
Stephen Hawking dies at 76 on the day coinciding with the birthday of another legend of science, Albert Einstein.

His 1 are in a state of deep shock and have tweeted that the death of the greatest scientist is 2 for they believed the man to be immortal. There’s one thing that’s certain and it’s death, 3 how and when it comes is something that can’t be in one’s hands. Or can it be? Looking at how Hawking survived over half a century of being 4 the death sentence, the scales are tipping toward a yes.

And he indeed just didn’t 5 it; he succeeded. “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and 6 at”, he said. During the course of his rare disease, his 7 to the field of physics stands out miraculously.

Now, what made the man a genius of mind? Was it his willpower or his 8 misfortune that strengthened his mind? He was 9 with a crippling disease at the age of 21, which progressively disables the individual In the 10 of his genius, however, fortune 11 him since then. His scientific work got 12 and better. The man, whose body was so fragile and seemed to 13 his genius, never gave up.

Some experts say perhaps Hawking was 14 diagnosed and this is the reason of his surviving over half a century. Also, doctors say the disease spread 15 than it does in most of the patients, giving him more time. Hawking himself said, “I have been lucky that my condition has 16 more slowly. But it shows that one need not lose 17 .”

Hawking seemed unaffected by the drawbacks life 18 at him. He calls all his accomplishments that followed his disease a 19 . He indeed is a unique example of two mind powers 20 ----an astonishing willpower and a strong sense of determination. These two helped him fight against all odds.

1. A. ancestors B. doctors C. opponents D. followers

2.A. unavoidable B. unreasonable C. unbelievable D. unpredictable

3.A. or B. but C. so D. for

4. A. handed over B. turned over C. taken over D. run over

5. A. share B. control C. change D. survive

6. A. succeed B. wonder C. point D. laugh

7. A. explanation B. distribution C. contribution D. attention

8. A. mental B. emotional C. financial D. physical

9. A. infected B. occupied C. diagnosed D. concerned

10. A. respect B. event C. face D. name

11. A. tricked B. favored C. rejected D. abandoned

12.A. thicker B. tougher C. simpler D. lighter

13. A. corrupt B. fail C. spot D. strike

14.A. precisely B. entirely C. luckily D. wrongly

15. A. easier B. harder C. slower D. quicker

16.A. evolved B. progressed C. recovered D. improved

17. A. fate B. hope C. health D. fortune

18.A. screamed B. barked C. threw D. shot

19.A. bonus B. deposit C. reward D. gain

20.A. multiplied B. combined C. exploited D. separated






