

Starter unit 1


1.早上好! Good morning!

2.下午好! Good afternoon!

3.晚上好!Good evening!

4.你好嗎?How are you?

5.我很好,謝謝!I am fine, thanks.

6.我還行. I’m ok.

7.你好?How do you do?

Starter unit 2

(一) 重點詞組、短語

1.用英語 in English

2.一幅地圖 a map

3.一個橙子 an orange

4.一床被子 a quilt

5.拼寫它 spell it


1.這個用英語怎麼說?What is this in English?

2.它是一把尺子. It’s a ruler.

3.請拼寫它. Spell it , please.

4.拼寫(ruler) R-U-L-E-R.

Starter unit 3

(一) 重點詞組、 短語

1.什麼顏色 what color

2.黑白相間 black and white

3.一件綠色得夾克衫 a green jacket

4.一塊橡皮 an eraser


1.它是什麼顏色的? What color is it?

2.它是紅色的。 It is red.

3.它是一支藍色的鋼筆。It’s a blue pen.

4.它是黑白相間的。It’s black and white.

5.這支鋼筆是黑色的。 The pen is black.

6.這是一塊白色的橡皮。This is a white eraser.

Unit 1 My name’s Gina.


1.你的名字 your name

2.她的名 her first/given name

3.他的姓 his last / family name

4.電話號碼 telephone number

5.一張身份證 an ID card

6.中學 middle school


1.我叫吉娜. My name is Gina.

2.我是吉姆. I am Jim.

3.你叫什麼名字?What’s your name?

4.看到你很高興. Nice to meet you.

5.看到你也很高興. Nice to meet you, too.

6.她的名是什麼? What’s her first name?

7.他姓什麼? What’s his last name?

8.她姓史密斯. Her last name is smith.


What’s your telephone number, Li Xin?


What’s her telephone number?

11.他的身份證是多少? What’s his ID card number?

Unit 2 This is my sister.

( 一 )重點詞組、短語

1.他的姐姐 his sister

2.我的哥哥 my brother

3.家譜 family tree

4.一張…的照片 a photo/picture of …

5.我的全家福 my family photo 或a photo of my family


1.這是你的鉛筆嗎? Is this your pencil?

2.是的,它是。Yes, it is.

3.不,它不是。No, it isn’t.

4.那是Tim的書嗎? Is that Tim’s book?

5.你怎樣拼寫它? How do you spell it?

6.謝謝你. Thank you/Thanks.

7.不用謝. That’s all right./ That’s OK./ You’re welcome

5.那是我的祖父母。 Those are my grandparents.

6.謝謝你的全家福。 Thanks for the photo of your family.

7.這是我的家庭照片。This is my family photo.

Unit 3 Is this your pencil?


1.鉛筆盒 pencil box

2.請原諒。 Excuse me

3.謝謝你。Thank you


Thank you for your help.

Thanks for helping me.

4.電腦遊戲 computer game

5.失物招領 Lost and Found

6.一套鑰匙 a set of keys

7.我的筆記本 my notebook

8.這本字典 this dictionary

(二) 重點句子

1.這些是你的書嗎? Are these your books?

2.是的,它們是。Yes, they are.

3.不,它們不是。No, they aren’t.


Is this your brother? Yes, it is.


Is this your sister? No, it isn’t.

6.打電話4953539找Allan。 Call Allan at 4953539.

Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?


1.在書包裡 in the schoolbag

2.在床上 on the bed

3.在椅子下 under the chair

4.英語課本English book

5.在沙發上 on the sofa

6.在桌子下under the table

7.在書桌上 on the desk

8.飛機模型 model plane

9.錄音機 tape player

10.在書架上 in the bookcase

(二) 重點句子

1.“書包在哪兒?” “在桌子下面。”

—Where's the schoolbag? —It's under the table.



—Where's the map?

—I think it's in your grandparents' room.

3.“你的書在哪兒?” “它們在椅子上。”

—Where are your books? —They are on the chair.

4.鑰匙在書架上。The keys are in the bookcase.

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?

( 一 )重點詞組、短語

1.打籃球 play basketball

2.看電視 watch TV

3.打排球 play volleyball


sound interesting/relaxing /easy/difficult

5.去同一所學校 go to the same school

6.Let's go! 我們走吧!

7.let sb.do sth. 讓_(使)_某人做某事

8.play tennis 打網球

9.ping-pong bat乒乓球拍

10.play computer games 玩電子遊戲


1.你們有足球嗎?Do you have a soccer ball?

2.他們有乒乓球拍嗎? Do they have a ping-pong bat ?

3.我們有籃球嗎? Do we have a basketball ?

4.是的,我們有。Yes, we do.

5.不,我們 No, we don’t.

6.我沒有許多排球. I don’t have many volleyballs.

7.你沒有姐妹. You don’t have a sister.

8.你們沒有數學書. You don’t have a math book.

9.他們沒有祖父母. They don’t have grandparents.

10.她有一個弟弟. She has a brother.

11.林濤有5只鉛筆. Lin Tao has five pencils.

12.它有一個名字. It has a name.


My sister doesn’t have a pencil box.

14.讓我們一起打籃球吧. Let’s play basketball.

15.讓我們一起看電視吧. Let’s watch TV.

16.聽起來不錯. That sounds good.

17.聽起來很無聊. That sounds boring.

18.但是,他不做運動。 But, he doesn’t play sports.

19.他只是通過電視觀看他們. He only watches them on TV.

20.他每天做運動. She plays sports every day.

21.我每天打排球. I play volleyball every day.

22.足球對我來說很難。Soccer is difficult for me.

Unit6 Do you like bananas?


1.一些雞肉 some chicken

2.五個西紅柿 five tomatoes

3.許多漢堡 many / lots of hamburgers

4.八個草莓 eight strawberries

5.一些冰激凌 some ice cream

6.四塊手錶 four watches

7.二串鑰匙 two sets of keys

8.六個男孩 six boys

9.吃早餐 have breakfast

10.吃午餐 have lunch

11.吃晚餐 have dinner

12.就早餐而言 for breakfast

13.就午餐而言 for lunch

14.就晚餐而言 for dinner

15.運動明星 sports star

16.健康食品 healthy food

17.保持健康 keep healthy

18.一本有趣的書 an interesting book

19.怎樣 / 如何 how about /what about

20.不健康的食品 unhealthy food

21.飲食習慣 eating habits

22.是健康的 be healthy be in good health

23.喜歡做某事 like doing sth like to do sth

24.想要做某事 want to do sth would like to do sth


1.我喜歡沙拉. I like salad.

2.你喜歡香蕉嗎? Do you like bananas?

3.他們不喜歡西紅柿. They don’t like tomatoes.

4.我喜歡健康食品. I like healthy food.

5.我妹妹喜歡草莓. My sister likes strawberries.


His brother doesn’t like ice cream.


Does her father like vegetables?

8.讓我們吃些雞肉吧. Let’s have some chicken.

9.它喜歡胡蘿蔔嗎? Does it like carrots?

10.讓我們吃些水果吧. Let’s have some fruit.

11.我不喜歡沙拉和冰淇凌. I don’t like salad or ice cream.


He doesn’t like vegetables, but he likes fruit.

13.她不喜歡打排球. She doesn’t like playing volleyball.


She has hamburgers, eggs and pears for dinner


What does your father have for lunch?

16.我不想變胖。I don't want to be fat.

Unit7 How much are these socks?


1.多少錢 how much

2.七美元 seven dollars

3.五元錢 five yuan

4.她的鞋 her shoes

5.傑姆的白色襪子 Jim’s white socks

6.我妹妹的短褲 my sister’s shorts

7.兩條褲子 two pairs of trousers

8.一件長的紅色的毛衣 a long red sweater


two yellow and green skirts

10.一頂大的藍色帽子 a big blue hat


a short black t-shirt

12.兩個小包 two small bags

13.什麼顏色 what color

14.給你 here you are

15.不用客氣 you’re welcome

16.服裝店 a clothes store

17.以很便宜的價錢 at a very good price

at very good prices

18.穿紅色衣服的女孩 a girl in red

紫色的裙子 skirts in purple

19.運動鞋 sports shoes

20.…的價格 the price of …

21.廉價出售;大促銷 on sale

22. 在我們的特價售賣會上 at our great sale



How much is the red T-shirt?

What’s the price of the T-shirt?

2.它是28美元. It’s 28 dollars.


How much are these black pants?

4.它們10元. They are 10 yuan.


How much is that small red hat?

What is the price of that small red hat?


Can I help you?/ May I help you?

what can I do for you?


I want to buy a sweater.

I want a sweater.

8.你想要什麼顏色的? What color do you want?

9.給你. Here you are.

10.我將買下它. I’ll take it.

11.我將買下它們. I’ll take them.

12.不用客氣. You’re welcome.


Come and buy your clothes for yourself!


Come and buy your clothes at our great sale.


We have sweaters for only 15 dollars.

17.你需要運動包嗎? Do you need bags for sports?


For girls,we have t-shirts in red,green and white for only 18 yuan.


The green shorts are only 20 dollars.


We have sweaters in all colors for 15 yuan each.

Unit8 When is your birthday?


1.第五課 Lesson Five /the fifth lesson

2. 12個月 twelve months

3.第12個月 the twelfth month

4.第20天 the twentieth day

6.在1月28日 on January 28th

7.在1996年12月25日 on December 25th ,1996

8.在十月份 in October

9.在2008年 8月 in August,2008

10.在3月11日上午 on the morning of March 11th

在週五下午on Frinday afternoon/on the afternoon of Friday

11.每年 every year

12.生日聚會 birthday party

13.生日快樂!Happy birthday!

我十歲生日 my tenth birthday

14.幾歲 how old

15.圖書甩賣 book sale

16.足球賽soccer game

17.school trip學校旅行

18.volleyball game 排球賽

19.School Day 校慶日

20.art festival 藝術節

21.English Day 英語日



When is your birthday? It’s on January 15th.


When is your mother’s birthday ?

3.她多大了? How old is she?

4.你多大了? 我十五歲。

How old are you ?

I’m fifteen./ I’m fifteen years old.

5.祝你生日快樂! Happy birthday to you!


February is the second month of a year.


The last month of a year is December.


Do you have a school day at your school?

9.他的生日是8月14日。 His birthday is August 14th.


We have a school trip on November 22nd.

11.你的年齡是多大? How old are you?

What’s your age ? What’s the age of you?


Do you have an art festival at your school?

13.今天是11月23號。 It is November 23rd.

14.今天幾月幾號?What’t the date today.

15.今天星期幾?What day is it today?

16.今天幾月幾日,星期幾?What’s today?


When and where do you have a party?

Unit9 My favorite subject is science.

( 一 )重點詞組、短語

1.上數學課have math

2.在星期一on Monday

3.兩個小時two hours

4.第二天 the next day

5.當然;確定 for sure

6.上美術課 have an art lesson

7.最喜愛的科目favorite subject

8.音樂老師 music teacher

9.與某人玩耍play with sb.

玩某物play with sth

10.思考,考慮 think about

11.從…到… from … to …

12.忙碌 be busy

13.下課後 after class


be busy doing sth / be busy with sth

15.最喜歡…. like…best



What’s your favorite subject?/ What subject do you like best?


My favorite subject is science./ I like science best.

3.你為什麼喜歡歷史? Why do you like history?

4.因為它有趣。 Because it’s interesting.

5.他為什麼喜歡藝術? Why does he like art?

6.她為什麼喜歡體育? Why does she like P.E.?


What is your favorite food? Hamburgers.


What is his favorite color? Yellow.


What is your favorite vegetable? Broccoli.

10.誰是你的數學老師? Who is your math teacher?

11.我確實很忙。I’m really busy.

12.午飯後,我上語文課。 After lunch, I have Chinese.


After class, I have volleyball for two hours.

14.我喜歡和我的狗一起玩。I like to play with my dog.


We have two Chinese classes on Monday.


We have math from seven to nine in the morning.

