

Starter Unit1 Good morning.

1. 早上(上午)/下午/晚上好。Good morning/afternoon/evening.答語也相同。在熟人或家人之間可省略good。熟人之間的問候可加上稱呼語,稱呼語放在問候語之後且用逗號隔開。如:Good morning , class!同學們,早上好!△Good night!晚安(晚間告別用語)

2. Hello, Frank! 你好,弗蘭克。

3. A: How are you? 你(身體)好嗎?

B: (I’m) fine/Very well/I’m OK. Thank you./Thanks. How are you? / And you? 我很好。謝謝。你呢?

A: (I’m) fine/OK, too. 我也很好。

4. thanks = thank you 謝謝

5. HB(鉛筆芯)硬黑



Starter Unit2 What’s this in English?

1. What’s this/that? 這/那是什麼?

It’s a/an + 單數物品 (△不說This/That is...)

1)—What’s this/that? 這/那是什麼?

—It’s a ruler. (這/那是)直尺。

2) What’s this/that? 這/那是什麼?

It’s an apple. (這/那是)蘋果。

2. What’s this/that in English? 這/那用英語怎麼說?

It’s a/an + 單數物品 (△不說This/That is...)

What’s this in English? 這用英語怎麼說?

It’s a jacket. 夾克衫

What’s that in English? 那用英語怎麼說?

It’s an orange. 橘子。

in + 語言:用某種語言

in Chinese/English/Japanese用漢/英/日語

英語中還可用What’s the English for….?表達同樣的含義。

What’s the English for直尺?直尺用英語怎麼說?

It’s a ruler. 是ruler。

3. a 和an是不定冠詞,只用在可數名詞單數前面,表示“一”。a用在以輔音音素開頭的單詞前;an用在以元音音素開頭的單詞前。這裡的元音音素和輔音音素是指讀音,而不是指字母。如:

a pen /pen/ 一支鋼筆 (/p/為輔音音素) a UFO

an orange /'ɒrindʒ/ 一個桔子 (/ɒ/為元音音素)

There/s an“l”and a“u”in the word “blue”.

4. P 停車場;停車位

NBA (美國)全國籃球協會

kg 千克 ;公斤

5. Spell it, please. = Please spell it. 請拼讀它。

K – E - Y.

Spell “pen”, please. = Please spell pen. 請拼讀“pen”。

P – E - N.


Starter Unit3 What color is it?

1. What’s this/that? 這/那是什麼?

It’s V. 這是V。


2. 問顏色:What color is/are...?

1) What color is + 單數名詞?It’s /It is + 顏色.

2) What color are + 複數名詞?They’re/They are + 顏色.


1) What color is the key?(這把)鑰匙是什麼顏色的?

It’s (It is)yellow. (它是)黃色的。

2) What color are the keys? 這些鑰匙是什麼顏色的?

They’re (They are) red.(它們)是紅色的。

3. color

1) n.顏色

2) v. 給......著色,把......染成某種顏色

color sth + 顏色:把某物塗成……顏色

Color the pencil red. 把鉛筆塗成紅色。

4. It’s black and white. 它是黑白色的。

5. S 小號的

M 中號的

L 大號的

UFO 不明飛行物

CCTV 中國中央電視臺

UN 聯合國

6. The key is yellow. 鑰匙是黃色的。

The是定冠詞,表示“這(個),那(個),這些,那些” ,在元音音素前讀/ ði: /,在輔音音素前讀/ ðə /。它可以用在名詞前,表示特指說話雙方都知道的人或物,或上文提到的人或物。

1) The book on the desk is mine. 桌子上的書是我的。(特指)

2) Where is the teacher? 老師在哪?(雙方都知道)

3) He has a pen, the pen is black. 他有支鋼筆,鋼筆是黑色的。(指上文提到的事物)

Unit1 My name’s Gina.

1. 介紹自己:My name’s+名字 我的名字叫......

I’m+名字 我是......

2. 詢問姓名

1) What’s your name? 你叫什麼名字?

Alan艾倫。/ My name’s Alan. 我的名字叫艾倫。/I’m Alan. 我叫艾倫。

2) What’s his name? 他叫什麼名字?

His name’s Eric. 他的名字叫埃裡克。/He’s Eric. 他叫埃裡克。( He’s = He is )

3) What’s her name? 她叫什麼名字?

Her name’s Mary. 她的名字叫瑪麗。/She’s Mary. 她叫瑪麗。 ( She’s = She is )

3. Nice to meet you. 見到你很高興。(初次見面用語。)

回答:Nice to meet you. 或Nice to meet you, too.

4. How do you do? 你好!回答:How do you do? 你好!

5. Mr ,Mrs ,Miss 和Ms

Mr ['mistə(r)] 先生

Miss [mis] 小姐,女士;(年輕未婚女子)

Mrs ['misiz] 太太;夫人(用於已婚婦女姓名前)

Ms. [miz] 女士

6. Is he Jack? 他是傑克嗎?

Yes, he is. 是的,他是。

No, he isn’t. His name’s Mike. 不,他不是。他的名字叫邁克。

7. Are you Helen? 你是海倫嗎?

Yes, I am.是的,我是。/ No, I’m not. I’m Gina. 不,我不是。我是吉娜。

8. 英美人的姓名與中國人的姓名順序相反,名在前,姓在後。如Jim Green, 名是Jim,姓是Green。

△名字:first name(第一個名字)或 given name

姓氏:last name(最後的名字)或family name(家族的名字)

全名:full name

9. 問電話號碼:What’s your/his/her telephone number?

It’s + 號碼.


10. is/am/are的用法:

I用am, you用are.

1) I am 14, how old are you? 我14歲,你多大了?


2) He/She is a student.他/她是個學生。What color is it?


3) The key is yellow.鑰匙是黃色的。

4)He and I are students. 他和我都是學生。

11. ID card 身份證 school ID card 學生證

12. Three and five is eight. 三加五等於八。

What’s nine and seven? 九加七等於幾?

Unit2 This is my sister.

1. parent: father or mother 父親或母親

parents: father and mother父母(雙)親

2. 介紹他人

1) This / That is...這/那位是......

2)These / Those are...這/那些是......

This is my friend Jane.這(位)是我的朋友簡

That is my grandfather. 那(位)是我的祖父。

These are my brothers. 這些是我的兄弟。

Those are my parents. 那些是我的父母。

3. 指示代詞

this / these 這/這些。一般用來指時間或空間上較近的事物。

that / those 那/那些。一般用來指時間或空間上較遠的事物。

4. This is my friend. 複數:These are my friends.

That is my brother. 複數:Those are my brothers.

5. Who’s she? 她是誰?She’s my sister. 她是我妹妹。

Who’s he? 他是誰?He’s my brother. 她是我哥哥。

Who’re they? 他們是誰?They’re my grandparents. 他們是我的祖父母。

Who’s = Who is;

Who’re = Who are;

She’s = She is;

He’s = He is;

They’re =They are

6. Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。

7. Have a good day! 願你們(一天)玩得高興!該句用於表達祝願,祝願對方一天裡有好的心情和運氣。Day還可用morning, afternoon,evening等詞語代替。

Have a good evening, you two! 祝你們倆晚上玩個痛快!

8. You, too. 你(們)也一樣。

9. Bye / Bye-bye / Good-bye 再見

10. thanks = thank you 謝謝

11. the photo of your family = your family photo

12.Here are two nice photos of my family. 這有兩張我家人的漂亮照片。

Here are …表示“這是……;這(兒)有……”,用於介紹或引入話題,也可用Here is … 來表示單數的概念。

Here is your book. 這是你的書。

13. family

2) 指家庭時是一個整體概念,是單數。

如: The family is rich.這個家庭很富有。

His family is a big family. 他的家庭是個大家庭。

2) 指家人時是複數,因為它指家庭成員。

Our family all like playing football. 我們家的人(家庭成員)喜歡踢足球。

My family are watching TV at home. 我家人正在家看電視。

14. family tree 家譜(家庭關係圖)

male 男;female 女

15.名詞複數(English book, Page94.)


1) 一般情況在詞尾加-s ,清輔音後讀/s/,濁輔音和元音後讀/z/。如:book----books /buks/ desk---desks /desks/ bag----bags /bægz/ game----games /geimz/ key----keys /ki:z/

2) 以s, x, sh, ch,等結尾的詞加-es,讀/iz/. 如:

bus----buses /bʌsiz/ box----boxes /bɒksiz/ fish----fishes /’fiʃiz/ watch----watches /’wɒtʃiz/

3) 以輔音字母加y結尾的詞,變y為i,再加-es。讀/z/。如:

family----families baby----babies party----parties strawberry----strawberries

4) 以f或fe結尾的詞

①變f或fe為ves,讀/vz/。該類詞有:knife刀,life生命,wife妻子,self自己,leaf葉 子,thief賊,half一半,wolf狼,等等。


③兩種都可以的有:handkerchief手絹----handkerchiefs / handkerchieves


①以“輔音字母+o”結尾的詞,有生命的加-es,如:potato----potatoes,tomato----tomatoes, hero英雄----heroes;無生命的加-s,如:photo----photos, kilo----kilos, piano----pianos

②以“元音字母+o” 結尾的詞,加-s,如:radio----radios, zoo----zoos


man--men男人,woman--women女人,a man teacher- two men teachers,foot--feet腳,tooth-- teeth牙齒,mouse--mice老鼠,child--children孩子,deer---deer鹿,sheep--sheep綿羊,Russian---Russians俄國人,German---Germans德國人,American--- Americans美國人,Chinese--- Chinese中國人,Japanese--- Japanese日本人,Swiss--- Swiss瑞士人

Unit3 Is this your pencil?

1. 人稱代詞和物主代詞

1) 人稱代詞作主語時用主格;作賓語時用賓格;作表語時用主格或賓格,但在口語中常用賓格。

① I(作主語)am hungry, please give me(作賓語)something to eat. 我餓了,請給我一些吃的東西。

② I like her, and she likes me , too. 我喜歡她,她也喜歡我。

③ Who told him that news? 誰告訴他那個消息的?

④ It’s me/I. 是我。

2) 並列人稱代詞的排列順序:人稱代詞在並列使用時,單數的順序是第二人稱→第三人稱→第一人稱;複數的順序是第一人稱→第二人稱→第三人稱。

you, he, and I 你,我,他

you and I我和你

he and I 我和他

you and he 你和他

we and you 我們和你們

you and they 你們和他們

we, you and they我們,你們和他們

3) 形容詞性物主代詞修飾名詞,必須放在名詞前面,相當於形容詞,在句中作定語。名詞性物主代詞相當於名詞(即指代名詞,後面不能再加名詞),在句中作主語、表語或賓語。

This is your ruler, it is not mine.這是你的尺子,不是我的。

2. Is this/that...? 這/那是......嗎?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 是的,這/那(它)是。/ 不,這/那(它)不是。

△回答時,要用it來代替this和that。不可回答Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isn’t.

1)Is this your pencil ?這是你的鉛筆嗎?

Yes, it is. It’s mine是的,它是我的(鉛筆)。

No, it isn’t. It’s hers. 不,不是的。這是她的(鉛筆)

2)Is that your schoolbag? 那是你的書包嗎?

Yes, it is. It’s mine. 是的,它是我的(書包)。

No, it isn’t. It’s his. 不,不是的。那是他的(書包)

It’s = It is isn’t = is not


3. Are these/those… ? 這/那些是……嗎?

Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t. 是的,這/那些(它們)是。/ 不,這/那些(它們)不是。

△回答時,要用they來代替these和those。不可回答Yes, these / those are / No, these / those aren’t.

1) Are these your books? 這些是你的書嗎?

Yes, they are.是的,這些(它們)是。

No, they aren’t. They are hers. 不,這些(它們)不是。這些是她的(書)。

2) Are those her keys? 那些是她的鑰匙嗎?

Yes, they are.是的,那些(它們)是。

No, they aren’t. They are mine. 不,那些(它們)不是。那些是我的(書)。

aren’t = are not

4. Excuse me. 請原諒/打擾了(客套語,用於問別人問題、請別人幫忙、打斷別人說話等場合。)

Sorry/I’m sorry. “對不起,抱歉”(用於向別人表示歉意)

A: Excuse me. Where is my pen? 打擾了,我的鋼筆在那?

B: Sorry/I’m sorry, I don’t know. 對不起,我不知道。

5. What / how about …? “……怎麼樣?” “……又如何呢?”。後接名詞,代詞或動名詞。


How about going out for a walk? 出去散散步好嗎?

What about another cake? 再吃塊蛋糕好嗎?


What about her playing the violin? (你認為)她的小提琴拉的怎麼樣?

What about the TV play? 那個電視劇怎麼樣?

3) 詢問天氣或身體等情況。例如:

What about the weather in your home town? 你們家鄉的氣候如何?

How about your uncle now? You can’t leave him by himself. 你叔叔近來身體好嗎?你們不能單獨讓他生活。

4) 寒暄時用作承接上下文的轉折語。例如:

I am from Beijing. What about you? 我是北京人,你呢?

5) 對所陳述的情況做出反詰,常給予對方一種暗示。例如:

——My memory is good. I’ve never forgotten anything.我的記憶力很好,從不忘記什麼。

——What about that time you left your key to the office at home?那次你將辦公室的鑰匙忘在家裡算是怎麼回事呀?

6. thanks / thank you for... 因......而感謝

for是介詞,後接n/pron/v-ing. (名詞、代詞、動名詞)

Thanks for the photo of your family. 謝謝你的全家福照片。

Thanks for helping me. 謝謝你幫助我。

Thank you for your help. 謝謝你的幫助。

7. 如何用英語表示感謝


It‘s very kind of you. 你太好了,多謝你了。

Thank you. 謝謝你。

Thank you very much. 非常感謝。

Thank you very much indeed. 真是太感謝你了。

Thanks. 謝謝。

Thanks a lot. 多謝。

Thanks very much. 非常感謝。

Thanks so much. 非常感謝。

Many thanks. 多謝。


Not at all. 別客氣;不用謝;哪兒的話。

You are welcome. 不用謝。

That‘s all right. 沒什麼;不用謝。

That‘s OK. 沒什麼;不用謝。

Please don‘t mention it. 不用客氣;不用謝。

It‘s [It was] a pleasure. 不用客氣;不用謝。

A pleasure. 不用客氣;不用謝。

It is (was) my pleasure. 別客氣,這是我高興做的。

My pleasure. 不客氣,這是我高興做的事。

No problem. 不客氣;不用謝。

It‘s [It was] nothing. 沒什麼;不客氣。

8. How do you spell...? 你怎麼拼寫/讀……?

A: How do you spell“red”? B: R-E-D.


Spell it, please. 請把它拼寫出來。

Can you spell it, please? 請把它拼寫出來好嗎?

Do you know how to spell it? 你知道它如何拼寫嗎?

9. ask for…. 請求/要…… 如:I’ll ask for two pencils. 我將要兩支鉛筆。

ask sb for sth 向某人請求/要某物 ask the teacher for help 向老師求助

10. call sb at + 電話號碼:“撥打......號碼找某人”

Call Alan at 495-3539.撥打495-3539找艾倫

11. E-mail me at [email protected]. (請)給我[email protected]這個郵箱發郵件。

1)at 放在電子郵箱的地址或電話號碼等前面,表示“根據……;按照……”


12. I must find it. 我必須找到它。

13. a set of... 一套/副/串......

a set of keys 一串鑰匙

a set of...作句子的主語時,應看作一個整體,謂語動詞用單數。如:

A set of keys is on the desk. 有串鑰匙在桌子上。

14. Is that your computer game in the lost and found case? 那個在失物招領箱裡的電子遊戲機是你的嗎?

in the lost and found case 在失物招領箱裡

Unit4 Where’s my backpack?

1. 談論物品的位置

Where’s + 單數物品?t’s + 介詞短語.

Where are + 複數物品?They’re +

1) Where’s the baseball? It’s in the backpack. 棒球在哪?在揹包裡。


2) Where’s my computer game? It’s under the bed.我的電子遊戲機在哪?在床下面。

3) Where are your books? They’re on the chair.你的書在哪?在椅子上。

4) Where are the keys? They’re on the dresser.鑰匙在哪?在梳妝檯上。

名詞前已有作定語的this, that, my, your, some, any, each, every等代詞,則不用冠詞。

2. 表位置的介詞

on 在......上(兩者相接觸)

in 在......裡

under 在......下面(正下方)

3. Come on, Jack! 快點兒,傑克!= Hurry (up), Jack!

4. Gina’s books are everywhere. 吉娜的書到處都是。

5. I don’t know. 我不知道。

6. take sb/sth to + 地點:把某人/某物帶到某地。

take “帶走,拿走”表示從近處帶到遠處,從說話者的地方帶到別的地方。

7. Can you bring some things to school? 你能帶些東西到學校嗎?


8. some和any(一些)

1) some一般用於肯定句,an

2) 在表示請求、建議、徵求意見等委婉語氣的疑問句中,用some而不用any。


①Can you bring some things to school? 你能帶些東西到學校嗎?

②Would you like some apples? 你想要一些蘋果嗎?

9. on the wall與in the wall(在牆上)

圖畫、黑板、風箏等“在牆上”,是因為它們在牆的表面,故用on the wall。

門窗、釘子、洞、孔等“在牆上”,是因為它們在牆的裡面,故用in the wall。

10. 名詞所有格

在英語中,當我們表達“我的”“你的”“他的”時,用代詞my, your, his等。如果要表示“某個(些)人的”時,可以在某個(些)人後加’s來表示所有關係,這種形式我們稱為所有格。如Mike的父親:Mike’s father, 我媽媽的名字:my mother’s name

△ 構成:1)單數名詞加’s. 2)以s結尾的複數名詞加’讀音不變。

the teachers’room(老師們的房間)

△ 表共同所有,在最後一個名詞後加“’s”。

Jim and Tom’s mother 吉姆和湯姆的母親(共同所有)

△ 表各自所有,在每個名詞後加“’s”

Jim’s room and Tom’s room are both big. 吉姆的房間和湯姆的房間都很大。(各自所有)

Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball?

1. Do you have...? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.


Do they have...? Yes, they do. /No, they don’t.

Does he have...? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.

Does she have...? Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.


2. do/does


Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球嗎?

I don’t know. 我不知道。

Does Jim have a sister? 吉姆有妹妹嗎?

What does he like? 他喜歡什麼?

He doesn’t like English. 他不喜歡英語。


I do my homework every day. 我每天都做家庭作業。

Bob does his homework every day. 鮑勃每天都做家庭作業。

3)在一般現在時中,do/does 可用來替代上文出現過的動詞,以避免重複。

Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球嗎?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。(do 代have)

Does she have an eraser? Yes, she does.

I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我沒有足球,但我的哥哥艾倫有。

3. Let’s do sth. “(讓)我們做某事吧。”表示建議。(let’s = let us)

肯定回答一般用That sounds good.(那聽起來很好)/OK.好的 / All right.好的 / Great.好極了/ Good idea. 好主意

否定回答一般用sorry, I...

4. let sb. do sth. 讓某人作某事

5. We’re late! 我們遲到了!

be late for…. ……遲到

Don’t be late for school. 不要上學遲到。

6. play + 球類名詞:打/踢……球(注意:球類運動不用冠詞)

play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer

7. sound

1) 連繫動詞,“聽起來”,後接形容詞作表語。

That story sounds very interesting. 那故事聽起來很有趣。


The sound is too loud. 聲音太大了。

8. We play it at school with our friends. 我們和我們的朋友在學校踢。

1)at school 在學校

2)with “和;與;跟……在一起”

9. It’s easy for me.這對我來說挺容易的。



Is this apple for me? 這個蘋果是給我的嗎?

Here is a letter for your mother. 這兒有你媽媽的一封信。


Do you need bags for sports? 你需要運動包嗎?

I need a cup for milk. 我需要一個裝牛奶的杯子。


For lunch, I like hamburgers and salad. 午飯我喜歡漢堡和沙拉。

For girls, we have T-shirts in all colors.女孩子們可以買到各種顏色的T恤衫。


You can buy socks for only 5 dollars each. 你可以買到每雙只賣5美元的襪子。

5)for oneself 親自

Come and see for yourself. 你親自來看看吧。


1. near here 在這兒附近

2. post office 郵局

3. police station 警察局

4. pay phone 付費電話

5. on Bridge Street 在橋街

6. across from 在…對面

7. next to… 在…旁邊

8. between...and... 在…和…中間

9. in front of… 在……前面

10. behind… 在…後面

11. on Center Street 在中心街

12. far from … 遠離…

13. go along 沿著

14. turn right/ left 向右/左轉

15. at the first crossing 在第一個十字路口

16. on one’s left/right 在某人的左邊/右邊

17. spend time (in) doing 花費時間做某事

18. watch sb. doing sth. 看見某人正在做某事

19. look like 看起來像

20. love the clean air and sunshine 喜愛清新的空氣和陽光

21. the best things 最好的事情

22. be free 免費的

23.cross Center street 穿過中心街

24. have to do sth. 不得不做某事

25. a noisy neighborhood 喧鬧的街區

26.get to

—They’re between the post office a

—They’re between the post offic

—They’re between the post o


—They’re between th

—They’re between

—They’re between

—They’re between the post of

n the post office and t

office and the library

d the library.



2.How can I help you?


3.I’m new in town.


4.To get there, I usually walk out and turn right on Bridge Road.


5.The best things in life are free!


6. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.


7.Turn right at the first crossing and the resturant on your left.


8.Thank you very much.


9.You’re welcome.


Unit9 What does he look like?


curly adj.捲曲的

straight adj.直的

tall adj.高的

medium adj. 中等的

height n.身高;高度

of medium height 中等身高

thin adj.瘦的

heavy adj.重的

build n.身材

of medium build 中等身材

tonight adv.&n.今夜

little adj.小的

a little 一點,少量

cinema n.電影院

glasses n.眼鏡

later adj.以後

handsome adj.英俊的

actor n.演員

actress n.女演員

person n.人

nose n.鼻子

blonde adj.金黃色的

mouth n.嘴

round adj.圓形的

face n.臉

eye n.眼睛

singer n.歌手

artist n.藝術家

crime n.犯罪活動

criminal n.罪犯

put v.放

each adj.&pron.每個,各自

way n.方式,路線

describe v.描述

differently adv.不同地

another adj.&pron另一,又一

end n.結尾,盡頭

in the end 最後

real adj.真正的;真實的

jeans n.牛仔褲


1. look like 看起來像

2. short/long/curly/straight hair 短/長/卷/直 發

2. medium height 中等身高

3. medium build 中等身材

4. be a little late 有點兒晚

5. wear glasses 戴眼鏡

6. See you later then. 那麼回頭見。

7. a big nose 大鼻子

8.a small mouth 小嘴巴

9. big eyes 一雙大眼睛

10. blonde hair 金黃色頭髮

11. a long face 一個長臉

12. a round face 圓臉

13. have an interesting job 有一份有趣的工作

14.police artist 警局繪畫師

15. draw a picture of the criminal 畫一個罪犯的像

16. in newspapers 在報紙上

17. on television=on TV 在電視上

18.each criminal 同一個罪犯

19. describe the same person differently 描述同樣的人不同

20. real criminal 真正的罪犯

21. in the end 最後




23. wear jeans 穿牛仔


sports shoes 穿運動鞋

25. have(has)

—He's really tall.


26. be s

—He's really tall.


—She has long straight hair.




—She has long s






hey’re of me














—They’re of medium build.

—They’re of medium build.

edium build.



They have curly hair.

—They have

—They have curly

—They have curly hair.

—They have curly

—They have c

—They have cur

—They have cu

—They have curly hair

ve curly hair.



7. Is he tall or short?


8.He isn’t tall or short He’s of medium height.


9.What does your favorite teacher look like?


10. And he's really handsome.


11.She has blonde hair.


12.Many people don't always see things the same way so they may describe the same people differently.


Unit10 I’d like some noodles?


noodle n.麵條

mutton n.羊肉

beef n.牛肉

cabbage n.捲心菜;洋白菜

potato n.土豆;馬鈴薯

special n.特色菜;特價品;特別的;特殊的

would v.(表示意願)願意

would like 願意;喜歡

yet adv.(常用於否定句或疑問句)還;仍然

large adj.大號的;大的

order n.&v.點菜;命令

take one's order 點菜

size n.大小;尺碼

bowl n.碗

one(large)bowl of 一(大)碗

tofu n.豆腐

meat n.(可食用的)肉

dumpling n.餃子

porridge n.粥;麵糊

onion n.洋蔥

fish n.魚;魚肉

pancake n.烙餅;薄餅

world n.世界

around the world 世界各地

answer n.答案 v.回答

different adj.不同的

cake n.蛋糕

candle n.蠟燭

age n.年齡

make a wish 許願

blow v.吹

blow out吹滅

if conj.如果

will v.會

the UK n.英國

candy n.糖果

lucky adj.幸運的

popular 受歡迎的;普遍的

get popular受歡迎;流行

cut up切碎

idea n.想法;主意

bring good luck to… 給……帶來好運


1. would like sth 想要某物

2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事

3. put on 穿上,戴上

4. take one’s order 點菜

5. in the beef noodles 在牛肉麵裡

6. mapo tofu with rice 麻婆豆腐外帶大米

7. what kind of noodles 什麼種類的麵條

8. a large bowl of noodles 一大碗麵條

9. a medium bowl of noodles 一中碗麵

10. a small bowl of noodles 一小碗麵條

11. what size 什麼尺寸

12.May I take your order? 可以點餐了麼?

13. beef noodles with carrots 帶有胡蘿蔔的牛肉麵

14. green tea 綠茶

15. orange juice 橙汁

16. around the world 世界各地

17. in different countries 在不同的國家

18. birthday cakes with candles 帶蠟燭的生日蛋糕

19. the birthday person 壽星

20.make a wish 許願

21. blow out the candles 吹滅蠟燭

22. in one go 一口氣,一次性的

23. come true 實現

24. get popular 變得流行, 受歡迎

25. lon

1. What would you like?


1. What would you like?

ife 長壽的象徵


1. What would you like?

1. What woul

1. What would yo

1. What would you like?

1. What would you

1. What woul

1. What would

1. What would

1. What would you

hat would you like?

you like?


2. I'm not sure yet. Are there any vegetables in the beef noodles?


3. Yes, there are some tomatoes.


4. OK, I’d like the


les, please.



. I like dumplings、fish and o








een tea or












8. I’d like beef noodles, please.


9. What size would you like?


10. I’d like a large bowl, please.


Unit11 How was your school trip?


milk v.擠奶

cow n.奶牛

milk a cow 給奶牛擠奶

horse n.馬

ride a horse 騎馬

feed v.餵養;飼養

feed chickens 餵雞

farmer n.農民;農場主

quite adv.相當;安全

quite a lot(of…) 許多

anything pron.(常用於否定句或疑問句)任何東西;任何事物

grow v.種植;生長;發育

farm n.農場;務農;種田

pick v.採;摘

excellent adj.極好的;優秀的

countryside n.鄉村;農村

in the countryside 在鄉下;在農村

yesterday n.昨天

flower n.花

worry v.擔心;擔憂

luckily adv.幸運地;好運地

sun n.太陽

museum n.博物館

fire n.火災

fire station 消防站

painting n.油畫;繪畫

exciting adj.使人興奮的;令人激動的

lovely adj.可愛的

expensive adj.昂貴的

cheap adj.廉價的;便宜的

slow adj.緩慢的;遲緩的

fast adv&adj快地(的)

robot n.機器人

guide n.導遊;嚮導

gift n.禮物;贈品

all in all 總的說來

everything pron.一切;所有事物

interested adj.感興趣的

be interested in 對……感興趣

dark adj.黑暗的;昏暗的

hear(heard) v.聽到;聽見


1. school trip 學校旅行

2. go for a walk 去散步

3. milk a cow 擠牛奶

4. ride a horse 騎馬

5. feed chickens 餵雞

6. talk with a farmer 與農民交談

7. take some photos 照相

8. ask some questions 問一些問題

9. grow apples 種蘋果

10. show sb. around splace. 帶某人逛某地

11. learn a lot 學到許多

12. pick some strawberries 摘草莓

13. last week 上週

14.In the countryside 在鄉村

15. visit my grandparents 拜訪我的祖父母

16. go fishing 去釣魚

17. sound good 聽起來很好

18. climb the mountains 去爬山

19. play some games 玩一些遊戲

20. visit a museum 參觀博物館

21. visit a fire station 參觀消防站

22.draw pictures 畫畫

23. go on a school trip 去旅行

24 visit the science museum 參觀科技博物館

25. how to make a model

一Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.

27. buy sth for sb. 為某人買某物



n all 總得來說


—Yes, she did.

.. 對…感興趣


—Yes, she did.

31. not...at all 一點兒也不


—Yes, she did.

ellent. I visited

he did.

excellent. I visited my grandparents i

一It was excellent. I visi

一It was excellent.

一It was excellen

一It was excellent. I vi

一It was excellent.

一It was excellent

as excellent. I visited

ent. I visited my grandp

ted my grandparents in

ndparents in the countr

in the countryside.



4.We had so much fun!


5.I took a lot of great photos, too.


6. All in all, it was an exciting day.


7. I’m not interested in that.


Unit12 What did you do last weekend?


camp v.紮營;扎帳篷

lake n.湖,湖泊

beach n.海灘,沙灘

badminton n.羽毛球運動

sheep n.羊,綿羊

as adv.&pron.作為,當做

natural pron.自然的

butterfly n.蝴蝶

visitor n.遊客;訪問者

tired adj.疲倦的

stay v.停留

stay up late深夜不留

away adv.離開

run away 跑開

mouse n.老鼠

baby n.幼小的

shout v.呼叫,喊叫

shout at…衝……大聲叫嚷

woof v.(狗叫聲)汪汪

language n.語言

fiy v.飛

kite n.風箏

fiy a kite 放風箏

high adj.&adv高的(地)

high school中學

ago adv.以前

India n.印度

tent n.帳篷

put up 搭起,舉起

moon n.月亮

surprise n.&v.驚奇,驚訝

get a surpris 吃驚

snake n.蛇

scared adj.驚慌的

move v.移動

shout to… 對……大聲喊叫

start v.開始,著手

jump v.跳躍

up and down 上上下下

wake v.弄醒,醒

into prep.到……裡面

forest n.森林

ear n.耳朵


1. last weekend 上週末

2. do one’s homework 做作業

3. go to the cinema 看電影

4. go boating 去划船

5. camp by the lake 在湖邊露營

6. go to the beach 去海灘

7. play badminton 打羽毛球

8. on Saturday morning 在週六的早上

9. study for the English test 為了英語考試學習

10. feed some cows 喂一些奶牛

11. work as a guide 做為一個導遊工作

12. Natural History Museum 自然歷史博物館

13. butterfly house 蝴蝶館

14. over 200 kinds of butterflies 超過200多種蝴蝶

15. tell sb about … 告訴某人關於…

16. living habits 生活習慣

17. be kind of tired 有點兒累

19. stay up 熬夜

20. play with sb. 和某人玩

21. lose things 丟東西

22. run away 跑開

23. fly a kite 放風箏

24.as a special gift 作為一個特殊的禮物

25. take sb. to sp. 把某人帶到某地

26. go camping 去露營

27. put up the tents 搭建帳篷

28. make a fire 生火

29. keep sb. warm 使某人保持溫暖

30. on the first night 在第一天晚上

31.so...that... 如此…以至於…

32. go to sleep 去睡覺

33. get a surprise 吃驚

34. see sb. doing sth. 看見某人正在做某事

35. jum

—Well, on Saturday, I played badm

—Well, on Saturday, I played badminton.

—Well, on Saturday, I pla

—Well, on Saturday

—Well, on Saturd

—Well, on Saturday, I p

—Well, on Saturday

—Well, on Sa

—Well, on Satu

—Well, on Sat

—Well, on Saturday

, on Saturday, I played

day, I played badminton

yed badminton.



2.—Hi,Lisa, How is your weekend?



—Yeah, it was good, but I'm kind of tired now, I stayed up late to wa

'm kind of tired now, I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.


up late to watch the soccer game.


you have a goo


—I heard it was yesterday.


—I heard it was yesterday.

up late to wa

—I heard it was yesterday.

—I heard it was yesterd

—I heard it was

—I heard it was yesterd

—I heard it was ye

—I heard it

—I heard it wa

—I heard it w

—I heard it w

—I heard it w

—I heard it was yest

d it was yesterday.



9.As a special gift, our parents took us to India.

作為一份特殊的禮物 我爸媽帶餚我們去了印度。

10. Well, son,that’s why it's important to learn a second language.

所以嘛,兒子 這就是為什麼學習外語的重要性啦。

11.There we put up tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on。



