

We are intellectuals. 我們是知識分子。

l like my job very much. 我非常喜歡我的工作。

Make yourself at home. 請不要客氣。(招待客人時的用語)


1.)) 句子裡有平行成分時,要在平行成分之間(最後兩個平行成分用 and 連起來)用逗號:

ln my bedroom you can see a radio, a TV set, a recorder and camera. 在我的房子裡,你可以看到收音機、電視機、錄音機和照相機。

My mother, brother, sister and my wife are all for me. 我母親、哥哥、姐姐和我的愛人都支持我。

2.)) 用以分開同位語、稱呼語:

Xian, the capital of Shaanxi Province, used to be one of the five ancient capitals. 陝西省會西安是五大古都之一。

Jack, come here and let's play tennis. 傑克,過來咱們一塊打網球吧。

3.)) 用在 yes, no 等詞和非強勢的感嘆詞之後:

Yes, of course. 是的,當然了。

No, you are wrong. 不,你錯了。

Oh, how ugly it is. 噢,這多難看!

Well, let me have a look. 嗯, 讓我看看。

4.)) 用以分開放在句首的狀語短語;用以分開放在主語前面的狀語從句:

On my way to school, l came across a snake. 我上學去的路上碰見了一條蛇。

When my father was a child, he worked in a blacksmith's shop. 我父親小時候在一家鐵匠鋪幹活。

lf it rains tomorrow, we won't go hunting. 如果明天下雨,我們就不打獵去了。


Let's have a chat if you are free. 如果你閒著,咱們聊聊。


lf he comes l shall tell him. 如果他來,我會告訴他。

5.)) 用以分開非限制性定語從句:

Last month we went to Guilin, where we spent a week sightseeing. 上個月,我們去桂林,在那裡用了一個星期的時間遊山玩水。

The woman who was blind used to be the servent of a landlord. 那位雙目失明的婦女曾給地主當過傭人。

6.)) 用以分開並列句的各分句:

lt is 6:30 in the evening now, and the wind is still blowing. 時間是晚上6點半,仍然颳著風。


The moon is bright and all sounds are still. 月光明亮,萬籟俱寂。

7.)) 用以分開地址或日期的各部分:

Published by Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, China 出版者:中國北京外文出版社

Distributed by Guoji Shudian (China Publications Centre) Beijing, China 發行者:中國北京國際書店(中國出版中心)

Today is March 8, 1977. 今天是1977年3月8日。

8.)) 引用別人的話時,逗號有以下幾種用法:

1.))) 如果引用了一句完整的話,後面還跟有 he said 等,被引用的句子末尾用逗號,不能用句號:

"He graduated last year," they said. 他們說:“他是去年畢業的。”


"Where were you yesterday?" she asked. “你昨天在哪裡?” 她問道。

“Help! Help!” shouted the girl. 那姑娘喊道:“救命啊!救命啊!”

2.))) 如果引用的不是一句完整的話,後面跟有 he said 等,被引用部分和 he said 之後均須用逗號:

"And now," she said, "you may go." “現在,” 她說,“你可以走了。”

3.))) 如果被引用的本來就是一句完整的話,後面跟有 he said 等,接著還要引用,那麼,被引用的話後面仍用逗號,但在 he said 之後用句號,接著要引用的部分的開頭要大寫:

"l found my son at last with the help of a PLA man," said the old woman. "How shall l thank him?" “在一位解放軍的幫助下,我終於找到了我的兒子,”那位老太太說道。“我該怎樣感謝他呢?”(last with 最後)


What magazine are you reading? 你在讀什麼雜誌?


What a lovely holiday we had! 我們這個假日過得多快活!

Oh! you want to kill it! 啊!你想把它殺死!


1.)) 用以分開並列句中意思上有一定的聯繫,但又無連詞連接的分句:

The matter is pressing; you must find him immediately. 事情緊急,你必須立即找到他。

2.)) 用以分開含有逗號的並列分句:

When l left the village, she was only a child; but when l returned[rɪ'tɜːnd] to the village ten years later, she grew tall and changed so much that l could hardly recognize her. 我離開村子時,她還是個孩子呢。 但十年後我回到村子時,她長大了,變得叫我幾乎認不得了。


1.)) 說明或解釋的前面:

She has only one aim before her: she will do all she can for the realization of the four modernizations. 她只有一個目標:為實現四個現代化貢獻出自己的一切。

2.)) 列舉事物的前面:

We have any subjects: political economy, philosophy, Chinese, English, mathematics, physics, chemistry and physical['fɪzɪkl] training. 我們開設好多課程:政治經濟學、哲學、漢語、英語、數學、物理、化學和體育。

3.)) 直接引語前面:

After looking around, Mr. Wang said: "Don't worry! You can catch a later train, anyway." 環顧四周之後,王先生說道:“彆著急,反正你可以搭乘晚一點的火車嘛。”



1.)) 表示說話時思想的突然轉變或意思的突然轉折:

l'll give you a —— l won't tell you what l'll give you. 我要送你一個——我不告訴你我要送你個什麼東西。

2.)) 表示說話時吞吞吐吐的樣子:

No —— no —— l don't know her —— l —— l —— l Just want to know her name. that's all.


3.)) 用在列舉的東西的語句之後,引出總結性的句子:

Listening, speaking, writing, reading and translation —— all play an improtant part in the study of English. 聽、說、寫、讀、譯——這些在英語學習中都起重要的作用。





