007 喜剧演员皮特·霍姆斯谈抑郁和消极情绪

You woke up in a conundrum, you were born into a conundrum. And I don't care how we label letter or lower our anxiety by going like," Well, let's listen. . . let's not listen. . . it's that. . ."

你每天早上从难题中醒来,你生来就陷入了难题中。我不在意人们怎样标签化 怎样降低我们的焦虑说:”要倾听……不是这样…… 要那样……”

Let's just talk about this shared mystery that we're soaking in. I want to be careful talking about depression because I have a friend who was very depressed.


And I remember talking to him, out of love, trying to explain some of these ideas, some of these ways that we can think and interpret our suffering. And sometimes when someone is suffering, the last thing they want is for you to go: "Hey, there's another way to look at this."


Maybe that's later. None of this is to be imposed on anybody, and I don't want to belittle or just say, like, "You know, you're brain is. . . that's really. . . it's your attachment to your desire but not be your depress that causing you. . ."


No, not like that. That is not what I'm saying at all. We can give space to someone's depression.


We can love them, we can. . . we can just eat some noodles, we can watch some movies. Whatever it is, we can just sit and not talk, that's real stuff.


It's a real. . . em, I don't know if you call it. . . disorder, disease, but it's happening. We don't need to coach people through. . . with ideology, right?


That's been said, if you in a place to talk about this, usually when you not depressed. I found it helpful to step inside what I call the "witness".


And other traditions call that your "soul"; I believe science might just call it your "phenomenon of your basic consciousness". If you think about when you were born. . . I have a baby girl now.


She's not thinking an idea yet. She doesn't know she's an American, she doesn't know she lives in California.


Just like a ladybug doesn't know it's a Italian. You know, it means. . . it's just awareness. So she's just there.


But slowly over time, we built up what young and others call "the false self", right? So we have the story of who we are: I'm a man and I'm a comedian, I'm a tall man, I have big teeth.


And all these things and. . . I like the first two Batman movies and I don't drink coffee. Whatever it is. So you built up this identity. And often times, in that identity is where things like suffering or occurings sometimes.


I can't speak for everybody. But I will say that for me, when I've been depressed, and I get depressed, I have irrational about. . . of anxiety.


I have random. . . like fat ex deliveries of despondency. Just like I don't know what in there, so. . . Well, keep the PJs(pajamas) on.


Cancel everything you're doing today, it's time to take a sad shower. That happens to me, right?


So I'm speaking for me, with full respect to other people's processes and their experiences. When I'm depressed, if I can get into that quiet space. . . it's this space that noticing the thoughts.


So if you think 'I'm hungry', well you just think that 'I'm hungry'. . . it's the thought and the animal and. . . and then we eat, and go,"Thank you." Who's talking to who, really?


I would say that the thought is talking to your awareness, your basic awareness, your awareness. So that was watching your thought.


And if you can get into that, you'll see how impartial and unswayed by your life circumstance this witness really is. It's just here, it's neutral, it's just easiness.


It's just this, and it's just watching. It's compassionate, it's involved, it's vested, but it's not really as connected and tied to the events of your life story as you are, as your false self.


So, when those depressions happened, I found it helpful - and this is something Run Dass taught me - is instead of identifying with the depression and saying: "I am depressed." Although that is how I might say to somebody.

所以,当我觉得抑郁的时候,Ram Dass 教给我的一些东西对我很有帮助——就是,你不要去认同抑郁症,不要说:“我抑郁了。”尽管我可能会这样告诉别人。

What I'm thinking is - there is depression. I am noticing. . . it's gonna make me cry. . . I'm seeing depression.


And you can almost. . . it's not denial, it's real and it's valid. But it's a little bit. . . you're a little bit less in the quicksand.


And you go. . . Wow. . . This is what Ram Dass said: "I don't know if people get out of depression like this one. . . look at this one, this is too much." This is. . . but who is noticing it?

Ram Dass 说:“我难以想象人们将如何摆脱这样的抑郁症,看看,太严重了。”但是是谁意识到这点的?

And Ram Dass asked: "Is the part of you that's noticing that depression depressed?" Now I asked my friend that. . . who is depressed and he said 'yes'.

Ram Dass 问:“是意识到抑郁的那部分的你抑郁了吗?”我问了一个抑郁的朋友这个问题,他说:“对,是这样。”

So. . . not everybody is there. Not everybody can get there. In my experience. . . later he did, by the way, we talked about it later.


In my experience, I've had success in getting into the place that goes. . . there is an impartial part of me that's witnessing whatever the feeling is. And I can rest now.


Ram Dass talks about being a candle that's inside, that isn't swayed or flickered by the wind. It' not. . . it's in a quiet place. And when you go in there, you don't resist the depression, you give it a space.

Ram Dass 把它比喻成心里的一根蜡烛,它身处于祥和之地,不会被风吹到而摇摆、闪烁不定。当你进入那种状态,你不会用力抵抗抑郁情绪,而是会给它一些空间。

You observe it, you don't identify with it, you honor it. Sometimes you medicate it, sometimes you go to therapy.


I'm not saying that we need to sit in a cave and heal ourselves. But I'm saying that there is some relief to be had, and not identifying as: "I'm this, I'm sad."


I do it all the time. There is sadness. I'm anxious. There is anxiety.


Look at Pete, he is anxious. And this is every great spiritual mystic. . . through all the time, they've always been doing this, saying St Francis called his body as corpse, he was like, "I drag my corpse around. . . the corpse want to eat."


You know what I mean. . . I don't like it because it kind of put it down. But I always kind of like. . . I say to Valerie a lot of time, I go: "Pete's frustrated!"


You know what I mean? Not "I'm frustrated! This is real!


My parents should. . . they should listen more! My dad still want me to be a baseball player!" Oh, look at Pete go.


Ah, then. . . then you're there. And you're just like. . . you're not being flickered by the wind. Cause that's always gonna be there.


And with practice, with meditation, with mindfulness, and with contemplation and study. . . like reading about it, like talking about it, like these. When we're in it, in real time, not necessarily later - at the beginning it goes like this, you're depressed, and later you look back and go: "Oh, I think I was still this watching me."


And then with practice, when it's happening, you can go: "I can witness this in real time." I can go: "That's happening. It's a phenomenon. It's real. It's to be honored. I understand. But it's not who I really am.


