點,May you reach your destination and may your journey be wonderful.

人生新篇章,The New Year brings another chance for us to open up a new chapter in our lives.

世界之大無奇不有,it takes all sorts to make a world

修理,sort the car


吹哨/發警告,blew whistle over

健康狀況,How's your fitness?

勝任,His fitness for the new position

A grande/venti中杯/大杯

one scoop of matcha 一勺抹茶粉

3 pumps of sugar free vanilla三份無糖


vanilla syrup,糖漿

light ice,少冰

light cream,淡奶油

It's better than the original one原版.

This is going be a staple經常點.

staple 訂書釘;主題/主食/常用

I think this would be a good substitute 替代as a healthier version健康版 of a mocha.

