3 英國疫情期間生活日誌

頭天日常購物買不到雞蛋還有點小小心慌,昨天下班回家,老公說買到了,嗯,確實早晨會有。瞬間踏實。這種各處超市每天限量出貨方式挺好。然後今早孩子們說去學校吃早餐,省家裡的食品,我說沒必要,不用擔心食品問題,超市總是會有的,不管剩下的啥,都能給你們整出吃得來。然後他們也樂滋滋開他們新到的書了。Book2door 有些書挺便宜。




“As you will know, the Government announced yesterday at 5pm that all schools in England are to shut after the end of the school day tomorrow - Friday 20th March. We do not know how long this closure is for. By tomorrow, we will publish our “Learning from Home” information and resources on the school website.

From Monday, some children will be coming to school. We are awaiting confirmation from the Government as to which children fall into this category. We know it will include children with Education, Health and Care Plans and children who have a social worker. The school will be in touch with the parents of these children this afternoon to confirm this. The other category is ‘key workers’ – we have not yet been given the full list of who this includes. We know it will include NHS workers, police and emergency services, social workers and food delivery drivers however it is likely to include others. As soon as we have this information, we will share it with you. In the meantime, if you feel you are in the categories mentioned so far, please let us know by calling school on ****

or emailing the school at:


Thank you for all your support so far. We are very grateful for all your kind words and offers help that we have already received.


19/3 英國疫情期間生活日誌

