把“站穩腳跟” 說成“stand firm”,在外企工作,難以站穩腳跟


比如,要表達“採取一切方法”,翻譯成try all the ways也可以,但是遠不如employ all possible means 顯得地道;要表達“有競爭力,有競爭餘地”,翻譯成have the power in the competition,語句錯亂,地道的表達是has edge on competition,單詞edge有“優勢”的意思,你可能從來沒有想過;說到“價格偏高”,翻譯成the price is expensive,那就完全錯誤,價格price不能用expensive來形容,只能用high,low,地道表達是the price is on the high side;要表達“做成這筆交易”,翻譯成make the business done,老外不知所云,一般都說pull the transaction through。

很多同學遇到自己不熟悉的表達,總是會說,怎麼那麼生僻!其實是你見識不夠多而已。我們現在來學習如何用英語表達“站穩腳跟”這個概念。筆者看到很多搞笑的翻譯,比如說stand firm,let the heel of the feet be stable,其實都不對。這樣的英語水平,暫時難以在競爭激烈的外企站穩腳跟,需要努力進步。一般來說,

可以把“站穩腳跟”翻譯成have a firm footing in sth。單詞footing 是“立足,站穩”的意思,lose one's footing 就表達“站不穩”。

我們通過例句學習have a firm footing的用法:

The company now has a firm footing in the marketplace.


He has worked there for five years and now has a firm footing in the company.


我們需要努力提高自己,才能在公司或者優質崗位上站穩腳跟。總結今天內容:採取一切方法 employ all possible means;有競爭餘地 has edge on competition;價格偏高 the price is on the high side;做成這筆交易 pull the transaction through。