


The raw, rugged North and the soft,pliable South--one can see these differences in their language, music and poetry.





In poetry, this difference is strikingly illustrated in the poems of the North and the South during the fourth, fifth and sixth centuries, when northern China was for the first time submerged under a Tartar rule, and the cultured Chinese migrated southward. For it was a time when sentimental love lyrics flourished in the southern courts, and the southern rulers were many of them great lyric poets, while a peculiar form of love ditties, the tzuykko, developed among the people. A contrast between this sentimental poetry and the fresh, naive poetry of the North would be highly instructive. So sang the anonymous poet of the South in the popular ditties:

Kill the ever-crowing cock!

Shoot the early announcer of the dawn!

That there might be an uninterrupted

Rolling darkness till Next Year's morn!





Or again:

The road are muddy and forsaken,

Despite the cold I came to thee.

Go and look at the footprints in snow,

If thou wilt not believe me.






During the Southern Sung Dynasty, we saw a peculiar development of a sentimental lyric in intricate meter, the tz'u, which invariably sang of the sad lady in her boudoir, and her tearful red candles at night and the beaded window screens and the painted rails and the departed springs, and pining lovers and emaciated sweethearts. It was natural that a people given to this kinde of sentimental poetry should be conquered by a northern people who had but short, naive lines of poetry, taken, as it were, direct and without embellishment from the dreary northern landscape.

Down by the Chehleh river,

Beneath the Yin hills,

Like an inverted cup is the sky

That covers the wateland.

Enormous is hte earth,

And the the sky is a deep blue;

The winds blows, the tall grass bends,

And the sheep and the cattle come into view.




It was with this song that a northern general, after suffering a heavy defeat, rallied his soldiers and sent them again to battle. And in contrast to the southern song of love, we have a general singing about a newly bought broadsword:

I have just bought me a five-foot knife,

I swing it with a gleaming cadence.

I fondle it three times a day,

I won't change it for fifteen maidens! 








Another song handed down to us reads:

In the distance I descry the Mengchin river,

The willows and polars stand in silent grace.

I am a Mongol's son,

And don't know Chinese lays.

A good rider requires a swift horse,

And a swift horse requires a good rider.

When it clatters off amidst a cloud of dust,

You know then who wins and who's the outsider.

