【English 生病


不舒服,not feeling good

不自在/不合適,shoes are uncomfortable

看醫生,see a doctor

去醫院(住院/陪床照顧),go to hospital

A coronavirus epidemic流行/傳染 is sweeping through the whole world.


申請補助,apply to sb for subsidy

補助,give subsidies/ˈsʌb.sɪ.di/ to



一擊制勝/終結/淘汰賽,a knockout

一拳打暈,knocked out her opponent

vs versus /ˈvɜː.səs/

對戰 ,A versus B

兩種比較,give the final judgment on A versus B


adj. 性感的

n. 大發脾氣/大吃一驚,have a fit

break the bank花一大筆錢

break the ice,破冰

櫻花,cherry blossom

oriental cherry / sakura /səˈkʌr.ə/

開花,in blossom

享樂年輕女孩a good-time girl

公主抱,carry sb in arms


舉報,report = tip off

道歉,My apologies.

真不靠譜,You're a man of straw!

放我鴿子,stand me up!

無賴,the dirty dog

醜女/爛貨,what a dog!

萬事通the go-to guy/ person

萬金油,go-to method


Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions思想和行動all day, every day.


Collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal 男女平等world.

Each for equal" shouldn't be a slogan口號,but should be the behaviors in our daily life.

