【English 7000二】

✔年產值,The annual worth of ABC's manufacturing製造業is greater than that of its mining and farming工礦業和農業combined總和.

✔依附生長,The wallflower牆花is so called because its weak stems枝幹often grow on walls and along stony cliffs石崖for support.

✔傾向於,Children with parents whose guidance教導is firm堅定, consistent始終如一, and rational理性 are inclined to possess充滿high levels of self-confidence自信.

✔種植,cultivate corn and other crops玉米和其他農作物

打獵和採集,hunting and gathering

✔至關重要,of critical importance in

✔社會心理學,social psychology

✔人際交往,interaction between people

✔✔是A不是B,It is A!rather than B

✔✔B比A有用,no A do sth more than B!

✔Probably no man had more effect影響 on the daily lives日常生活 of most people in the Untied States than did Henry Ford a pioneer先驅 in automobile production汽車生產

✔生活事件,the events that occur in their lives

✔社會運動,social crusade

激發熱情,arouse his enthusiasm

✔增加設施,the expansion of educational facilities

✔使成為可能,Using many symbols makes it possible to

✔放大量信息,put a large amount of information on



✔檢驗,testing of many hypotheses [haɪ'pɑθəsiz] 假定

學科領域,in the field of language learning

✔鵪鶉,Quails typically have short rounded圓 wings


✔一躍而起,enable them to spring into full flight instantly

✔主要共同點,Anarchism無政府主義is a term術語describing a cluster of 一堆doctrines學說/主義and attitudes whose principal uniting featureis the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary.

✔追溯到,The history of painting優化is a fascinating迷人chain連串of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.

✔有備無患,Before staring on a sea voyage出航, prudent謹慎navigators learn the sea charts, study the sailing directions航向, and memorize lighthouse燈塔locations to prepare themselves for any conditions情況they might encounter遭遇.

✔售價更高,Perfectly matched般配的pearls, strung into串成a necklace, bring a far higher price than the same pearls sold individually單獨.

✔人類學家,According to anthropologists

✔面部相似,resemble chimpanzees黑猩猩 facially

額頭眉毛,sloping傾斜的foreheads額頭 and protruding鼓起/突出的brows.

✔✔直到才,Not until 1800 was the transatlantic橫跨大西洋cable電纜finally laid架通.


✔精神貧困,the spiritual barrenness

✔就是今天的,became what is now


✔生長全長,is fully grown at


✔營銷,marketing activities

✔留意,be aware of new developments in technology

✔運用,The application of electronic controls 電控made possible by the micro processor 電子微處理機 and computer storage電腦儲存 have multiplied成倍的增加the uses功能of the modern typewriter打字機.

✔由組成,consists of

✔綁一起,bound together by tough堅韌and relatively inelastic相對缺乏彈性connective tissues組織


✔受影響,The pigmentation色澤of a pearl is influenced by the depth, temperature, and the salt content鹽度of the water

✔上等出色,mockingbirds模仿鳥superbly mimic模仿 the songs and calls

✔特定聽覺線索,By Certain Aural Clues

✔兩棲動物,Not only can walking fish鯰魚live out of water, but they can also travel移動short distances短距離over land岸上.


✔理論推斷,some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible造成的.

✔關注關涉,The science of horticulture農藝學, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield 增大產量,and superior quality調高品質, utilizes利用information derived from 源於other sciences.

✔通過幫助,Snow aids farmers by keeping heat in the lower ground levels地層土壤, thereby saving the seeds from freezing凍死.

✔英雄,Even though the precise qualities of hero 英雄本色in literary words may vary 各有千秋over time歷代, the basic exemplary模範效仿的function of the hero seems to remain constant恆古不變.

