Lessons worth sharing (一堂好課)

A:Wow, this is so nice and warm .(哇哦,好愉快,好溫暖哦)

B:All the family members are watching the Spring Festival gala together .(全家所有人坐在一起看春晚)

A:Why do you like it so much?(你們為什麼如此的喜歡這個節目)

B:Well, first ,the program is very good .(首先,節目是非常好的)It has all kinds of performance .(它有各種各樣的節目)I like to watch crosstalk and skits .(我喜歡相聲和小品)My father is a big fan of Beijing Opera .(我的父親呢對京劇有很大興趣)My mom likes acrobatics .(我的媽媽喜歡雜技)And my grandpa likes to watch lion dance .(我的爺爺喜歡舞獅)But the program itself is not that good .(其實重要的不是節目本身)It is the feeling .(是要那種感覺)You know after a whole year's work ,all the family members sitting together ,and watching the show together .(你知道嗎,工作了一年了,所有家人都坐在一起看演出)This is precious .(這是彌足珍貴的

Lessons worth sharing (一堂好課)

