02.25 人大金融交易協會|經濟學人12月刊 Day 7——Poor scores


人大金融交易協會|經濟學人12月刊 Day 7——Poor scores




data point——數據點

asset manager——基金經理


漂綠(Greenwashing)——由“綠色”(green,象徵環保)和“漂白”(whitewash)合成的一個新詞。用來說明一家公司、政府或是組織以某些行為或行動宣示自身對環境保護的付出但實際上卻是反其道而行。這實質上是一種虛假的環保宣傳。這個詞最初在1990年代初期在美國被開始使用,最為人所知的就是在1991年3月和4月間的一本名為《Mother Jones》的左翼雜誌中的文章標題而聲名大噪。18年後,它在中國大行其道。


1. For now investors who use ESG indices often look past the headline scores—and even, in some cases, create their own ESG ratings.

句型解釋:“For now”作狀語引領全句,這裡運用了“who”引導定語從句, “use ESG indices”修飾“investors”。後面接的是“and even”引導的並列句,“in some cases”作為插入語。

2. If ESG data do eventually become more accurate and consistent, it will become harder for bosses and fund managers to engage in “greenwashing”.

句型解釋:“do”表強調,該句為以“if”引導的條件狀語從句,描述ESG可以更加“accurate and consistent”。“it will…greenwashing”為主句,“engage in greenwashing”強調ESG指數的改進方向。


1.For now investors who use ESG indices often look past the headline scores—and even, in some cases, create their own ESG ratings. Issues that they find particularly relevant, such as the flood risks faced by an insurer’s corporate clients, may be buried because ESG ratings average many disparate data points, says Jessica Alsford of Morgan Stanley, a bank.

2.If ESG data do eventually become more accurate and consistent it will become harder for bosses and fund managers to engage in “greenwashing”—massaging indicators without truly changing hue. And investors will be able to pursue more varied and sophisticated ESG targets, says Maria Elena Drew of T. Rowe Price, an asset manager. Big insurers, for example, which are heavily exposed to extreme weather events, will be able to invest their capital in a way that hedges against climate risks. But for now the ESG rating industry is still in its infancy and Ms. Peirce’s criticisms, though blunt, ring true.

1.就目前而言,使用環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)指數的投資者通常看起來會超過頂級得分,甚至在某些情況下創建自己的環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)評級。摩根士丹利銀行(Morgan Stanley)的傑西卡·阿爾斯福德(Jessica Alsford)表示,他們認為特別相關的問題(如保險公司的企業客戶面臨的洪水風險)可能被掩蓋了,因為環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)評級平均化了許多不同的數據點。

2.如果環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)數據最終變得更加準確和一致,那麼老闆和基金經理將更難參與“綠色清洗”運動,即在不真正改變行事風格的情況下操作指標。普信集團(T. Rowe Price)的基金經理麗亞·埃琳娜·德魯(Maria Elena Drew)說,投資人將能夠追求更加多樣化和複雜的環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)目標。例如,承受極端天氣事件的大型保險公司將能夠以對沖氣候風險的方式進行資本投資。但是目前,環境、社會和公司治理(ESG)評級行業仍處於起步階段,皮爾斯女士的批評雖然有些直率,但卻是正確的。

人大金融交易協會|經濟學人12月刊 Day 7——Poor scores


