5種“加油打氣”的英文說法,當然是除了“Come on"

5種“加油打氣”的英文說法,當然是除了“Come on


5種“加油打氣”的英文說法,當然是除了“Come on

Hang in there 撐住啊!

這個字面意思hang in there 就是請你吊在那邊,再忍耐一下,所以後來就衍生成為了再堅持一下下這種加油方式。

“2018 is a year without the Game of Thrones...."2018年《權利遊戲》居然不會連載。。”"Hang in there !At least we have Infinity War coming!"“撐住啊!至少我們還有《復仇者聯盟》”

I'm rooting for you 我支持你!

英文的 to root for 就是支持的意思,相等於to support,所以這是指我支持你的一種加油方式。

“You deserve it !Go ask for your raise,I'm rooting for you!"這是你應得的,去爭取加薪啊,我支持你!No you're not ,You just want to see me get fired! 你才不是,你就是想看我被開除!

You've got this 你沒問題的!

字面上來說You've got this 就是你已經拿到了這一切了嗎?所以就是說,你沒問他,你一定可以達到,一定可以爭取到的。

You've got this !Even if you fail ,you still have a second shot.你沒問題的,就算你沒有考好,還有補考啊!Gee, thanks,That's comforting 我謝謝你噢,你可真會安慰人!

I’ve got your back 我罩你

字面上來看,I’ve got your back有你背後的一切我都會幫你搞定,你可以勇往直前,加油的意思。

Please take care of my girlfriend while I serve in the army.我去當兵時請好好照顧我女朋友。I‘ve got your back !I'll make sure she doesn't betray you unless it's with me "我罩沒問他,我會確保她不會背叛你,除非是跟我。

You're almost there 就快到了

跟hang in there 有一點像,都是快撐著點的加油,就是直譯你已經快要到了的意思。

You're almost there !2 weeks until the exam ,good luck!就快要到了,2個星期就要考試了,祝你們好運!
5種“加油打氣”的英文說法,當然是除了“Come on

