06.26 江蘇省未來建築設計國際競賽初評評審委員會正式公佈!





徐衛國Xu Weiguo

清華大學建築學院建築系主任、教授、博士生導師,中國建築學會數字建造委員會副主任,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)訪問學者, 日本京都大學博士。2011-2012年執教於美國南加州建築學院(SCI-Arc)及南加州大學建築學院(USC),是國際國內數字建築的開拓者及領軍人, 主持多項國家自然科學基金研究項目。2012年作為主要發起人,創立數字建築設計專業委員會(DADA)並被選為主任,組織舉辦了一系列學術活動,有力推動了數字建築在中國的發展。

Director, Professor, Doctoral Tutor, Department of Architecture, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,DeputyDirector of the Digital Construction Committee of the Architectural Society of China.He was a visiting scholar at MIT in 2007, and was awarded a doctoratefrom Kyoto University in Japan. He taught in SCI-Arc and USC in 2011-2012. He is a leading scholar and pioneer architect in the field of Digital Design. He has held a number of National Science Foundation Research Projects. As a maininitiator, he established the Digital Architecture Design Association and was elected as Scientific Committee Director of DADA in 2012. He organized a series of academic activities to promote the development of digital architecture inChina.


張雷Zhang Lei

江蘇省設計大師,南京大學建築與城市規劃學院教授,可持續鄉土建築研究中心主任,張雷聯合建築事務所創始人兼總建築師。2012年榮獲第三屆瑞士建築獎提名,2016年榮獲第四屆中國建築傳媒獎實踐成就大獎提名。多次應邀參加中國當代建築國際性展覽,設計作品在國際國內權威建築雜誌上廣泛發表。張雷建築工作室2008年入選美國《建築實錄(Architecture Record)》全球十佳設計先鋒。

Design Master of Jiangsu Province, Professor,School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University. Director of Sustainable Local Architecture Research Center. The founder and chief architect of Zhang Lei Joint architecture office.He was nominated for the third Swiss Architecture Award in 2012 and won the fourth China Construction Media Award for Practice Achievement Award in 2016. He has been invited to participate in the international exhibition of contemporary architecture in China for many times. His works have been widely published in international and domestic authoritative architectural magazines. AZL was selected into one of the ten architecture offices as Design Vanguard 2008 by《ArchitecturalRecord》.


馮正功 Feng Zhenggong


Design Master of Jiangsu Province.Chairmanof the Board and Chief Architect of Arts Group Co., Ltd.. Standing Director of the 13th Council of Architectural Society of China. The Deputy Director of Architect Division of Jiangsu Civil Engineering Society. Standing Director of Jiangsu Geotechnical and Design Association. Industry Professor of Southeast University. The VisitingProfessor of China University of Geosciences. Five projects of design including R&D Center of Arts Group were awarded for the First Prize from China Geotechnical and Design Association. The design of Mianzhu Historical Museumwas awarded for the Outstanding Design Prize of World Association of Chinese Architects. Many of his design works have been awarded for the First Prizes of Jiangsu Outstanding Design.


張彤Zhang Tong


Design Master of Jiangsu Province. Professor,Deputy Dean, Doctoral Tutor,School of Architecture, Southeast University. Member of UIA Education Commission.Member of China Green Building Council. Prof. Zhang Tong works on Architectural theoretical research, design practice and correlative teaching. His research focuses on sustainable urban and architecture design, architectural regionalism under the trends of globalization with 7 published works and more than 40 papers on core periodicals. Prof. Zhang Tong has presided over the design work of more than 20 projects, and been awarded national and provincial design prize for many times.


張應鵬 Zhang Yingpeng


Design Master of Jiangsu Province, Chief Architect of 9 Town Studio,Adjunct Professor of Southeast Univ., Zhejiang Univ. and Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, Executive Committee of “The Contemporary Chinese Architectural Forum”.ZhangYingpeng won many international and domestic architecture awards, such as Creation Award by ASC, National Excellent Design by CECA, and Excellent Design Award by WACA. He has published 7 monographs and translated books,published 50 more research papers andarticles in domestic and foreign core periodicals.



Vicente Guallart

巴塞羅那前城市總建築師,巴塞羅那城市生活環境(Urban Habitat)部門的首位負責人,加泰羅尼亞高等建築學院(IAAC)創始人。擔任巴塞羅那城市總建築師期間,負責制定巴塞羅那城市轉型戰略藍圖及主要項目開發,綜合管轄城市規劃、住房、環境、基礎設施和信息技術等領域。創辦了全球最頂尖的建築學研究生院之一——加泰羅尼亞高等建築學院(IAAC),並主持了“媒體屋”(Media House)(與麻省理工學院比特與原子研究中心合作),“超級加泰羅尼亞”(HyperCatalunya)及“數字化製造實驗室住宅”(FabLab House)等項目。瓜里亞爾特建築設計事務所開展過臺灣富基漁港、基隆港、西班牙巴倫西亞Sociopolis社區和Gandia共享街區等眾多項目,其作品曾在威尼斯建築雙年展、紐約現代藝術博物館以及華盛頓AIA等展出。

Former Chief Architect of Barcelona,Municipality Founder of the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) .Vicente Guallart is former chief architect of Barcelona Municipality with the responsibility of developing the strategic vision of the transformation of the city and its major development projects. It was also the first head of Urban Habitat, a new department encompassing the areas of urban planning, housing, environment,infrastructures and information technologies.Previously he founded the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) where he led projects such as Media House project (with MIT's CBA), Hyper Catalunya, or the Fab Lab House. His professional office, Guallart Architects has developed projects such as the ports of Fugee and Keelung in Taiwan, the Sociopolis neighborhood inValencia or Gandia Sharing Blocks. He is the author of books like Geologics or The Self Sufficient City. His work has been exhibited at the Biennale of Venezia, MOMA or AIA in Washington.


Hernan Diaz Alonso


Hernan Diaz Alonso assumed the role of SCI-Arcdirector and he played a key role in shaping the school’s graduate curriculum over the last decade.In parallel to his role at SCI-Arc, Diaz Alonso is principal of the Los Angeles–based architecture office Xefirotarch. His multidisciplinary practice is praised for its work at the intersection of design,animation, interactive environments, and radical architectural explorations.In 2012 he received the Educator of the Year award from the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Diaz Alonso’s architectural designs have been featured in exhibitions at the Venice Architecture Biennale,the London Architecture Biennale, and ArchiLab in Orleans, France,。


Daniel V. Hayden


Partner and Director of Architecture Affairs of DISSING+WEITLING. Daniel V. Hayden has abroad knowledge of all aspects of the architectural profession. Daniel has an expertise in conceptual design and project visualization. Daniel works with design on a wide variety of scales as well as coordination of the design process on large complex projects and competitions.


Henriette H. Bier


Associate Professor Robotic Building, Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment, TU Delft.Guest Professor Robotics, Dessau Institute of Architecture, Henriette Bier has worked with Morphosis (1999-2001) on internationally relevant projects in the US and Europe. Since 2006 she co-developed the education and research frameworks for Non-standard and Interactive Architectureat Hyperbody and Border Conditions at Public Building, TU Delft. She has supervised more than 100 graduation projects from which several have received Archiprix nominations, mentions, and prizes with the most prestigious being the1st International Archiprix prize in 2015.


Michael U. Hensel

奧斯陸建築與設計學院教授、RCAT實驗室主任,OCEAN設計研究協會的創始人及董事會成員。Michael U. Hensel是建築師、學者、作家和教育家,是OCEAN的創始成員(1994),現任OCEAN和BIONIS的董事會成員,並擔任《仿生工程雜誌》(Journal of Bionic Engineering)的編委。曾在倫敦建築學院建築聯盟(AA)執教16年,並作為客座教授在歐洲、美洲、亞洲和澳大利亞進行過多次教學和講座。

Professor, Director of RCAT - Research Center for Architecture and Tectonics of Oslo school of Architecture and Design. Co-founder of OCEAN Design Research Association.Michael Ulrich Hensel is a German architect, researcher,educator and writer. Hensel has been a key proponent of interdisciplinary research by design in architecture sincethe mid-1990s, founding and current chairman of OCEAN Design Research Association and SEA – Sustainable Environment Association. He is a prolific writer whose work has been published world-wide.

(內容來源/國際綠建聯盟 編輯/姚遐琛 江北新區融媒體發展中心出品)

