

<code>1.This is the ocean as I used to know it.
2.And I find that since I've been in the Gulf a couple of times, I really kind of am traumatized because, whenever I look at the ocean now,
而我發現 我到過墨西哥灣一兩次, 我真的有些精神受創了 因為現在無論我什麼時候去看大海,
3.no matter where I am, even where I know none of the oil has gone, I sort of see slicks.
不管我從什麼地方看, 即使是我知道的地方 沒有一個地方是沒有石油的, 我似乎看到了石油漂浮的光亮水面。
4.And I'm finding that I'm very much haunted by it.
現在我發現它在我腦海 縈繞不去。
5.But what I want to talk to you about today is a lot of things that try to put all of this in context, not just about the oil eruption,
但今天我想跟你們討論的 有很多事情,以這個為上下文 的很多事情, 不僅僅關於石油噴發,
6.but what it means and why it has happened.
7.First, just a little bit about me.
8.I'm basically just a guy that likes to go fishing ever since I was a little kid.
我基本上就是一個自小喜歡 釣魚的人。
9.And because I did, I wound up studying sea birds to try to stay in the coastal habitats that I so loved.
因為我這個愛好, 我後來就開始研究海鳥了 這樣可以住在我所鍾愛的沿海鳥類棲息地。
10.And now I mainly write books about how the ocean is changing.
如今我主要是寫關於 海洋變化的書。
11.And the ocean is certainly changing very rapidly.

12.Now we saw this kind of graphic earlier on.
13.That we really live on a hard marble that has just a slight bit of wetness to it.
我們其實生活在一塊硬大理石上 它上面只有一丁點 的潤溼。
14.It's like you dipped a marble in water.
15.And the same thing with the atmosphere.
16.If you took all the atmosphere and rolled it up in a ball, you would get that little sphere of gas on the right.
如果你把大氣層蒐集起來 揉成一個球, 你得到的就是右邊上那個小小的氣球。
17.So we live on the most fragile, little soap bubble you can imagine, a very sacred soap bubble, but one that is very, very easy to effect.
所以我們生活在 你能想象到的最脆弱的小肥皂泡上, 一個非常神聖的肥皂泡, 而又非常,非常容易受影響的肥皂泡。
18.And all the burning of oil and coal and gas, all the fossil fuels, have changed the atmosphere greatly.
所有燃燒石油,煤,天然氣, 化石燃料的行為, 對大氣產生了巨大的影響。
19.Carbon dioxide level has gone up and up and up.
20.We're warming the climate.
21.So the blowout in the Gulf is just a little piece of a much larger problem that we have with the energy that we use to run civilization.
所以墨西哥灣的井噴 只是人類文明運轉中我們如何使用 能源這個更大問題中的 冰山一角。
22.Beyond warming, we have the problem of the oceans getting more acidified.
除了地球變暖, 文明還有海洋酸化的問題。

23.And already measurably so, and already effecting animals.
已經是可以測定的, 而且已經影響到了動物。
24.Now in the laboratory, if you take a clam and you put it in the pH that is -- not 8.1, which is the normal pH of seawater -- but 7.5,
現在在實驗室裡, 你把一個蛤蜊放到PH值 不是正常海水PH值 8.1的水裡-- 而是7.5的水裡,
25.it dissolves in about three days.
26.If you take sea urchin larva from 8.1, put it in a pH of 7.7 -- not a huge change -- it becomes deformed and dies.
如果你把海膽幼蟲 放到不是8.1 而是PH值7.7-- 變化並不大的-- 它會變形然後死亡。
27.And already, commercial oyster larvae are dying at large scales in some places.
已經有商用牡蠣幼蟲 在某些區域 大規模的死亡。
28.Coral reefs are growing slower in some places because of this problem.
因為這個問題某些地方的 珊瑚礁生長正在減慢。
29.So this really matters.
30.Now, let's take a little tour around the Gulf a little bit.
現在,讓我們沿著墨西哥灣 稍微逛逛。
31.One of the things that really impresses me about the people in the Gulf, they are really, really aquatic people.
有一件關於墨西哥灣人的事讓我印象深刻, 他們是真是水生的,
32.And they can handle water.
33.They can handle a hurricane that comes and goes.
34.When the water goes down, they know what to do.
35.But when it's something other than water, and their water habitat changes, they don't have many options.
但是當面對和水無關的的事情時, 當他們的以水為主的生活環境改變時, 他們的選擇就不多了。

36.In fact, those entire communities really don't have many options.
事實上,整個社區面對的選擇 也是不多的。
37.They don't have another thing they can do.
38.They can't go and work in the local hotel business because there isn't one in their community.
他們無法去 當地的酒店工作 因為社區裡沒有酒店。
39.If you go to the Gulf and you look around, you do see a lot of oil.
假如你去墨西哥灣看看, 你確實可以看到很多石油。
40.You see a lot of oil on the ocean.
41.You see a lot of oil on the shoreline.
42.If you go to the site of the blowout, It looks pretty unbelievable.
假如你到井噴的現場, 它看上去讓人難以置信。
43.It looks like you just emptied the oil pan in your car, and you just dumped it in the ocean.
它看上去像你剛清空了車上的油盤, 然後把廢油傾到了海里。
44.And one of the really most incredible things, I think, is that there's nobody out there trying to collect it at the site where it is densest.
而最讓人匪夷所思的是, 在這個最稠密的地方 沒有一個人想著 把它清理掉。
45.Parts of the ocean there look just absolutely apocalyptic.
海洋的很多區域 看上去完全像是世界末日。
46.You go in along the shore, you can find it everywhere.
你沿著海岸線, 你可以在每個地方發現油汙。
47.It's really messy.
48.If you go to the places where it's just arriving, like the eastern part of the Gulf, in Alabama, there's still people using the beach
如果你去漏油正在到達的地方 像墨西哥灣的東部,阿拉巴馬, 一邊有人在清理海灘,

49.while there are people cleaning up the beach.
50.And they have a very strange way of cleaning up the beach.
51.They're not allowed to put more than 10 lbs. of sand in a 50 gallon plastic bag.
他們不允許在50加侖的塑料袋裡 放多餘10磅的沙子。
52.They have thousands and thousands of plastic bags.
53.I don't know what they're going to do with all that stuff.
54.Meanwhile, there are still people trying to use the beach.
55.They don't see the little, tiny sign that says: "Stay out of the water."
他們看不到那個小小的標牌 寫著“請勿下水。”
56.Their kids are in the water; they're getting tar all over their clothes and their sandals. It's a mess.
孩子們還在水裡嬉戲;他們的衣服 和拖鞋上全都是柏油。那兒一團糟。
57.If you go to the place where the oil has been a while, it's an even bigger mess.
假如你去到石油已經到達了一段時間的地方, 那就更亂了。
58.And there's basically nobody there anymore, a few people trying to keep using it.
那裡基本上已經沒有人了, 少些人還試圖 來海灘邊玩。
59.You see people who are really shell shocked.
60.They are very hardworking people.
61.All they know about life is they get up in the morning, and if their engine starts, they go to work.
他們所瞭解的生活就是每天早起, 引擎一啟動,他們就開始幹活。
62.They always felt that they could rely on the assurances that nature brought them through the ecosystem of the Gulf.

他們總是覺得他們可以依賴於 墨西哥灣生態系統給他們 帶來的衣食保障。
63.And they're finding that their world is really collapsing.
64.And so you can see, literally, signs of their shock, signs of their outrage, signs of their anger, and signs of their grief.
你可以直接地看到, 他們震驚的標牌, 他們憤慨的標牌, 他們憤怒的標牌, 他們悲痛的標牌,
65.These are the things that you can see.
66.There's a lot you can't see, also, underwater.
有很多你沒看到的 在水下。
67.What's going on underwater?
68.Well, some people say there are oil plumes.
有些人說 看到了石油的羽狀物,
69.Some people say there are not oil plumes.
70.And Congressman Markey asks, you know, "Is it going to take a submarine ride to see if there are really oil plumes?"
而國會議員馬基問, “我們要開個潛艇下去看看 是不是真的有石油羽狀物嗎?”
71.But I couldn't take a submarine ride -- especially between the time I knew I was coming here and today -- so I had to do a little experiment myself
但是我沒法坐潛水艇下去-- 特別是在我知道我要來這裡的那天到今天這段時間裡-- 所以我得自己 做個小實驗
72.to see if there was oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
73.So this is the Gulf of Mexico, sparkling place full of fish.
這就是墨西哥灣, 閃閃發光,魚類成群。
74.And I created a little oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

然後我在墨西哥灣 製造了一點石油洩漏。
75.And I learned -- in fact I confirmed the hypothesis that oil and water don't mix until you add a dispersant.
我聽說-事實上我確定 石油和水不融合的假設 除非你加入分散劑。
76.And then they start mixing.
然後他們開始 融合。
77.And you add a little energy from the wind and the waves.
然後你加上一點 來自風和海浪的能量。
78.And you get a big mess, a big mess that you can't possibly clean, you can't touch, you can't extract and, I think most importantly -- this is what I think --
那你就得到了這個混亂的結果, 一大片 你幾乎沒法清理的東西, 你沒法觸摸,沒法萃取 最重要的是--這些東西你
79.you can't see it.
80.I think it's being hidden on purpose.
81.Now this is such a catastrophe and such a mess, that lots of stuff is leaking out on the edges of the information stream.
這是如此大的一場災難,如此混亂的場面, 很多消息正在從信息管道的邊緣洩漏出來
82.But as many people have said, there's a large attempt to suppress what's going on.
但像很多人所說的, 有一股很大的勢力正試圖掩蓋正在發生的事情。
83.Personally, I think that the dispersants are a major strategy to hide the body, because we put the murderer in charge of the crime scene.
我個人認為 分散劑是 隱藏真相的一個主要策略, 因為我們要讓兇手 負責處理犯罪現場。
84.But you can see it.
85.You can see where the oil is concentrated at the surface, and then it is attacked, because they don't want the evidence, in my opinion.
你可以看到 石油集中在海面上, 然後它就被動了手腳, 因為在我看來他們不想留下犯罪證據。

87.We heard that bacteria eat oil?
88.So do sea turtles.
89.When it breaks up, it has a long way to go before it gets down to bacteria.
當石油分解時, 到它被細菌吞噬還有 很長一段路要走。
90.Turtles eat it. It gets in the gills of fish.
91.These guys have to swim around through it.
92.I heard the most incredible story today when I was on the train coming here.
我今天在來這裡的火車上聽了 一個最匪夷所思的故事。
93.A writer named Ted Williams called me.
一個叫Ted Williams的作者打電話給我。
94.And he was asking me a couple of questions about what I saw, because he's writing an article for Audubon magazine.
他問了我一兩個問題 關於我看到的問題, 因為他在為奧杜邦雜誌寫一篇文章。
95.He said that he had been in the Gulf a little while ago -- like about a week ago -- and a guy who had been a recreational fishing guide
他說他前一陣子在墨西哥灣-- 大概一週前-- 一個康樂釣魚嚮導帶他
96.took him out to show him what's going on.
97.That guide's entire calendar year is canceled bookings.
那個嚮導整年的預約 被取消了。
98.He has no bookings left.
99.Everybody wanted their deposit back. Everybody is fleeing.

100.That's the story of thousands of people.
101.But he told Ted that on the last day he went out, a bottlenosed dolphin suddenly appeared next to the boat.
他告訴Ted 他最後出海那天, 一條瓶鼻海豚 突然出現在船邊。
102.And it was splattering oil out its blowhole.
石油正在從它的 噴水孔濺出來。
103.And he moved away because it was his last fishing trip, and he knew that the dolphins scare fish.
後來他繞開了 因為那是他的 最後一次釣魚之旅。 他知道海豚必然會驚嚇到魚群。
104.So he moved away from it.
105.Turned around a few minutes later, it was right next to the side of the boat again.
過了幾分鐘後, 又是在船的那一邊
106.He said that in 30 years of fishing he had never seen a dolphin do that.
他說在他30年的釣魚生涯裡 他從來沒見過一隻海豚做那樣的事情。
107.And he felt that -- He felt that it was coming to ask for help. Sorry.
他感覺到 它是來向他 求救的。抱歉。
108.Now, in the Exxon Valdez spill, about 30 percent of the killer whales died in the first few months.
現在,在Exxon Valdes油輪漏油事件中, 約有30%的虎鯨 在開始的幾個月死亡。
109.Their numbers have never recovered.
110.So the recovery rate of all this stuff is going to be variable.
生物數目的恢復率 各有不同。
111.It's going to take longer for some things.
112.And some things, I think, will probably come back a little faster.
有些動物可能 會恢復的更快一些。
113.The other thing about the Gulf that is important is that there are a lot of animals that concentrate in the Gulf at certain parts of the year.

墨西哥灣另個一重要的特徵 是有很多動物 在一年裡特定的時間段會在 墨西哥灣聚集。
114.So the Gulf is a really important piece of water -- more important than a similar volume of water in the open Atlantic Ocean.
所以墨西哥灣水域實際上 比亞特蘭大海洋上同樣面積 的海水更重要。
115.These tuna swim the entire ocean.
116.They get in the Gulf stream. They go all the way to Europe.
117.When it comes time to spawn, they come inside.
118.And these two tuna that were tagged, you can see them on the spawning grounds very much right in the area of the slick.
那兩天金槍魚被打上了標籤跟蹤, 你可以看到他們產卵的河床 正好在浮油的區域。
119.They're probably having, at the very least, a catastrophic spawning season this year.
他們很可能經歷了 今年裡一個災難性的產卵季節。
120.I'm hoping that maybe the adults are avoiding that dirty water.
我希望也許成年魚 可以避開骯髒的水域。
121.They don't usually like to go into water that is very cloudy anyway.
他們一般是不希望 進入陰暗的海水的。
122.But these are really high-performance athletic animals.
但這些是高質量的 健壯的動物。
123.I don't know what this kind of stuff will do in their gills.
124.I don't know if it'll effect the adults.
125.If it's not, it's certainly effecting their eggs and larvae, I would certainly think.
如果它不會,那它毫無疑問增在影響 魚卵和幼魚,我肯定。

126.But if you look at that graph that goes down and down and down, that's what we've done to this species through over fishing over many decades.
如果你沿著圖一直往下看, 那就是我們對魚類的所作所為 幾十年來過量捕撈。
127.So while the oil spill, the leak, the eruption, is a catastrophe, I think it's important to keep in mind that we've done a lot to effect what's in the ocean
所以當石油溢出, 油船洩漏,井噴, 是一場災難, 我想我們應該意識到 我們作了很多影響海洋生活的事情
128.for a very, very long time.
129.It's not like we're starting with something that's been okay.
這可不是我們第一次做 得過且過的事情了。
130.We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses and a lot of problems to begin with.
我們對海洋造成了很大的壓力 製造了很多麻煩。
131.If you look around at the birds, there are a lot of birds in the Gulf that concentrate in the Gulf at certain times of the year, but then leave.
如果你抬頭看看鳥類, 在墨西哥灣有很多鳥類 在每年定期聚集到這裡, 然後離開。
132.And they populate much larger areas.
133.So for instance, most of the birds in this picture are migratory birds.
比如 這幅圖裡的很多鳥類是遷徙類鳥。
134.They were all on the Gulf in May, while oil was starting to come ashore in certain places.
他們五月都在墨西哥灣, 當很多地方漏油正到達了海岸
135.Down on the lower left there are Ruddy Turnstones and Sanderlings.
在左下方的 是赤翻石鷸和三趾鷸
136.They breed in the high arctic, and they winter down in southern South America.
它們在北極繁殖, 它們在冬天來到南美洲南部。
137.But they concentrate in the Gulf and then fan out all across the arctic.
但它們在墨西哥灣聚集 然後拍著翅膀一路飛過北極。

138.I saw birds that breed in Greenland in the Gulf.
我在墨西哥灣看到過在 格陵蘭繁殖的鳥類。
139.So this is a hemispheric issue.
140.The economic effects go at least nationally in many ways.
對經濟造成的影響 在很多方面至少波及了幾個國家。
141.The biological effects are certainly hemispheric.
142.I think that this is one of the most absolutely mindboggling examples of total unpreparedness that I can even think of.
我想這是我想到的 最讓人心驚的 完全沒有一點預防措施的 大災難之一。
143.Even when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, at least they shot back.
即使當日本轟炸了珍珠港, 至少他們還擊了。
144.And we just seem to be unable to figure out what to do.
而我們好像根本 是束手無策。
145.There was nothing ready.
146.And, you know, as we can see by what they're doing.
我們可以從他們的行為中 可以看出。
147.Mainly what they're doing is booms and dispersants.
148.The booms are absolutely not made for open water.
149.They don't even attempt to corral the oil where it is most concentrated.
他們甚至不試圖到最稠密的地區 做圍欄措施。
150.They get near shore. Look at these two boats.
他們在近岸地區。 看看這兩條船。
151.That one on the right is called Fishing Fool.

152.And I think, you know, that's a great name for boats that they're going to do anything to make a dent in this by dragging a boom between them,
我覺得,你知道,這些船的名字取的很好 當下有真真切切的成千上百平方英里的 墨西哥灣海面漂著石油,
153.when there are literally hundreds of thousands of square miles in the Gulf right now with oil at the surface.
而這些船做的只是在兩頭拽柵欄時 在名字上撞出 一道凹痕來。
154.The dispersants make the oil go right under the booms.
155.The booms are only about 13 inches in diameter.
這些柵欄只有約 13英寸的直徑。
156.So it's just absolutely crazy.
157.Here are shrimp boats employed.
158.There are hundreds of shrimp boats employed to drag booms instead of nets.
159.Here they are working.
160.You can see easily that all the oily water just goes over the back of the boom.
你很容易可以看到 所有的油水混合物又從柵欄的背面回去了。
161.All they're doing is stirring it.
162.It's just ridiculous.
163.Also, for all the shoreline that has booms -- hundreds and hundreds of miles of shoreline -- all of the shoreline that has booms, there's adjacent shoreline that doesn't have any booms.
而且,對於所有有柵欄的海岸線-- 千萬英里長的海岸線-- 所有有柵欄的海岸線, 瀕臨著不帶柵欄的海岸線。

164.There is ample opportunity for oil and dirty water to get in behind them.
石油和髒水有 足夠的機會從後面滲入。
165.And that lower photo, that's a bird colony that has been boomed.
166.Everybody's trying trying to protect the bird colonies there.
所有人都在努力保護 那裡的鳥類棲息地。
167.Well, as an ornithologist, I can tell you that birds fly, and that -- (Laughter) And that booming a bird colony doesn't do it; it doesn't do it.
作為一個鳥類學家, 我可以告訴你們鳥是會飛的,而且-- (笑聲) 把一個鳥類棲息地圍起來 是沒有用的,沒用。
168.These birds make a living by diving into the water.
169.In fact, really what I think they should do, if anything -- they're trying so hard to protect those nests -- actually if they destroyed every single nest
事實上, 我想他們應該做的,真的做點什麼的話-- 他們這麼努力的保護那些鳥巢-- 事實上如果他們把每個鳥巢都破壞掉
170.some of the birds would leave, and that would be better for them this year.
有些鳥會飛走的, 今年那麼做對他們才是更有利的。
171.As far as cleaning them, I don't mean to cast any aspersion on people cleaning birds.
至於清理鳥類, 我無意中傷哪位 為鳥做清洗的人。
172.It's really, really important that we express our compassion.
能表達我們的同情心 是非常非常重要的。
173.I think that's the most important thing that people have, is compassion.
我覺得人最重要的是 要有同情心。
174.It's really important to get those images and to show it.
將這些影像示眾是 很重要的。
175.But really, where are those birds going to get released to?

176.It's like taking somebody out of a burning building, treating them for smoke inhalation and sending them back into the building, because the oil is still gushing.
就像把某人從著火的大樓中救出, 為他們治療煙塵吸入 接著又把他們送回大樓裡,一位石油始終還在往外冒。
177.I refuse to acknowledge this as anything like an accident.
我拒絕認為 這是和事故類似的事件。
178.I think that this is the result of gross negligence.
179.(Applause) Not just B.P.
(掌聲) 不僅僅是英國石油公司。
180.B.P. operated very sloppily and very recklessly because they could.
英國石油公司執行得 非常草率和魯莽 因為他們有資本那麼做。
181.And they were allowed to do so because of the absolute failure of oversight of the government that's supposed to be our government, protecting us.
他們被允許這麼做 因為這個應當為人民服務的政府 的徹底的監管 失敗。
182.It turns out that -- you see this sign on almost every commercial vessel in the United States -- you know, if you spilled a couple of gallons of oil,
結果 你能在美國幾乎每條商用運輸工具上看到這樣的標語 如果你洩漏了幾加侖的石油,
183.you would be in big trouble.
184.And you have to really wonder who are the laws made for, and who has gotten above the laws.
你得仔細想想 法律是為誰而立的, 誰凌駕於法律之上。
185.Now there are things that we can do in the future.
186.We could have the kinds of equipment that we would really need.
187.It would not take an awful lot to anticipate that after making 30,000 holes in the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico looking for oil,
它不要求多少力氣 來參加 在墨西哥灣的海床上為尋石油 打下三萬個洞後

188.oil might start coming out of one of them.
189.And you'd have some idea of what to do.
190.That's certainly one of the things we need to do.
191.But I think we have to understand where this leak really started from.
但是我認為我們應該瞭解洩漏真正 是從哪裡開始的。
192.It really started from the destruction of the idea that the government is there because it's our government, meant to protect the larger public interest.
首先要從打消政府 會來出面因為 政府是人民的,是保護 大眾利益的這個念頭。
193.So I think that the oil blowout, the bank bailout, the mortgage crisis and all these things are absolutely symptoms of the same cause.
我認為石油的井噴也好, 保釋銀行也好, 抵押貸款危機所有這些事情 都是同一個 病源的體現。
194.We still seem to understand that at least we need the police to protect us from a few bad people.
我們似乎仍然相信 至少我們需要警察來 為我對付一些壞人。
195.And even though the police can be a little annoying at times -- giving us tickets and stuff like that -- nobody says that we should just get rid of them.
雖然有時候警察也會有些煩人- 給我們開罰單之類的-- 沒人說我們應該把他們廢除算了。
196.But in the entire rest of government right now and for the last at least 30 years, there has been a culture of deregulation that is caused directly
但是在當今其他的政府部門中 在過去的至少30年裡, 滋長了一種違反規定的文化 直接由
197.by the people who we need to be protected from, buying the government out from under us.
那些需要給我們保護 的人們引起的, 揹著我們把政府收買了。
198.(Applause) Now this has been a problem for a very, very long time.
(掌聲) 如今這是一個有著很長很長曆史的遺留問題。

199.You can see that corporations were illegal at the founding of America.
各位可以看到 很多企業在美國建立之初就是非法的。
200.And even Thomas Jefferson complained that they were already bidding defiance to the laws of our country.
甚至托馬斯傑弗森就抱怨過 他們已經 公開叫囂違反我們國家的法律。
201.Okay, people who say they're conservative, if they really wanted to be really conservative and really patriotic, they would tell these corporations
好,有些人稱 自己是保守派, 如果他們真的想 做真正的保守派,真正的愛國, 他們應該叫這些公司
202.to go to hell.
203.That's what it would really mean to be conservative.
204.So what we really need to do is regain the idea that it's our government safeguarding our interests and regain a sense of unity and common cause in our country
因此我們真正要做的是 重拾信念 我們的政府 是來護衛我們的利益的 重拾團結的意識 和我們國家已經失去的
205.that really has been lost.
206.I think there are signs of hope.
207.We seem to be waking up a little bit.
208.The Glass-Steagall Act -- which was really to protect us from the kind of thing that caused the recession to happen, and the bank meltdown
格拉斯-斯蒂格爾法案(1933銀行法)- 本應保護我們 免遭經濟蕭條, 銀行免遭垮臺
209.and all that stuff that required the bailouts -- that was put in effect in 1933, was systematically destroyed.
還有那些需要保釋的東西-- --在1933年實施, 但被系統性的摧毀了。
210.Now there's a mood to put some of that stuff back in place.
現在有一種情緒要把那些東西 擺回原位。

211.But the lobbyists are all ready there trying to weaken the regulations after the legislation has just passed.
但是遊說者們已經準備好 在法案剛通過後 就要將之削弱。
212.So it's a continued fight.
213.It's a historic moment right now.
214.We're either going to have an absolutely unmitigated catastrophe of this oil leak in the Gulf, or we will make the moment we need out of this,
我們或者將遭遇一場完全 徹底的災難 源自墨西哥灣的石油洩漏, 或者我們成就此刻,
215.as many people have noted today.
216.There's certainly a common theme about needing to make the moment out of this.
毫無疑問, 我們有一個共同的主題來成就此刻。
217.We've been through this before with other ways of offshore drilling.
我們通過海外的一些教訓 經歷過這樣的災難。
218.The first offshore wells were called whales.
219.The first offshore drills were called harpoons.
220.We emptied the ocean of the whales at that time.
221.Now are we stuck with this?
222.Ever since we lived in caves, every time we wanted any energy we lit something on fire, and that is still what we're doing.
自從我們穴居開始, 每次我們想要能源 我們燒掉一些東西,而我們現在仍是這麼做的
223.We're still lighting something on fire every time we want energy.
當我們要能源的時候 我們仍然在點火燃燒資源。

224.And people say we can't have clean energy because it's too expensive.
而有人說 我們沒法得到清潔能源 因為太貴了。
225.Who says it's too expensive?
226.People who sell us fossil fuels.
227.We've been here before with energy, and people saying the economy cannot withstand a switch, because the cheapest energy was slavery.
我們面對能源有過歷史 有人說經濟無法 承受轉變, 因為最便宜的能源是奴隸。
228.Energy is always a moral issue.
229.It's an issue that is moral right now.
230.It's a matter of right and wrong.
231.Thank you very much.



