



kikichanism : Where Did you Buy this 你在哪里买的这个

James B : Sold me. 卖给我。

Slimy Superman : This is not a real “latiao” 这不是真正的“辣条”

Bubbler Gt123 : I eat 8 la Tiao 我吃了8 条

Anujin Chinbat : I want to eat it now. I used to eat it all the time when I was little 我现在想吃。我小时候一直吃它

Killa mike : They are good 他们很好吃

La Lora Loca : Im going get them. I saw them at the asian market, but didn’t know what they were. 我要买。我在亚洲市场看到他们,但不知道他们是什么。

Bella Moslander : I wanna try this ive never seen or heard of this before! If the texture is anything like tteokbokki id love it 我想试试这个我以前从未见过或听说过!如果质地像炒年糕,我会喜欢的。

Miki Havoc

: I just tried this. They were a different brand but they tasted great and no animal products in it. 我刚试过这个。他们是一个不同的品牌,但他们尝起来很棒,里面没有动物肉品。

Frank Morales : I need some of that so I can gain weight lol 我需要一些这样我才能增加体重哈哈

Kyle Helfrich : Now I really wanna try those..I think I’d probably like the flatter ones better 现在我真的想尝尝那些……我想我可能更喜欢那些更阿谀奉承的。

stella Zheng : I love those snack I eat those thing in China but I an the New York now I want it 我喜欢那些小吃。我在中国吃那些东西,但我现在在纽约,我想要它。

Kitty : Those were my childhood food. Sadly they don’t have them in my country ☹️☹️☹️ 那是我童年的食物。遗憾的是,他们在我的国家没有他们

Lovely : Definitely going to try this! 一定要试试这个!

m camrynn : Is it like pork jerky? 像猪肉干吗?

LemansSunset350 : What is this stuff made out of? Is it vegan?? 这东西是用什么做的?是素食主义者吗??

Byul : Yumi you should try making 你应该试着做泡椒凤爪!超容易做又好吃

jdhd udwdivi : in china lots of primary and middle school students and even adults love this thing. i used to buy one pack of this everyday, on my way home from school. 在中国,很多中小学生甚至成年人都喜欢这件事。我以前每天在放学回家的路上买一包。

peng teng : i like this,it is good in china. 我喜欢这个,它在中国很好。

Fridge Tangerine : it’s made of flour or toufu, almost everybody like salty and spicy food, it’s just for that flavor 它是用面粉或豆腐做的,几乎每个人都喜欢咸辣的食物,只是为了那个味道

Bo D : It’s made of gluten. Actually I like it haha. 它是由麸质制成的。其实我喜欢哈哈。

