
國際熱點 | 無法相提並論的總統支持率

整合 | 祝思琪 沈笑煜

> >前後兩次公共事件後,二位總統支持率的回升無法相提並論

> >鮑里斯·約翰遜離開重症監護室

> >“擊破玻璃”?美國民眾提前支取401k退休基金之前請三思

> >鮑威爾預計從冠狀病毒衰退中迎來“強勁”的經濟復甦

> >猴子、大象和狗在病毒封鎖中重新佔領了印度的街道

> >日本宣佈由於冠狀病毒病例激增進入緊急狀態

> >重視利用最有潛力的資源:人文主義者的工作


“The president’s bump in approval isn’t huge, and certainly not on par with the rally effect for George W. Bush after 9/11."


@Fox News, April 10 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

Amid widespread concerns about the virus’s spread and personally getting infected, 49 percent approve of the job Trump is doing as president. That’s up from 48 percent two weeks ago and 47 percent in late February.


Voters give Congress an even bigger ratings bump than the president: 35 percent approve of the job lawmakers are doing, up four points since March and up nine since late February. By a 21-point margin, voters are more likely to approve of how their state government (77 percent) is handling the pandemic than the federal government (56 percent).


“The president’s bump in approval isn’t huge, and certainly not on par with the rally effect for George W. Bush after 9/11,” says Republican pollster Daron Shaw, who conducts the Fox News Poll with Democrat Chris Anderson. “But it could be consequential that he’s closing in on 50 percent, which is critical for his re-election chances.”

共和黨民調專家達倫•肖(Daron Shaw)與民主黨人克里斯•安德森(Chris Anderson)共同進行福克斯新聞民調,他說:“總統的支持率並不是很高,完全不同於911事件後小布什支持率的反彈效應。”“但這可能會導致他接近50%,這對他的連任機會至關重要。”

On specific aspects of dealing with the pandemic, Trump receives his highest score on empathizing with Americans (51 percent) and lowest on understanding the facts (45 percent). About half say he is providing strong leadership (48 percent) and making good policy decisions (47 percent).


“With this economic implosion so directly linked to coronavirus, the degree to which voters blame Trump for economic conditions will likely be based on whether or not they decide he could have mitigated the pandemic’s impact by preparing the country as soon as he was first warned,” says Anderson.


Boris Johnson leaves intensive care鮑里斯·約翰遜離開重症監護室

@ The Times, April 09 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

Boris Johnson has left intensive care after three nights and is in the “early stage of his recovery” from a coronavirus infection.

鮑里斯·約翰遜(Boris Johnson)已離開住了三夜的重症監護室,正處於從冠狀病毒感染中“恢復的早期階段”。

The prime minister has been taken to a ward in St Thomas’ Hospital, where he was said to be in “extremely good spirits”, according to a statement from Downing Street last night.


His move from intensive care, where he was taken after his condition deteriorated on Monday afternoon, came after the news that he was responding to treatment. He received standard oxygen treatment but did not require mechanical ventilation.


Some in Downing Street believe that he may need as long as a month to return to work and even then may have to make a gradual return to full duties.



Powell expects 'robust' economic recovery from coronavirus downturn鮑威爾預計從冠狀病毒衰退中迎來“強勁”的經濟復甦

@ Fox News, April 09 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Thursday he thinks there can be a "robust" economic rebound from the coronavirus pandemic, even as increasingly strict containment measures force American life to come to a grinding halt.

美聯儲主席傑羅姆·鮑威爾(Jerome Powell)週四表示,他認為儘管越來越嚴格的控制措施迫使美國人民的生活停滯不前,但冠狀病毒流行病可能會帶來“強勁”的經濟反彈。

Speaking during a webinar for the Brookings Institute, Powell said policymakers at the U.S. central bank are committed to using the full scope of their vast powers to support the flow of cash to businesses, households and state and local governments by opening new lending facilities and holding interest rates near zero until the crisis begins to recede.

在布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institute)的網絡研討會上的發言中,鮑威爾說美國中央銀行的決策者致力於充分行使其巨大的權力以支持現金流向企業、家庭、州和地方政府,主要舉措是開放新的貸款設施,將利率保持在接近零的水平,直到危機開始消退。

“We will continue to use these powers forcefully, proactively, and aggressively until we are confident that we are solidly on the road to recovery,” he said in prepared remarks.


Powell's comments came the same morning that the Fed announced a new $2.3 trillion financing initiative aimed at supporting businesses of all sizes, as well as state and local governments.


“At the Fed, we are doing all we can to help shepherd the economy through this difficult time,” Powell said. “When the spread of the virus is under control, businesses will reopen, and people will come back to work. There is every reason to believe that the economic rebound, when it comes, can be robust.”


What to know before you 'break the glass' on your 401(k)


@CNN, April 09 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

With millions of jobs lost because of the coronavirus pandemic, people are looking for ways to cover expenses in the short term.


As part of the massive stimulus bill, those affected by coronavirus (either by a diagnosis within their family or financial hardship due to the outbreak, according to the new rule) can now pull up to $100,000 out of a retirement account, including a 401(k) or IRA, without the 10% early-withdrawal penalty.


"It offers useful relief, but the concern is that 401(k)s are becoming the Swiss cheese of retirement accounts,"said Steve Parrish, co-director of the Center for Retirement Income at the American College of Financial Services. "Every time the government gives a new way to access pre-retirement money from a 401(k), the plan starts looking more and more like a savings account, leading to holes in many people's retirement."

“這為民眾帶來了安慰。但人們擔心401k計劃正成為退休賬戶的‘瑞士奶酪’。”“每當政府為從401k計劃中支取退休前資金的提供一種新方式時,該基金賬戶已然越來越像一個普通儲蓄賬戶,未來或許會導致許多人的退休生活出現問題。”美國金融服務學院退休收入研究中心副主任斯蒂芬·帕里斯(Steve Parrish)如是說。

"From a financial perspective it would be better to take a penalty-free withdrawal from the 401(k) because it won't cost you as much," said Cal Brown, a certified financial planner with Savant Capital Management in the Washington, DC area. "But it can be hard psychologically to take from yourself in the future and pay yourself back. It might be better to borrow the money because you have a regular bill to pay and the cost is immediate. And your retirement remains funded."

華盛頓特區薩凡特資本管理公司註冊財務規劃師卡爾•布朗(Cal Brown)表示:“從財務角度看,從401k計劃中提前支取且免於罰金再好不過,因為這不會讓你付出那麼多的代價。但是在心理上很難過得了這關,畢竟是從自己本有保障的未來預支給當前生活。借貸或許更佳,因為你付的是代價切近的固定賬單,這樣一來退休生活仍有資金保障。”


Monkeys, elephants and dogs reclaim India’s streets in virus lockdown


@ AFP, April 08 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

Hundreds of monkeys have taken over the streets around India’s presidential palace, leading an animal offensive taking advantage of deserted streets as the country remains under a coronavirus lockdown.


With India’s 1.3 billion population and tens of millions of cars conspicuous by their absence, stray domestic animals and wildlife have moved to fill the void, while also suffering from the pandemic fallout.


In Delhi, troops of monkeys now scamper over the walls of the Rashtrapati Bhawan presidential compound, past military guards and into the grounds of ministries and other official buildings. Other animals have also been emboldened by the coronavirus restrictions on humans, who are only allowed out for food and essential items.

在德里,猴子部隊正跳過總統府拉什特拉帕蒂·巴萬(Rashtrapati Bhavan)的圍牆,經過軍事警衛,進入各部門和其他官方建築的地面。其他動物也因冠狀病毒對人類的限制而膽量大增,人們只被允許外出獲取食物和必需品。

But the lockdown has also been deadly for some animals. Four horses normally employed for tourist carriage rides near Kolkata’s landmark Victoria Memorial have died from starvation in recent days, animal rights activists said.


04 國際形勢

Japan declares state of emergency over coronavirus日本宣佈受冠狀病毒影響進入緊急狀態

@ AFP, April 07 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

Japan on Tuesday declared a month-long state of emergency over a spike in coronavirus cases, ramping up efforts to contain infections but stopping short of the strict lockdowns seen in other parts of the world.


The government has come under mounting pressure to tackle an outbreak that remains small by global standards but has raised concerns among Japanese medical experts, with warnings that local healthcare systems are already overstretched.


Announcing the measures, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged the Japanese people to draw on the sense of togetherness seen after the country’s devastating earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown in 2011.

首相安倍晉三(Shinzo Abe)在宣佈這些措施時,敦促日本人民發揚2011年日本大地震、海嘯和核洩露發生後展現的團結精神。

“Although a state of emergency is declared, it won’t mean a city lockdown as seen overseas,” Abe said, pledging public transport would run as normal and roads would not be blocked.


05 文化

Draw on what could be the most potent resources available for this moment: Humanists' work重視利用最有潛力的資源:人文主義者的工作

@CNN, April 11 2020

国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

To get us through the darkest moment of the American economy, FDR and the architects of the New Deal knew we needed the humanities. We need them again.


A WPA for 2020 would bolster our country's ability to imagine a future. That future need not be either a return to a pre-Covid-19 past or an unthinking adoption of the changes caused by the disease to our working and living conditions. But it will take a combination of science, business, and the humanities to fully envision that future. Science alone, it is clear, cannot do it. Nor can economics or politics.


The original WPA recognized that culture workers were as essential to the economy as bridge builders. To respond to our current crisis, Congress should pass a further stimulus package that creates jobs directly, as did the WPA, and it should include job-creation money aimed at the arts and the humanities.


Because of what is happening to our colleges and universities in this crisis, and the structural underfunding that had started decades ago, this nation right now has thousands of unemployed researchers, analysts and writers. These arts and humanities practitioners have deep expertise that could help us understand, document and transform our culture during this emergency. Scholars of philosophy, cultural studies, ethnic studies and other humanities fields could be partnering with economists to confront the class and racial divides brought to light by the current working situation: the differences between the working-from-home, those serving them and the unemployed and uninsured.


We need to value that training, if we are as a community to be able to weigh information, compare sources, or understand how to assess data and how to make ethical decisions.


国际热点 | 无法相提并论的总统支持率

