
上期我們提到了曹操,這個東漢末年傑出的政治家、軍事家、文學家、書法家 ,曹魏政權的奠基人,他對內消滅二袁、呂布、劉表、馬超、韓遂等割據勢力,對外降服南匈奴、烏桓、鮮卑等,統一了中國北方,並實行一系列政策恢復經濟生產和社會秩序,擴大屯田、興修水利、獎勵農桑、重視手工業、安置流亡人口、實行“租調製”,從而使中原社會漸趨穩定、經濟出現轉機。



It is known to all who have read the Three Kingdoms well that Cao Cao is the strongest in the Three Kingdoms. He is so powerful that he needs the unity of Wu and Shu to fight against him. As we all know, Cao Cao is a personal wife controller who likes to rob other people's wives. The women he likes can't escape from his palm. The bronze sparrow platform he built is full of beauties.



However, there are three beauties in the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao did not get them all his life, so he had to worry.


It is said that Cao Cao was greedy for big and small Qiao. Before the alliance of Wu and Shu, Zhou Yu didn't want to. Later, Zhuge Liang made a plan to distort the "Ode to the bronze sparrow platform", explaining that Cao Cao was interested in big and small Qiao and wanted to rob Zhou Yu's wife. Zhou Yu understood this, so he decided to join hands with Shu to do Cao Cao.

這大喬、小喬乃江東絕色美女,大喬嫁給了孫策,小喬嫁給了周瑜,像這樣的姐妹花老曹不眼饞是假的,二喬長得很美 ,有傾國之色,顧盼生姿,明豔照人,堪稱絕代佳麗人

This big Qiao and little Qiao are the most beautiful beauties in Jiangdong. Big Qiao married sun CE and little Qiao married Zhou Yu. It's a fake that such a sister Hua Laocao doesn't want to be greedy. The second Qiao is very beautiful. She has the beauty of a country. She looks forward to the future and looks bright. She can be called the most beautiful.



There is a saying in the Jianghu that "there are two Qiao in the east of the river, Zhen Fujiao in Hebei Province". It says that there is a beautiful woman named Zhen MI in Hebei Province, which is comparable to two Qiao.


Who is Zhen Mi? She was Yuan Shao's daughter-in-law. After Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao, Cao Pi, her son, rushed to Yuan Shao's mansion and saw a young woman with a shawl on her knees crying. Cao Pi asked others who she was? When others came back to Yuan Xi's wife, Cao Pi went up to lift the young woman's hair and saw that she was astonished. He said to Zhen MI, "now you don't have to worry about being killed.". So he accepted Zhen MI.



