

1.absent adj.缺席的,缺勤的

2.access n.(使用或見到的)機會,權利;通道;vt.到達;進入;使用

3.accessible adj.可到達的;可使用的

4.accustomed adj.習慣的,慣常的

5.activity n.活動

6.adolescent n.青少年;adj.青少年的;青春期的

7.analyze vt.分析

8.architecture n.建築學

9.assessment n.評估

10.assignment n.作業

11.attain/obtain/gain/acquire vt.獲得

12.attend vt.參加,出席

13.attention n.注意;專心;關心

14.available adj.可獲得的;有空的

15.award n.&vt.獎;獎項;獎勵

16.campus n.校園

17.compete vi.競賽;競爭

18.competition n.比賽,競賽

19.composition n.作文;作曲

20.comprehension n.理解

21.concentrate v.集中(注意力),聚精會神

22.concept n.概念

23.crazy adj.著迷的,瘋狂的

24.creativity n.創造性

25.curious adj.好奇的;奇特的

26.department n.系;部;部門

27.determination n.決心

28.diploma n.畢業文憑;學位證書

29.discipline n.紀律

30.eager adj.渴望的,熱切的

31.educator n.教育工作者,教育家

32.effect n.效果;作用

33.encourage vt.鼓勵

34.encouragement n.鼓勵

35.explanation n.解釋

36.favourite adj. 最喜愛的;n.特別喜愛的人(或物)

37.gain vt.獲得

38.graduate v.畢業;授予……學位;使……畢業;n.畢業生

39.graduation n.畢業;畢業典禮

40.inspire v.啟發;鼓舞

41.improve vt.提高,改進

42.institute n.學院,研究院

43.instruction n.教導,指導

44.instructor n.教師,教員;講師

45.junior n.低年級學生

46.laboratory n.實驗室

47.major n.主修科目;vi.主修;專攻;adj.主要的;主修的(課程)

48.memory n.回憶,記憶

49.memorize vt. 記憶

50.obey vt. 服從;聽從

51.obtain vt. 獲得

52.opinion n.意見;主張;看法

53.outstanding adj.傑出的,優秀的

54.platform n.講臺

55.praise n.&vt. 讚揚,表揚

56.present n.目前,現在;adj.現在的;如今的

57.presentation n.呈現;演示

58.president n.校長

59.pressure n.壓迫,壓力

60.pride n.自豪,驕傲

61.prize n.獎,獎金

62.progress n.進步

63.punishment n.處罰,懲罰

64.psychology n.心理學

65.qualification n.資格

66.refer v.參考,查閱

67.register vt.&vi. 登記,註冊;n.登記簿,花名冊

68.relaxed adj. 放鬆的

69.remove/dismiss vt. 開除

70.repeat vi.&vt. 重做;背誦

71.revise/review vt.複習

72.revision n.修正;複習

73.reward n.&vt. 獎勵;回報;報酬

74.routine n.常規

75.scholarship n.獎學金

76.schoolmate n.校友

77.senior n.高年級學生

78.stress n.壓迫,壓力

79.subject/course n.課程,科目

80.summarize vt. 概括,總結

81.uniform n.制服

82.volunteer n.義工,志願者;vi.無償做



1. prepare for/preview lessons 預習功課

2. have lessons 上課

3. be absorbed in 專心於

4. learn… by heart; keep…in mind 牢記 , 背誦

5. review/go over the lesson 複習功課

6. work hard at 努力學習

7. do/try one’s best 盡力;盡最大的努力

8. make full use of; take advantage of 充分利用

9. make progress in… 在 ……方面取得進步

10. catch up with sb; keep up with sb 趕上某人

11. take an entrance examination 參加入學考試

12. cheat in the exam 考試作弊

13. pass/fail the examination 通過考試/不及格

14. get full marks (for maths) (數學)得滿分

15. gain scholarship 獲得獎學金

16. get good grades 獲得好成績

17. after class/after school 課後/放學後

18. work out 算出;解決

19. solve the problem 解決問題

20. insist on doing sth. 堅持做某事

21. speak highly of sb. 高度讚揚某人

22. praise sb for sth 因某事表揚表人

23. respect teachers and parents 尊敬老師和家長

24. be late for/be absent from 遲到/缺席

25. obey/break the school rules and regulations 遵守/違反學校的規章制度


1.achieve success獲得成功

2.ask for leave請假

3.be absent from缺席……

4.be absorbed/buried/occupied in全神貫注於……,專心致志於……

5.be admitted to/into被……錄取

6.be/get involved in參與;牽涉進

7.be occupied with忙於;專心於

8.be present at出席……

9.be strict with對……要求嚴格

10.catch up with趕上

11.come to/reach/draw a conclusion得出結論

12.concentrate (oneself) on/focus (one’s attention) on全神貫注於……

13.cheat in the exam考試作弊

14.deliver/give/make a speech發表演講

15.do/make/perform/carry out an experiment做實驗

16.drop out of the school輟學

17.figure out理解;明白;計算出;解決

18.go over複習

19.get (sth.) across to sb.讓某人理解(某物)

20.go through瀏覽;翻閱

21.get together聚會

22.go in for參加;從事;對……感興趣

23.graduate from畢業於……

24.hand sth.in (to sb.)交上;上交某物

25.have a good command/knowledge of精通……

26.keep it up(不斷練習)以保持某事物;堅持下去

27.keep...in mind記住……

28.keep up with跟上,保持同步,與……並駕齊驅

29.live up to one’s expectations達到某人的期望

30.make an effort to do sth.努力去做某事

31.make it通過,成功

32.make preparations for為……做準備

33.make progress取得進步

34.make up one’s mind做出決定;下決心

35.make up the exam補考

36.obey/observe/keep to the school rules/regulations遵守學校規章制度

37.on schedule按時

38.pass/get through the exam通過考試

39.pay off取得成功

40.put forward提出

41.refer to參考;查閱;提到;談到;指的是

42.sign up for註冊;報名;參加

43.skip the class逃課

44.spare no effort to do sth.不遺餘力去做某事

45.take an active part in積極參加

46.take in理解;吸收

47.team up with與……合作,與……協作

48.turn/hand in上交

49.volunteer to do sth.自願做某事


1. distinguish oneself 展示自己

2. live an ideal life 過著理想的生活

3. get into a bad habit 染上壞習慣

4. social investigation社會調查

5. voluntary labor義務勞動

6. physical activities 體育活動

7. have a picnic/barbecue去野餐/燒烤

8. hold a sports meeting舉行運動會

9. have an outing at the seashore在海邊郊遊

10. have a good command of精通於

11. lay a good foundation in在……方面打下良好的基礎



1.every time引導時間狀語從句

Every time before an examination,I am so upset.I’m afraid I may fail the exam and can’t live up to my teacher’s expectations.


2.prefer to do...rather than do...

I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.



Seldom do we know what is happening both at home and abroad,let alone what we can do for our country.



The more a student is encouraged,the harder he will work at his lessons.



1.A child poor at math may be talented for painting.一個數學差的小孩,可能是藝術天才。

2. I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我寧願考不及格,也不願意考試作弊。

3. The extracurricular activity is a necessary part of the school lives.課外活動是學校生活不可缺少的一環。

4. Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Zhang, my English teacher.在我認識的人當中,也許沒有一個人比我的英語老師張老師更值得我尊敬。

5. So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.時間是如此珍貴,我們浪費不起。

6. On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值。

7. The more books we read, the more learned we will become.我們書讀的越多,我們就越有學問。

8. When facing difficulties, I have enough courage to get them over. 當遇到困難的事情時,我有足夠的勇氣克服它們。

9. I do hope that I could be elected monitor of our class. 我的確希望能當選我們班的班長。

10. Only be reading widely can we gain more knowledge and broaden our horizons.只有博覽群書我們才能增長知識開拓視野。

11. A good education can equip you for life. 良好的教育可以使你受益終生。







Mary who is a diligent student always prepares for her lessons before class, and is absorbed in the lessons when having classes. Although

she was very weak in maths last year, she could try her best to go over the lessons and later she could make great progress in maths and catch up with her classmates eventually. She is very strict with herself, so she never cheats in every exam and she got good grades in the mid-term examination and to her great delight, she got full marks for maths and gained scholarship. Normally, she works very hard, and makes full use of the time to work out all the problems in study. At the same time, she is ready to help others, respects teachers and parents and has never broken the school rules and therefore, she is spoken highly of by the teachers.

