



2020,不平凡的開局。隨著一場突如其來的新冠肺炎疫情席捲全國,億萬民眾團結一心,全力戰疫,共克時艱。作為教育出版戰線的一線工作者,我們深感有責任和義務講好抗疫故事,弘揚抗疫精神,用文字的力量給予精神的支援。因此,我們用工作語言做好學科輔導的同時,積極宣傳防疫知識,致敬最美逆行者, 記錄普通人的“微光”以及感恩國際友人的大愛。願我們的文字與抗疫共振,奏響教輔抗疫的最強音!

Zhang Dingyu: a Man Racing Against Death

易讀度:☆☆☆ 詞數 約250 建議用時5′30′′



In the last few months, many people have moved us to tears. Among them are famous medical experts like Zhong Nanshan, great artists like Han Hong and tens of thousands of anonymous (不知姓名的) doctors and nurses. They have all tried their best to fight against COVID-19 (新冠肺炎). And today’s hero is one of them. His name is Zhang Dingyu.

Not familiar (熟悉的) with him? Keep reading. Zhang is a superman for many COVID-19 patients in Wuhan.

Born in Wuhan in 1963, Zhang is now head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, this 56-year-old is proud of being a doctor and always does his best. He joined the medical team to help save lives in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. In 2011, he worked in a hospital in Pakistan to help local patients. And after COVID-19 hit Wuhan, he worked day and night for weeks on end. It was quite usual for him to sleep only two hours a day! And there is one thing you might not know: he is an ALS (漸凍症) patient. However, the illness never stops him from working. Under the careful guidance of him, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital has been doing a great job in their fight against COVID-19.

Zhang does things fast. He says, “My life is counting down … I have to run, racing against time to complete important missions (使命) …”

Zhang’s story has touched lots of people’s hearts. Hopefully, a remedy (解決辦法) for his illness can soon be found. So he won’t have to race against death himself!


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And after COVID-19 hit Wuhan, he worked day and night for weeks on end.


day and night 夜以繼日;沒日沒夜

on end 連續地

審稿 | 李棟

校稿 | 呂放







