巴菲特研習社|2013年巴菲特致股東的信 Day2


巴菲特研習社|2013年巴菲特致股東的信 Day2

Part 2 The Year at Berkshire

Part 2 思維導圖

巴菲特研習社|2013年巴菲特致股東的信 Day2

Part 2 - Day 2


Day2 思考:




1. acquisition -收購:指一個公司通過產權交易取得其他公司一定程度的控制權,以實現一定經濟目標的經濟行為。

2. equity -權益:會計學上權益是指資產。屬於所有人的權益叫做所有者權益,屬於債權人的權益叫做債權人權益。兩者總稱為權益。股東權益是指公司總資產中扣除負債所餘下的部分,股東權益是一個很重要的財務指標,它反映了公司的自有資本。

3. valuation -估值:指著眼於上市或非上市公司本身,對其內在價值進行評估。一般來講,公司的資產及獲利能力決定於其內在價值。


1. operations n.運營;運作;業務操作

2. coupon n.優惠券,贈券;息票;配給券

3. similarity n.類似;相似點

4. crucial adj.重要的;決定性的

On the operating front, just about everything turned out well for us last year – in certain cases very well.

Let me count the ways:


We completed two large acquisitions, spending almost $18 billion to purchase all of NV Energy and a major interest in H. J. Heinz. Both companies fit us well and will be prospering a century from now.


With the Heinz purchase, moreover, we created a partnership template that may be used by Berkshire in future acquisitions of size. Here, we teamed up with investors at 3G Capital, a firm led by my friend, Jorge Paulo Lemann. His talented associates – Bernardo Hees, Heinz’s new CEO, and Alex Behring, its Chairman – are responsible for operations.

更重要的是,在對亨氏食品公司的收購過程中,我們創造了一種合作模式,可用於伯克希爾未來的大型項目收購。我們與3G資本的投資者共同完成對亨氏的收購。3G資本由我的朋友Jorge Paulo Lemann領導,他的同事Bernardo Hees被推舉為亨氏公司新的CEO,而其董事會主席Alex Behring則負責營運。

Berkshire is the financing partner. In that role, we purchased $8 billion of Heinz preferred stock that carries a 9% coupon but also possesses other features that should increase the preferred’s annual return to 12% or so. Berkshire and 3G each purchased half of the Heinz common stock for $4.25 billion.


Though the Heinz acquisition has some similarities to a “private equity” transaction, there is a crucial difference: Berkshire never intends to sell a share of the company. What we would like, rather, is to buy more, and that could happen: Certain 3G investors may sell some or all of their shares in the future, and we might increase our ownership at such times. Berkshire and 3G could also decide at some point that it would be mutually beneficial if we were to exchange some of our preferred for common shares (at an equity valuation appropriate to the time).


Day 2思考答案:

1. 伯克希爾花費了差不多180億美元完成了對內華達州能源公司的全部所有權和亨氏食品公司的大部分所有權的這兩項收購。

2. 伯克希爾不會把它所擁有的股票賣掉,而更希望買到更多它的股票。並且在某些3G投資者在未來出售部分或全部股份時,伯克希爾就可能會增加自己的持股比例。

巴菲特研習社|2013年巴菲特致股東的信 Day2


