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Mike and Maria
—— Mike [mahyk][maɪk] n. 邁克(男子名,Michael的暱稱
—— Maria [muh-'ree-uh][mə'riːə] n. 瑪麗亞(女子名)

It was a Sunday morning at Mike and Maria's house.
—— 如果表示兩人共有某物的概念時,只在第二個名詞詞尾加“’s” ,例如:Tom and Jerry’s book 表示湯姆和傑瑞共有一本書。而表示各有一個的時候,則都需要加“’s”,例如:These books are Tom 's and Jerry’s. 表示湯姆和傑瑞各有一本書。

The clock had just struck eight.
—— struck 原型:strike 動詞過去分詞 [strahyk][straɪk] v. 打;撞

Maria had awoken from bed, and was cleaning out the eye boogers from her eyes.
—— awoken [uh-'woh-kuh n][ə'wəʊkən] 喚醒;醒來;喚起 動詞awake的過去分詞

Mike was still sound asleep.

It was another beautiful day in the state of California.
—— California 地名 [kal-uh-'fawrn-yuh, -'fawr-nee-uh][ˌkælɪ'fɔːnjə, -'fɔːniːə] n. 加利福尼亞;(美國)加州

Maria loved to wake up early in the morning, and cook breakfast.
—— cook 動詞原形 [koo k][kʊk] v. 烹調;燒煮

Mike, on the other hand, would much rather sleep in.
—— on the other hand 另一方面;例句:On one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see. 一方面我必須工作; 另一方面我有許多來賓要照看。

Maria made sure to wake up Mike by offering him a home cooked breakfast Mike could never refuse.
—— wake up 醒來,起床;例句:I wake up with a very thick head this morning. 我早晨醒來覺得頭昏昏沉沉的。
—— offering 原型:offer 動名詞 ['aw-fer, 'of-er]['ɒfə] vt. 提供;提出;(賣方)出價;貢獻 vi. 提議;出現;求婚 n. 提議;出價
—— refuse 動詞一般現在時(除第三人稱單數) [ri-'fyooz][rɪ'fjuːz] v. 拒絕 n. 垃圾;廢物

"Wake up, Mike.

It's time to rise and shine," she said, shaking him back and forth.
—— rise 動詞原形 [rahyz][raɪz] vi. 上升;升起;增加;起床
—— shine 名詞 [shahyn][ʃaɪn] v. 照耀;出色;發光;投光於;使發光
—— shaking 原型:shake 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [sheyk][ʃeɪk] v. 搖動;震動,搖
—— back and forth 來回地; 反覆地

Mike covered his face with a pillow, and let out a long groan.
—— covered 原型:cover 動詞過去式 ['kuhv-er]['kʌvə] n. 封面;蓋子;套子;表面 v. 覆蓋;涉及;包含;掩護

—— pillow 名詞 ['pil-oh]['pɪləʊ] n. 枕頭 vt. 枕;擱;墊
—— groan 名詞 [grohn][ɡrəʊn] v. 呻吟;抱怨;發嘎吱聲 n. 呻吟;呻吟聲

"It's too early Maria.

Can't we keep sleeping?" he asks.

"It's Sunday for goodness sake!"
—— goodness 名詞複數形式 ['good-nis]['ɡʊdnəs] n. 善良;美德;精華 int. 天哪
—— sake 名詞 [seyk][seɪk] n. 理由;緣故;目的;利益

Maria pulls the pillow from his face, and taps his face with her hand.
—— pulls 原型:pull 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [pool][pʊl] v. 拉;拖;牽;拔;吸引
—— taps 原型:tap 名詞複數形式 [tap][tæp] v. 輕拍;輕擊;選擇

"Come on!
—— come on 快點;開始;要求;上演;跟著來;突然產生。例句:Come on quick or we'll be left behind. 快,不然我們就掉隊了。Come on, have some tea and cool off. 來,喝點茶,涼快一下。

Wake up!

I'm going to cook breakfast.
—— be going to do sth. 表示主觀打算、準備或有信心做某事,強調事情已計劃好並將按照計劃來做;will do sth. 則多用於客觀的情況,即客觀上將要發生的事情.例如:I’m not going to ask her. 我不打算去問她. It will be rainy tomorrow. 明天會下雨.

I'm making pancakes and eggs, your favorite," she says to Mike, hoping to get him out of bed.
—— pancakes 原型:pancake 名詞複數形式 ['pan-keyk]['pænkeɪk] n. 薄煎餅 v. (使)平展
—— favorite 名詞 ['fey-ver-it, 'feyv-rit]['feɪvərɪt] adj. 喜愛的;流行的
—— hoping 原型:hope 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [hohp][həʊp] v. 希望;期望;盼望 n. 希望

Mike reluctantly gets out of bed, and walks to the kitchen.
—— reluctantly 副詞 [ri-'luhk-tuhnt][rɪ'lʌktəntli] adv. 不情願地;勉強地
—— kitchen 名詞 ['kich-uh n]['kɪtʃɪn] n. 廚房;灶間

He could not say no to pancakes for breakfast.

Maria made the best pancakes in the world.

He was indifferent about eggs.
—— indifferent 形容詞 [in-'dif-er-uhnt, -'dif-ruhnt][ɪn'dɪfrənt] adj. 漠不關心的;無關緊要的;平凡的;中立的

Maria did not know about this.

The sun peered through the window and blinded him.
—— sun 名詞 [suhn][sʌn] n. 太陽;陽光;中心人物 v. 曬太陽
—— peered 原型:peer 動詞過去式 [peer][pɪə] n. 同輩;同等的人;貴族 vi. 凝視;窺視
—— window 名詞 ['win-doh]['wɪndəʊ] n. 窗戶;櫥窗;視窗
—— blinded 原型:blind 動詞過去分詞 [blahynd][blaɪnd] adj. 盲目的;瞎的;未察覺的 vt. 使失明;隱藏 adv. 盲目地 n. 百葉窗

He closed the shutters to block the sunlight.
—— shutters 原型:shutter 名詞複數形式 ['shuht-er]['ʃʌtə] n. 百葉窗;遮門;快門 v. 裝以遮門;關上窗板;停業
—— block 動詞原形 [blok][blɒk] n. 街區;木塊;石塊;大樓;一組;阻塞(物);障礙(物) v. 阻塞
—— sunlight 名詞 ['suhn-lahyt]['sʌnlaɪt] n. 日光;陽光

Maria began to cook, while Mike served himself a tall glass of orange juice.
—— began 原型:begin 動詞過去式 [bih-'gin][bɪ'ɡɪn] v. 開始;著手
—— cook 名詞 [koo k][kʊk] n. 廚師;炊事員 v. 烹調;燒煮;捏造;纂改(賬目)
—— served 原型:serve 動詞過去式 [surv][sɜːv] v. 服務;侍候;擔任;可作 ... 用;度過;對待 n. 發球

—— tall 形容詞 [tawl][tɔːl] adj. 高的
—— glass 名詞複數形式 [glas, glahs][ɡlɑːs] n. 玻璃;玻璃杯;玻璃製品 vt. 鑲玻璃 (復)glasses: 眼鏡.
—— orange 形容詞 ['awr-inj, 'or-]['ɒrɪndʒ] n. 橙子,橘子;橙黃色 adj. 橙色的
—— juice 名詞 [joos][dʒuːs] n. 果汁;肉汁;消化液;汽油;精力 vt. 擠出汁來;使有活力

Mike sat down at the kitchen table, and let out a big yawn.
—— sat 原型:sit 動詞過去式 [sit][sɪt] v. 坐;棲息;使就座 n. 坐;棲息
—— table 名詞 ['tey-buh l]['teɪbl] n. 桌子;臺子;餐桌;一桌人;表格;目錄;(競賽的)排名榜 vt. 擱置;將 ... 放於桌上;提交討論;列入表中 adj. 桌子的
—— yawn 名詞 [yawn][jɔːn] v. 打呵欠;張開 n. 呵欠;乏味的人(事)

Unlike Maria, he was not an early bird.
—— Unlike 原型:unlike 介詞、從屬連詞 [uhn-'lahyk][ˌʌn'laɪk] adj. 不同的,不相似的 prep. 不像,與…不同;與 ... 平時不同
—— bird 名詞 [burd][bɜːd] n. 鳥;禽

Maria finished cooking the eggs and pancakes, and served both her and Mike the food.
—— finished 原型:finish 動詞過去式 ['fin-ish]['fɪnɪʃ] v. 完成;結束;最後加工;用完 n. 結束;完成;最後一層塗飾
—— cooking 原型:cook 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [koo k][kʊk] n. 廚師;炊事員 v. 烹調;燒煮;捏造;纂改(賬目)

She sat down with Mike, and had a conversation while eating breakfast.
—— conversation 名詞 [kon-ver-'sey-shuhn][ˌkɒnvə'seɪʃn] n. 談話;會話
—— eating 原型:eat 動詞現在進行式或動名詞 [eet][iːt] v. 吃;吃飯;喝


Mike and Maria
—— 邁克和瑪麗亞

It was a Sunday morning at Mike and Maria's house.
—— 那是和瑪麗亞家的一個早晨。

The clock had just struck eight.
—— 鍾剛敲八點。

Maria had awoken from bed, and was cleaning out the eye boogers from her eyes.
—— 瑪麗亞從床上醒來,正從眼睛裡清理出眼睛的鼻涕蟲。

Mike was still sound asleep.
—— 邁克仍然睡得很熟。

It was another beautiful day in the state of California.
—— 這是加利福尼亞州另一個美麗的一天。

Maria loved to wake up early in the morning, and cook breakfast.
—— 瑪麗亞喜歡早上早起,然後做早飯。

Mike, on the other hand, would much rather sleep in.
—— 另一方面,邁克寧願睡懶覺。

Maria made sure to wake up Mike by offering him a home cooked breakfast Mike could never refuse.
—— 瑪麗亞一定要叫醒邁克,因為他給了他一頓家常便飯,邁克根本無法拒絕。

"Wake up, Mike.
—— “醒醒,邁克。

It's time to rise and shine," she said, shaking him back and forth.
—— “是時候起床和見見光了,”她說,並來回搖他起床。

Mike covered his face with a pillow, and let out a long groan.
—— 邁克用枕頭捂住臉,發出長長的呻吟聲。

"It's too early Maria.
—— “瑪麗亞太早了。

Can't we keep sleeping?" he asks.
—— 我們不能繼續睡覺嗎?”他問。

"It's Sunday for goodness sake!"
—— “看在上帝的份上,今天是星期日!”

Maria pulls the pillow from his face, and taps his face with her hand.
—— 瑪麗亞從他臉上拉開枕頭,用手輕拍他的臉。

"Come on!
—— “來吧!

Wake up!
—— 醒醒!

I'm going to cook breakfast.
—— 我要做早餐。

I'm making pancakes and eggs, your favorite," she says to Mike, hoping to get him out of bed.
—— “我在做煎餅和雞蛋,你最喜歡的,”她對邁克說,希望能把他從床上救出來。

Mike reluctantly gets out of bed, and walks to the kitchen.
—— 邁克不情願地起床,走向廚房。

He could not say no to pancakes for breakfast.
—— 他不能拒絕早餐吃煎餅。

Maria made the best pancakes in the world.
—— 瑪麗亞做了世界上最好的薄煎餅。

He was indifferent about eggs.
—— 他對雞蛋漠不關心。

Maria did not know about this.
—— 瑪麗亞不知道這件事。

The sun peered through the window and blinded him.
—— 陽光透過窗戶窺視著他。

He closed the shutters to block the sunlight.
—— 他關上百葉窗擋住陽光。

Maria began to cook, while Mike served himself a tall glass of orange juice.
—— 瑪麗亞開始做飯,而邁克給自己端上一杯高杯橙汁。

Mike sat down at the kitchen table, and let out a big yawn.
—— 邁克在廚房的桌子旁坐下,打了個大大的哈欠。

Unlike Maria, he was not an early bird.
—— 不像瑪麗亞,他不是早起的人。

Maria finished cooking the eggs and pancakes, and served both her and Mike the food.
—— 瑪麗亞把雞蛋和煎餅都煮好了,給她和邁克端上了飯菜。

She sat down with Mike, and had a conversation while eating breakfast.
—— 她和邁克坐在一起,一邊吃早餐一邊聊天。

