


1. lack v.缺乏, 不足, 需要

lack (for) 缺少

He never lacks for money or friends.


a lack of money缺錢

for lack of .. 因為缺乏.

be lacking in缺乏

2. last adj.最後的,最近的, 最不可能.....的 adv.最後地,最近,最後一點n.最後,上個v.持續

the last person/thing最不可能的、最想不到的人/事

He's the last person I'd trust.他是我最不願相信的人。

last but not (the) least最後但是同樣重要的是

He was the last to arrive.

The war lasted (for) 3 years.戰爭持續了三年。

3. late adj.遲的,晚的,已故的,最近的 adv.晚,遲,最近

be late for...

in the late 1970s

get up late

late in the afternoon傍晚

better late than never遲到總比不到好

It's never too late to mend.亡羊補牢。

of late = lately/recently最近,近來

| haven't seen him of late.

4. lately = recently最近,近來

5. later adj. 更遲的adv. 後來,稍後

sooner or later遲早

no later than..不遲於.

later on後來

Much later on, she realizes what he hadmeant.許久之後,她才意識到他的原本意思。

6. laugh v./n. 笑


laugh your head off大笑不止

burst out laughing=burst into laughter突然笑起來

7. law n.法律,規律

break/obey/keep the law違反/遵守法律

by law依據法律

8. lay (laid, laid) v.放置, 產卵

lay the table放桌子

lay eggs下蛋

lay aside把...放在一邊

lay down放下

layoff解僱 (laid-off下崗的)

9. lead (led, led) v. 領導,導致adj.帶頭的,最重要的

lead a happy life過幸福的生活

lead to sth./doing導致....

10. learn (learnt, learnt) v.學習, 認識到,得知

learn from .....中學習,....學習

learn about/of聽說得知

lear... by heart記.....

11. least adj.最小的,最少的adv.最小,最少n. 最小,最少at (the) least至少

not in the least一點兒也不,絕不

She didn't have the least idea what to do about it.

12. leave v.離開,使/讓,留下,落下n.休假

leave sp. for sp離開某地去某地

leave the door open

leave her waiting for 2 hours

leave him out

leave him an orphan使他成為孤兒

leave the key on the bus把鑰匙落在公共汽車.上

leave out遺漏

leave... behind把... 丟在後邊

leave alone不打擾,不碰

leave off不包括,不把.. 列入

ask for a two-week leave請兩週的假

13. lecture n.講座, 演講v.講演,講課

attend a lecture聽講座

give/deliver a lecture to sb. on...給某人做關於.....的演講/講座

14. left adj.左邊的,剩下的adv. 在左邊n.左邊

make a left turn左轉彎

turn left/turn to the left向左拐

the money left=the remaining money剩下的錢

15. lend v.借出,貸款

lend a hand to sb.=lend sb.a hand


16. length n.長度

The road was 32 miles in length/long.

at length最後,終於/詳細地

17. less adj.較少的,較小的 adv.較少地,較小地n.較少,較小

less than...少於/小於......

no less than...不少於/多達......

more orless或多或少

even/ much/still less更不用說

No explanation was offered, still less anapology.沒有提供解釋,更不用說道歉了。

18. lesson n.教訓,課

take/have lessons上課

give lessons授課

teach/give sb. a lesson給某人一個教訓

draw/take a lesson from .. .....中吸取教訓

19.let (let, let) v.讓,允許

let sb. in/outlet sb(sth.) go

let go of sb(sth.)放手/放棄.

let... alone 不打擾/不碰/更不用說....

let out發出(叫聲)let off使... ..爆炸

let sb. down使某人失望

20. lie

vt./n.說謊(lied, lied, lying)

lieto sb對某人說謊tell a lie/tellies 說謊

vi.平躺/位於/存在(lay, lain, lying)

The book lay open on the desk.

lie in在於...

Success lies in hardwork.成功在於勤奮。

21. life n.生命,生活adj.終身的,一生的,生命的

①生命(pl. lives) lose/save one's life

lay down one's life for sb.為....犧牲生

②生活everyday life日常生活

live/lead a ..fe

③bring...back to life 使....重生

come back to life變得活躍,甦醒過來

22. liftn.舉起,起重機,電梯,搭車n.舉起,提升

take the lift 乘電梯

give sb. a lift讓某人搭便車liftone'seyes抬起眼睛

He stood there with his hands liftedabove his head.他站在那裡,雙手舉過頭頂。

The news lifted our spirits.這個消息讓我們提起了精神。

23. light n.光, 燈adj. 輕的, 光亮的,淺的v. 照亮, 點燃

the light of the moon房間裡的燈光

throw light on/upon把...闡述清楚

turn on/off the lights開/關燈

The light went out.燈熄滅了。

a light classroom明亮的教室


as light as a feather像羽毛一-樣輕


a sound sleep酣睡

light a candle點燃蠟燭

a lighted candle一根點燃的蠟燭

light up點亮, 照亮

24. like vt.喜歡,想prep.像 n. 愛好,同樣的人或物conj.好像

l like it when you do that.

would like (sb.) to do

How do you like(find)

What do you think of/about...feel like doing


25. likely adj. 很可能的adv. 很可能

be likely to do/that

Tickets are likely to be expensive.

It is more than likely that the thieves

don't know how much it is worth.很有可能這些賊不知道它價值多少。

a likely story可能是真實的故事


limit to... 限於.....

without limit無限地

There is a limit to the amount of pain l canbear.我能夠忍受的痛苦是有限度的。

limit sb. to sth/doing sth限制某人做某事

My parents limit my pocket money to300yuan.我父母把我的零花錢限制到了300元。

27. line n.線,路線,排,繩lines 臺詞

online在線的,.上 網的

drop sb a line給....寫封短信

The line is busy.電話佔線。

Hold the line, please.別掛電話。

28. link n.聯繫,關係, 環節v.聯繫, 連接

There may be a link between themurders.在兩起謀殺之間可能有某種聯繫。

establish trade links with Asia建立與亞洲的貿易聯繫

a video/satellite link一個視頻/衛星連接

a link in the chain鏈中的一環

link A to/with B

The video cameras are linked to a powerful computer.

The English Tunnel links Britain with the rest of Europe.

The 2 factors (因素) are directly linked.

Exposure to ultraviolet (紫外線)

light isclosely linked to skin cancer (皮膚癌)link up (with sb/sth)

The bands have linked up for a charity concert.

29. list n.清單,目錄v.列出

make alist of..列一個....的清單

list our ten favorite songs

30. litter n.垃圾,一窩(動物的幼崽) v.亂丟,把....弄得亂七八糟

There will be fines to people whodrop litter.

Piles of books and newspapers litteredthefloor.成堆的書報把地板弄得亂七八糟。

Broken glass littered the street.

be littered with sth

Your article is littered with spelling mistakes.

31. little (less, least) adj.小的,很少的adv.完全地

not a little非常

more than a little 非常

She felt tired and more than a little worried.

Little did I know about him.我一點也不瞭解他。

32. live

①v.居住,生活/liv/live/lead a .. life

live on .....為食,.....生活live by doing靠做..為生

live life to the fullest充實地生活live upto符合,不辜 負

live with與... 住在一起;忍受live through經歷過..而活著

②adj./adv. /laiv/ 活著的,現場直播的

a live fish

a live football matchbroadcast live現場直播

33. load n.裝載量,工作量,負擔v.裝載,使負擔

bear the load of bringing up her familyalone承受獨自養家的負擔

load a truck with apples


34. long adj.長的 adv. 長期地v.渴望

long before很久以前

He had left long before I arrived here.before long不久以後

We'll come back before long.in the long run從長遠看

no longer=not any longer不再as long as只要

So long. = Byebye.再見long for渴望....

long to do sth渴望做某事

Lucy has longed for a brother.I'm longing to see you again.

35. look n.看,樣子,表情v.看,看上去,期待

have/take a close look at湊近看....

He didn't like the look in her eyes.

You made me look a complete fool.look like看上去.....

That looks like an interesting book.lookasif看.上去像....

It looks as if it is going to rain.

look yourself常用於否定句,“氣色不像往常好”

You're not looking yourself today.



look after

look around 四處看

look back on回顧

look down upon/on輕視,看不起

look forward to期望....

look into 往裡看, 調查

look out小心

look through瀏覽

look up仰望,查閱,尊敬

36. loose adj.鬆散的, 寬鬆的,散漫的,不牢固的 adv.鬆散地

The potatoes were sold loose not inbags.這些土豆是散賣的,沒有袋裝。a loose shirt一~件寬鬆的襯衫loose soil疏鬆的土壤

let her hair loose使她的頭髮鬆散

37. lose (lost, lost) v.丟失,失去,輸掉, (鐘錶)走慢

be lost/gone/missing丟失的

a lost/missing boy一個失蹤的男孩

lose the game輸了比賽

lose weight減輕體重

lose one's way迷路

lose oneself in沉浸於/陶醉於.

be lost in埋頭於...., 迷失在....中

Lost in thought, he didn't notice me.沉浸在思考中,他沒有注意到我。

This clock loses/gains(走快)twominutes a day.

loss n.遺失,失敗,損失be at a loss不知所措

suffer much/great loss遭受很大的損失

The loss of his only son made him sad.失去唯一的兒子使他非常悲痛。

38. lot n.許多,份額, 命運,一-塊地adv.很, 非常

a lot of=lots of 許多... 修飾可數或不可數名詞均可

parking lot停車場

a lot adv.很,非常 (可修飾比較級)

Thanks a lot

I'm feeling a lot better now.

39. loud


loud adj.大聲的adv.大聲地

in a loud voice

To make uS hear more clearly, the teacher spoke louder.

aloud adv.大聲地, 出生地

Read aloud. Don't read it silently.

loudly adv.大聲地, 響亮地

She screamed as loudly as she could.

40. lucky adj. 幸運的,僥倖的

be lucky to do/(for sb)thatHe is lucky to be alive.

She was lucky enough to be chosen for the team.

You were lucky that you spotted (認出,發現) the danger in time.

lt was lucky for us that we were able to go.

Lucky you .你真走運。


