【English around


mess around浪費時間磨蹭

fart around,混日子

clock watching,不停看錶,坐等下班

clock watcher,摸魚的人

goof off,偷懶逃避工作

★馬後炮,a Monday morning quarterback

事後再猜,second guess (v.)


The signal is bad! 信號不好!

The signal is not stable here 不穩定

You're breaking up. 你斷斷續續,信號不好

My Internet/ connection dropped. 網斷了

I just got cut off. 網絡中斷

Have I missed anything?


buy groceries =go grocery shopping

I cook for myself.

I make meals myself.

has the potential to be a good cook.

You're a great cook.

Your cooking has come a long way.小進步

Your cooking has improved a lot.大進步


No dealing, no killing. No game野味 for me

gamey food.


I challenge the result!

I won't accept it!

I'm speechless!

I have nothing to say!

I'm sincerely convinced.

take your medicine,承擔不好後果


No offence,……

Don't be upset by what I said, I meant no offence.

無心之過,an honest mistake

Sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you. It was an honest mistake. Honest真的!


None taken!

We all make mistakes.It's ok.

耍手段/使陰招,play dirty

消消氣,blow off steam

勸人消氣,let it all out

