
How to deal with the leaders' tortuous speech



In fact, leaders have difficulties in leadership. They speak implicitly and euphemistically for a reason. Because leaders speak bluntly, they will easily cause contradictions between superiors and subordinates, and they do not want to express any opinions on this matter. Because leaders have leaders above them, and they have to manage the people under them, they also easily offend people.


Therefore, subordinates must be good at listening to the voice of leaders, understand the meaning behind the words, and timely and interestingly eliminate thoughts and ideas that are against leaders.


1. 領導繞彎路說話,我們絕對不能繞彎,有不懂的直接問領導,請教領導


If we make a detour, leaders will not be happy, so we really don't understand. We will talk to leaders directly. But when we say something, we will talk directly. If we are not sure, we will keep silent

2. 注意說話語氣,不要在領導面前說太確定的話


In general, when leaders talk, sometimes they want to cover your words. If we talk too definitely or obviously, leaders will feel disrespectful, or have problems and goals


When dealing with leaders, sometimes no attitude is actually the best attitude

3. 不屬於自己範圍的事,不要發表意見


Sometimes leaders want to ask their subordinates for their opinions and confirm their doubts. Therefore, they should be cautious and do not belong to what they should know. Even if you know it, you'd better pretend not to know it. Because sometimes the more you say it, the easier it is to provoke right and wrong

4. 和領導保持距離,不要經常打小報告


Some people in order to express their loyalty and flatter their leaders, will whisper to them, thinking that this will make them feel loyal. But you need to know that leaders are all experienced professionals in the workplace. If you do this, leaders will only praise you on the face, but they will classify you as a hypocrite in their heart.


Since the leader talks with you alone, you need to know the real purpose of the leader, don't make taboos, don't speak ill of other colleagues behind their backs, which should be said and which shouldn't be said, and you need to be able to grasp the right balance to be in an invincible position.

5. 不要質疑領導的談話,也不要反問


No matter how the leader talks with you, try not to ask questions. This is a very disrespectful behavior to the leader. If you use the rhetorical tone, you will make the leader think that there is a problem with your attitude. At this time, what you say is not important. The leader will only pay more attention to your attitude.


Leaders think that you are resisting him, not giving him face, at least the heart is uncomfortable, will not give you fruit to eat in the future. Therefore, we can't talk to leaders and ask questions.

6. 多替領導分擔工作,嘴要甜,眼中要有活,必要的時候要承擔一部分黑鍋

誰不喜歡勤奮的下屬呢,畢竟領導的工作是很繁忙的,當然也不是特意要我們去分擔,在自己能力範圍內,察言觀色,該做的幫忙做了.如果是領導的決策造成了失誤,也不要覺得自己沒責任,多說一些自己的失誤,工作也沒做好,但是如果領導把責任全部推到你身上,那就是時候 考慮離開了

Who doesn't like hard-working subordinates ,after all, the work of leaders is very busy. Of course, it's not specially for us to share. Within our own ability, we can observe what we say and what we should do. If the decision of leaders causes mistakes, we should not feel that we are not responsible. We should say more about our mistakes and the work is not done well. But if the leaders put all the responsibilities on you, that's the time Consider leaving

一般來說,領導是為了迎合更多人的利益,可能當好人,也可能當壞人,不同的領導,有不同的風格,我們應付什麼樣的領導,我們都要察言觀色,換位思考,滿足領導的需求,反過來來講,也達到自己的目標,做好自己的本職工作,也是為我們自己負責. 祝大家工作順心,早日加薪升職.

