
President Trump has called himself as Tariff man. he says he likes tariff ,he said he likes to use them. But few knew what would will come when he issued a surprise threat to Mexico ,the US largest trade partner and how president has planned to install concern in this country and Mexico.


Immigration policy thought trade tariffs , that is president Trump latest idea on stopping illegal immigration on the southern border with Mexico , in a twitter later Thursday last week he announced a start on June 10th , the US would impose 5 % tariff on all Mexican imports .he said quote will gradually increase until the illegal immigration problems is remedied .


At news conference, Mexican president responded. “We will act prudently , we will act with respect for the authorities of the united states ,with respect of president Donald Trump . we had to help so migrant will not enter the united states illegally. But we also have to do it respecting human rights.” This comes as the Trump administration six crackdown on the search of American immigrants in recent months. according to the US customs and border protection, more than one hundred thousands immigrants apprehended in April, the highest amount total since 2007. And an average 4500 people a day had illegally crossed the border or arrived without documents on the past few weeks. The US immigration authorities says over 8000 people are currently in custody.


White House Press Sectary Sarah Sanders defended the tariff threat "No. 1 duty that the United Sates has is national security and protecting Americans.President has been crystal clear that we have to take actions, we have to step up , we have to do more , we have to secure our border .”

白宮新聞秘書Sarah Sanders關稅威脅進行了辯護:“美國的首要責任是維護其國土安全,保護美國人民,我們必須採取行動,我們必須向前走,我們必須要多做,我們必須要維持邊境的安全,總統對這已非常清楚表明的態度。”

The White House officials said the tariff was started from 5 %, then there would be an increase to 25 % by October. If Mexico did not decrease border crossings, tariff would impact Mexican import. Meanwhile , there are bipartisan opposition towards plan. The Finance Committee Chairman Chunk Grassley said on a statement “Trade policy and border security are separate issues , this is misuse of presidential tariff authority and counter to congressional intent .”

白宮官員說:關稅從百分之五開始徵收,至十月分增至百分之二十五。如果墨西哥未能減少跨境移民,關稅會衝擊墨西哥對美國的進口。同時也同兩黨的人員對此計劃表示反對。財務委員會主席Chunk Grassley在一份聲明中說:“貿易政策與邊境安全是不同的事情,這是對總統關稅權力的濫用,是在反對國民議會意。”

The House speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized the plan in a statement, said the president’s sowing in in chaos over the border instead of delivering solutions. . it is a concern shared by others, Laredo Texas Major Pete Saenz said the proposed tariff would hurt his border city . , The presidents mover faces the opposition from the business community too. The Us Chamber of Commerce said that today’s tariffs would not solve the border crisis. And they would not say the quote be paid by American families and business.

白宮發言人Nancy Pelosi在一份聲明是批評道:總統是在邊境中播下了混亂的種子,而不是解決問題。也有其他人認同這樣的關切,德州Laredo市長Pete Saenz說關稅計劃會傷害到邊境城市。美國商務部稱關稅不會解決邊境問題,但他們沒有提到關稅會由美國家庭和商人承擔。


