《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?


有些朋友可能会纳闷,在中年的深处,当一个女人妥妥地掉进事业和家庭的罗网,被养育孩子和照顾亲人的百种责任焦虑,她还有心思顾及爱情和时尚吗?答案是有的。爱情是生命的动力,即使没有机会亲身经历,但生活中的诗和远方总会被给予遐想的空间。八十八岁的好莱坞影星,世纪美人Tippi Hedren 不久前表示,“我期待下一个让我迅速迷上的男人。” 至于时尚,那是生命中美的动力,比爱情还重要。


“After all, seasons change, so do cities; people come into your life and people go. But it’s comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you’re very lucky, a plane ride away.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Maybe the best any of us can do is not to quit, play the hand we’ve been given, and accessorize the outfit we've got.” –Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Being single used to mean that nobody wanted you. Now it means you’re pretty sexy and you’re taking your time deciding how you want your life to be and who you want to spend it with.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“And then I realised something, twenty-something girls are just fabulous, until you see one with the man who broke your heart.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“When men attempt bold gestures, generally it’s considered romantic. When women do it, it’s often considered desperate or psycho.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I will not be the first one to speak. And if he never calls me again, I’ll always think of him fondly, as an asshole.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I used to think those people who sat alone at Starbucks writing on their laptops were pretentious posers. Now I know: They are people who have recently moved in with someone.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"Life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many chances to get it right." - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Some love stories aren't epic novels, some are short stories。But, that doesn't make them any less filled with love.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I love you, but I love me more.”- Samantha


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Listen to me! The right guy is an illusion.Start living your lives.” — Samantha


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“If I worried what every bitch in New York was saying about me, I’d never leave the house.”- Samantha


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"Oh please, there’s always a competition with an ex, it’s called ‘who’ll die miserable?" - Samantha


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“You can’t swing a Fendi purse without knocking over 5 losers. Where did all the great guys go? - Samantha

你挥一下Fendi包包能砸到五个以上loser。 好男人都去哪里了?

《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I feel the same way about being a bridesmaid as you feel about Botox. Painful and unnecessary." - Samantha


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I’m a 34-year-old woman with braces and I’m on a liquid diet. Pain doesn’t begin to cover it.” – Miranda


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"In a courtroom, reasonable doubt can get you off for murder. In an engagement, it makes you feel like a bad person" - Miranda


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“It’s like those guys you have the greatsecond date with, and then never heard from them again. I pretend they died.” –Miranda


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“He is just not into you.Move on.” – Miranda


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I just know no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just wanna give up.” –Charlotte

我只知道无论自我感觉有多好,一看见Christy Turlington (超模) 我就只想放弃。

《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I’ve been dating since I was fifteen. I’m exhausted. Where is he?” – Charlotte


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"One woman's trash is another woman's treasure." - Charlotte


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"It takes half the total time you went out with someone to get over them." - Charlotte


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I like my money right where I can seeit…hanging in my closet.” – Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“It’s just a little bag, but we’d feel naked in public without it.” – Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I’m not afraid of heights…have you seen my shoes?” – Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Shopping is my cardio.” – Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I bought Vogue instead of dinner. I found it fed me more.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

"I could understand a word she was saying, but I felt I had in my possession all the Italian I'd ever need to know, Dolce, Dolce, Dolce” - Carrie

她说的什么我一个字也听不懂,但是我感觉自己只需知道一个意大利词:Dolce, Dolce, Dolce。

《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“Every year the women of New York leave the past behind and look forward to the future. This is known as Fashion Week.” - Carrie


《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

“I'd like a cheeseburger, large fries, and a cosmopolitan.” – Carrie

请给我来一个芝士汉堡,大份薯条,和一杯cosmopolitan (鸡尾酒)。

《欲望都市》里的爱情和时尚lesson, 我们学到多少?

SATC, Happy 20th Anniversary!

