


宋·代人物故事仙鶴樓臺八寶青銅鏡 直徑:10.8cm

宋代銅鏡注重實用,不崇華侈,器體輕薄,裝飾簡潔,形狀仍以圓形為主,亦有方形、弧形、菱形以及帶柄等多種形式。宋代銅鏡注重實用,不崇華侈,器體輕薄,裝飾簡潔,形狀仍以圓形為主,亦有方形、弧形、菱形以及帶柄等多種形式。背面多鑄有 花鳥魚蟲、人物故事、山水樓閣等圖案紋飾,亦有光素無紋者。圖案處理常採取隱起、 陽線並用,以線的韻律、節奏來增強紋飾的起伏與重量,克服了因體薄而造成的輕浮單調的感覺。其中的動植物圖案,形象準確,姿態生動,構圖豐富多變。山水人物圖案的構圖處理富有繪畫效果。宋代銅鏡多產於湖州、撫州、成都等地。在冶鑄方面。宋代銅鏡的合金成分發生了變化,這帶來了銅鏡質地、色澤的變化。宋代銅鏡大部分為黃銅質,含錫量明顯減少,而含鉛量大增,這樣的合金成分一直影響著後世的銅鏡,這也成為鑑別宋代乃至以後各朝代銅鏡的重要依據。

Copper mirrors in song dynasty paid attention to practicality, did not admire extravagance, were light and thin, and had simple decoration. they were still mainly round in shape, and also had square, arc, diamond and handle shapes. Copper mirrors in song dynasty paid attention to practicality, did not admire extravagance, were light and thin, and had simple decoration. they were still mainly round in shape, and also had square, arc, diamond and handle shapes. On the back, there are many decorative designs such as flowers, birds, fish and insects, character stories, pavilions in mountains and rivers, etc. there are also people who have no decorative designs. Pattern processing often uses both hidden lines and positive lines to enhance the ups and downs and weight of patterns with the rhythm and rhythm of lines, overcoming the frivolous and monotonous feeling caused by thinness. The animal and plant patterns are accurate in image, vivid in posture and rich and changeable in composition. The composition and treatment of landscape character patterns are rich in painting effects. Bronze mirrors of the song dynasty were mostly produced in Huzhou, Fuzhou, Chengdu and other places. In metallurgy. The alloy composition of bronze mirrors in song dynasty changed, which brought about changes in the texture and color of bronze mirrors. Most of the bronze mirrors in the song dynasty were yellow copper. the content of tin was obviously reduced while the content of lead was greatly increased. this alloy composition has always influenced the bronze mirrors in later generations, which has also become an important basis for identifying the bronze mirrors in the song dynasty and later dynasties.

