【English English acute


敏銳的,a woman of acute intelligence.聰明

嚴重的,poverty is particularly acute

急性的,an acute heart attack.

★fight n ./v.


fight disease

fight against racism

打架, children fight on the playground

吵架,fight about sth


認清/大開眼界,pened my eyes to

真有眼力,You're a mind reader.

You're very observant善於觀察and have a strong attention to detail.

You need to be proactive 主動instead of reactive 被動at work.

沒眼力,You can't read social cues.

真沒勁,You're so oblivious.

Absorbed in her work, she was totally oblivious不在意 to her surroundings周圍.


mix with sb.

monkeys around with sb.


make a blunder by (n.)

blundered by (v.)


go part-ime job

as a sideline


長相,have one's mother's eyes/mouth/ears.=looks a lot like

長相/性格,take after


丟臉lose face/embarrassed

無羞恥shameless rat /rubbish

厚臉皮,brazen /ˈbreɪzən/

★ times

乘以,Two times two equals four.

倍數,earns five times as much as I do.


He climbed over the wall and ran off

翻越/攀登,scale the wall /skeɪl/

規避風險/繞行,circumvention technology

群體免疫,Get vaccinations疫苗and make people gain “herd immunity”.

隔離/使隔離,in quarantine;quarantine sb.

傾訴,talk it out with me

協商/消除,talk out the differences between you

真實不作,real and not pretentious

入木三分/犀利,close to the bone and thought-provoking!

cut /scissors and paste,東拼西湊

serving chopsticks/spoons,公筷/勺

What do you except,那還用說嘛,有啥好驚訝的(強調事實/表達驕傲)

