


  • 導讀




# Technology will not replace humans in the financial markets#


Goldman Sachs, the investment bank, recently announced that two-thirds of all trades on major stock exchanges are now carried out by computers. Despite this, we strongly believe that humans still have a central role to play in the financial markets and will do for the foreseeable future.

Let us consider one element of our fundamental research process: the visit to a company’s management. Human beings are deeply social creatures, with the ability to use instinct, to read body language and to judge atmosphere.

It is hard to imagine a computer knowing precisely when to ask the killer question of a chief executive, and how to judge the response. The portfolio manager will have seen numerous similar management teams and will be able to measure the chief executive’s answers versus his or her experience of similar situations.

Will computers be able to get a feel for the culture of a company, for how the employees are being motivated, for the ambience on a factory floor? The answer is maybe, but not yet. Deep learning is moving quickly and is making advances which, until only recently, seemed unimaginable. There is technology in development that will analyze company conference calls, letting portfolio managers know not only whether the management is telling the truth, but also how confident they are in what they are saying.

In our view, however, such analysis will for some time yet still need to go through a human portfolio manager who can synthesize it into an effective investment decision. We were recently told by the head of research at a leading investment bank that 2016 would be the first year that he had not hired a single analyst. All of his recruitment budget went on technology and people to operate that technology.

Human will have an integral part to play, but it is not unfair to say that the investment firm of the future is likely to look very different from its current incarnation.


  • 詞彙短語

Goldman Sachs 高盛集團

Citigroup 花旗集團

Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利

JP Morgan 摩根大通

Merrill Lynch 美林證券

UBS Warburg 瑞銀華寶

CSFB 瑞士信貸第一波士頓

Deutsche Bank 德意志銀行

(Lehman Brothers Holdings 雷曼兄弟)

Blackstone 黑石集團

Nomura Holdings 野村證券




Wechat ID:shlibrary

