
最近這段時間,澳洲金吉列的老師們都快 忙瘋了 。

疫情發展,政策變化 ,一波又一波地摧殘著留學寶寶們脆弱的小心臟。




如果你也是被這個標題吸引進來的話,那麼恭喜你,你將收穫的是 滿滿一整篇乾貨 ,仔細閱讀,還能開啟隱藏的“ 心平氣和 ”的buff哦。


如果你 感到不適 ,出現了 感染新冠的症狀 。你需要 電話聯繫你的GP (全科醫生)或是直接 撥打24小時國家幫助熱線 1800 022 222 ,告知對方你懷疑自己感染新冠,再根據對方的指引進行下一步的檢測和必要情況下的治療。 根據各州衛生局公佈的信息,我們彙總了目前 各州定點檢測和收治新冠病例的醫院 ,大家有需要也可以嘗試直接聯繫這些醫院獲得幫助。


8.00 am to 8.00 pm daily: Royal Perth Hospital– Ground Floor, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street, Perth Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital– C Block, Hospital Avenue, Nedlands Fiona Stanley Hospital– Bedbrook Row, north-eastern end of hospital, Murdoch Armadale Health Service– Ground Floor, 3056 Albany Highway Mount Nasura 10.00 am to 4.00 pm daily Bunbury Health Campus– 30m left of the main entrance




Locations and contact details for dedicated coronavirus private testing collection centres: 4Cyte dedicated testing collection centres Australian Clinical Labs collection sites

Scroll down the page to New South Wales and select NSW Coronavirus Collection Centres

Capital Pathology

Select State: NSW for a list of Capital Pathology coronavirus testing collection centres in NSW. Douglass Hanly Moir dedicated testing collection centres

Select view all filters on the top right hand side and select Coronavirus testing under Specialised collections for a list of DHM Pathology dedicated coronavirus testing collection centres. Laverty Pathology collection centres

Medlab Pathology Southern.IML Pathology in Wollongong and Nowra SydPath Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology dedicated testing collection centres

Patients should contact the collection centre prior to attending for specimen collection.


Metropolitan Clinics Flinders Medical Centre Lyell McEwin Hospital (PDF 1059KB)(opens in a new window) Royal Adelaide Hospital Women’s and Children’s Hospital(opens in a new window)

Regional Clinics Gawler Health Service Kangaroo Island Health Service Mount Barker Hospital South Coast District Hospital Yorke & Northern Local Health Network (PDF 400KB)(opens in a new window)

南澳還推出了非常方便的Drive-through Testing和Home Testing服務,患者需要GP的推薦信才可以前往使用這些服務。

Drive Through Clinics Ceduna Repat Health Precinct(opens in a new window) Port Augusta Hospital Port Lincoln Whyalla Hospital

Home Testing

SA Pathology offers a dedicated metropolitan Adelaide Domiciliary Service staffed by nurses for the collection of potential COVID-19 specimens within a persons’ home. 維州

維州的新冠指定醫院有: The Alfred Hospital Albury Wodonga Health - Woodonga Austin Hospital Ballarat Base Hospital Barwon Health – Geelong (please call (03) 4215 4445 prior to attending) Bendigo Hospital Box Hill Hospital Casey Hospital Dandenong Hospital Djerriwarrh Health Services – Bacchus Marsh Djerriwarrh Health Services – Melton Echuca Regional Health Goulburn Valley Health - Shepparton Monash Clayton Northern Hospital Northeast Health Wangaratta Peninsula Health – Frankston Phillip Island Health Hub The Royal Children’s Hospital The Royal Melbourne Hospital South West Healthcare - Warrnambool (pre-call 5563 1666) St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne Sunshine Hospital Swan Hill District Health Bass Coast Health - Wonthaggi


NEW Weston Creek Walk-in Centre

24 Parkinson St, Weston ACT 2611


Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH)

Cnr Butterfield St and Bowen Bridge Rd, HERSTON

Open: 24 hours (seven days)

Outside the Emergency and Trauma Centre

The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH)

627 Rode Road, CHERMSIDE

Open: 8am – 11pm (seven days)

Redcliffe Hospital

Anzac Avenue, REDCLIFFE

Caboolture Hospital


Open: 7am – 9pm (seven days)

Kilcoy Hospital

Kropp Street, KILCOY

Open: 9am – 4pm (seven days)

Please ring the buzzer at the Emergency Care Department entrance (not ambulance entrance) to alert staff.

Community Assessment Clinics

Pine Rivers Community Centre

568 Gympie Road, STRATHPINE

Open: 8am – 4pm (week days)

This is a drive through clinic.

Brighton Health Campus

449 Hornibrook Highway, BRIGHTON

Open: 8am – 8pm (seven days)

GP Respiratory Clinic


The Morayfield GP respiratory clinic will only be treating patients with respiratory illnesses. Patients must book an appointment online. Visit the Morayfield GP respiratory clinic website for more information.



Four respiratory clinics have been opened in Tasmania to help meet the demand for COVID-19 testing. The clinics are located in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Latrobe.

These clinics are not open for walk-up testing. Anyone who thinks they may need testing should first contact the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738. Your GP can also refer you to the clinic, as long as they have assessed you as a patient and determined that you require testing. If seeing your GP, you MUST call ahead and mention your symptoms and any travel details.After being referred to the clinic, patients will be assessed and tested by a nurse. You must then return home to quarantine until they have been told their test result. Results will usually be available within 24 hours.


肯定有小夥伴會問,如果我現階段不想去醫院,或者已經在家隔離出不了門,那我該怎麼看醫生呢?放心!我們還為寶寶們提供了兩種 在線諮詢 的方法


擁有Allianz海外學生保險OSHC的同學萌可以直接使用軟件視頻醫生哦 軟件名字叫做——Doctors on Demand

記得要綁定 Policy Number 可以免費看病的喲

然後就可以按See a Doctor預約醫生啦 在線可以就診的醫生會列在裡面的哈



方法如下所示 (北京時間8:30-24:00) 首先,支付寶首頁搜索關鍵詞:


另外 京東集團旗下京東健康推出“全球免費健康諮詢平臺”,面向身處海外的廣大同胞提供免費在線問診和心理疏導服務。該平臺為中英雙語,方便海外華人使用。 使用方法: 打開京東APP,在搜索框搜索“海外問診”或“全球抗疫”即可進入活動頁面。

** 海外留學生保險可以保新冠病毒的檢測和治

根據目前政府公佈的信息以及我們從保險合作方Allianz處得到的消息,關於本次新冠病毒的檢測和治療都可以按照正常程序申報保險,賠付的額度也和正常標準相同。 如果你出現症狀,需要聯繫GP,OSHC(海外留學生保險)會按照政府醫療費用報銷列表(MBS)規定額度的100%報銷。 如果你需要到醫院進行病毒檢測等不涉及住院的醫療服務,OSHC會按照MBS規定額度的85%報銷。 如果你需要住院治療,那麼根據以下情況報銷額度將會不同:a. 你所使用的保險公司的合作私立醫院:將報銷100% mbs fee, 患者自行彌補差價。住院費按照保險公司與醫院的合同價報銷 如若有差價, 患者自行彌補差價。b. 未與你使用的保險公司合作的私立醫院:將報銷100% mbs fee, 患者自行彌補差價。住院費患者自費 保險公司不報。請聯繫保險公司來確認私立醫院是否與保險公司有合約。*c. 公立醫院:將按照MBS規定額度的100%報銷,患者自行彌補差價

如果需要使用處方藥,根據政府藥品福利計劃(PBS),一般每個處方藥最多報銷50澳元,單身學生一年最多報銷處方藥費300澳元,有家庭者則每個家庭一年最多報銷處方藥費600澳元。 此外,OSHC的賠付範圍還包括:




  • MBS(醫療費用報銷列表)是政府根據醫療服務類別的不同分別規定的最高報銷額度,實際治療的費用可能會超過列表上的規定額度。
    所以綜上,如果你有OSHC,那麼 最划算的還是選擇公立醫院進行治療 。

關於保險的其他問題 我決定不再回澳




OSHC有等待期嗎? 。如果在你入境澳洲或保險生效前(取時間點晚者) 就患有某些疾病,那麼你可能需要經過等待期才可享受福利。具體規定如下: 曾有過精神病史:等待期2個月後才可享受福利

曾有過除精神病以外的其他病史:等待期12個月後才可享受福利 懷孕和生產類福利:投保後經過12個月等待期開始享受 救護車服務:無等待期

等待期開始享受 救護車服務:無等待期

