Fly Away Home

Fly Away Home


有個電影《Fly away Home》,大治同學在機場轉身,獨自走過安檢閘門奔向通關方向的時刻,掙脫的豈止是我的視線?!那是真正放飛的時刻!沒有陪伴,獨自飛越重洋,飛向那塊新大陸,小同學發回第一篇日記:

Fly Away Home


knew that I really am approaching adulthood, knew that a life where I depend totally on my own is about to be in my reach, but I never expected it to come this soon.

From nervousness to excitement, then back to nervousness, my mind fluctuates like a small fishing boat floating in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean...that’s similar to where I am now, miles above the edge of the North Pole, intending to cross it and reach the continent where lies the next phase of my life.

Missing home or parents? A little I have to admit, but after all I am the boy who managed to sleep over at another’s house at the age of five. As a Chinese kid I suppose that is quite impressive. Homesick never hindered my moves after that, and maybe conquering such barriers made me who I am now, a boy who is trusted as a capable man by almost all that’s around me.




