真相 月經期前爲啥體重飆升?生理期真能狂吃不胖?

真相 月經期前為啥體重飆升?生理期真能狂吃不胖?

真相 月經期前為啥體重飆升?生理期真能狂吃不胖?

真相 月經期前為啥體重飆升?生理期真能狂吃不胖?


1. Hildebrandt BA, Racine SE, Keel PK, et al. The Effects of Ovarian Hormones and Emotional Eating on Changes in Weight Preoccupation Across the Menstrual Cycle. The International journal of eating disorders. 2015;48(5):477-486. doi:10.1002/eat.22326.

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4. Samina KHANI, John A. TAYEK. Cortisol increases gluconeogenesis in humans: its role in the metabolic syndrome. Clinical Science Dec 2001, 101 (6) 739-747;

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真相 月經期前為啥體重飆升?生理期真能狂吃不胖?

