英語俚語習語學習38: food coma











英語俚語習語學習38: food coma

food coma 飯後昏昏欲睡

the feeling of sleepiness experienced after eating certain types of food, esp carbohydrates


I got food coma after this greasy meal. I guess I need a double espresso or two.

Sorry, I got food coma after this greasy meal. I guess I need a double espresso or two.


*Alike as two peas in a pod: very or exactly alike. 完全相似,一模一樣

Trevor and his brother are as alike as two peas in a pod.

*To bear fruit: if something someone does bears fruit, it produces successful results. 成功

The work he began did not bear fruit until after his death.

*A hot potato: something that is difficult or dangerous to deal with. 燙手的山芋,棘手的事情

The abortion issue is a political hot potato in the United States.

*To be the apple of someone's eye: to be the person who someone loves most and is very proud of. 掌上明珠,極受珍愛的人或事

His youngest son was the apple of his eye.

*As different as chalk and cheese: if two people are as different as chalk and cheese, they are completely different from each other 根本不同,相差甚遠

I don't have anything in common with my brother. We're as different as chalk and cheese.

*Not my cup of tea: if someone or something is not your cup of tea, you do not like them or you are not interested in them 不是我喜歡的事物

If Yeats isn't your cup of tea, why not try some of the more contemporary Irish poets?

*To cry over spilt milk: something that you say which means you should not get upset about something bad that has happened that you cannot change 後悔莫及,覆水難收

Sometimes I regret not taking that job in London. Oh well, there's no point crying over spilt milk.

*Someone's daily bread: a person's food or money that he needs in order to live 每日的生計,謀生之道

He's just lost his job. I don't know how he's going to earn his daily bread.

*In the soup: to be in trouble 有麻煩

This team know that if they lose on Saturday, they'll really be in the soup.

*Chicken feed: a very small amount of money, especially money that is paid for doing a job 少得可憐的報酬

He pays his labourers chicken feed.

*A tough nut to crack: a difficult problem to solve 棘手的事

A company whose product has sold well in the States may find the European market a tougher nut to crack.

*A piece of cake: to be very easy 簡單之極

'How was the test?' 'A piece of cake!'

*As cool as a cucumber: to be very calm and relaxed, especially in a difficult situation 鎮定自若,十分冷靜

I expected him to be all nervous before his interview but he was as cool as a cucumber.

*To have two bites at the cherry: to have another opportunity to achieve something or to get something you want 另一個機會

He just missed a gold medal in the 100 metres, but got another bite at the cherry in the 400 metres.

She failed the exam but she will get a second bite at the cherry next year.

*As easy as pie: to be very easy 十分簡單

Oh, come on! Even a child could do that, it's as easy as pie.

