


1、as +原級 + as 與not + so/ as + 原級+ as

這兩個句型都可以受副詞 quite 修飾。前者表示"和……一樣",是等量比較,後者表示"不及……",為不等量比較。兩個as 中間通常為表示數量、程度、性質的詞如many, much, little, few, good, tall 等。

This dress is twice as expensive as that. (Oxford)這件外衣比那件貴一倍。

He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone. (Oxford) 從電話裡聽他病得不輕,現在看起來他真是病得很重。

Jack is not as/ so tall as Mike. Jack 沒有Mike 那麼高。

注1、 as long as 和as far as 除了表示"和……一樣長""直到……那麼遠"以外,還分別表示"只要,如果"(so long as)和"據……,就……"(so far as),用來引導條件狀語從句;as good as 除了表示"和……一樣好"以外,還表示"幾乎,差不多",相當於 almost。如:

Neither I nor any of the sailors will leave the ship so long as it remains above the surface of the sea. 只要船還在海面上,我或任何水手都不會棄船而去。

So far as I know, it's free. 據我所知, 那個博物館是不收門票的。

This car is as good as new. 這輛小車差不多像新的一樣。

注2、 as…as 與表示數量、重量、時間、價格、距離等表示計量單位的名詞連用時,往往不表示比較,而是構成一個形容詞詞組,意為"重達……,多達……,高達……,深達……"等。如:

On Sports Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, as much as 650 calories an hour. 開運動會的時候,在接力賽跑中,你消耗的熱量最多,多達每小時650卡。

The hole is as deep as 10 meters. 這坑深達10米。

This kind of whale can weigh as heavy as 60 tons. 這種鯨可能重達60噸。

2、"比較級 + than",用於兩者之間的比較,意為"比……更"。more than 常有"不僅僅,超過"等意思,其反義有less than, worse than 等。

She plays than (she did) last year. 她比去年彈得好。

Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不僅僅是睡眠。

3、"比較級 + and + 比較級"表示逐漸增加或減少。如:

Our country is getting stronger and stronger. 我們的祖國越來越強大。

As time goes by, he knows more and more . 隨著時間的推移,他懂得越來越多。

4、"too + 形容詞 + to do"具有否定意義,表示"太……不能, 太……不會"。如:

注:too 前面有 only, all, not, but, never, simply, just, only too 等詞,或 too 後有 eager, anxious, pleased, kind, willing, ready, glad, quick 等時,too 意為"very, extremely","too…to"表示肯定意義。如:

He is too young to dress himself. 他還小,還不能自己穿衣服。

The man is too selfish to help. 這人太自私了,不會幫助別人。

She is only too glad to help others. 她非常樂意幫助別人。

5、"not so much A as B"和"more A than B"。兩者均為部分否定,意為"與其說A,不如說B",但二者所強調的對象不同。前者強調B,而後者強調B。試比較;

6、"the + 比較級, the + 比較級"表示一方程度隨另一方程度的變化而變化。如:

In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, ______ . (上海高考2001)

A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the better

C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be (Key: C)

7、"It is + 形容詞 + of sb. to do sth.."和"It is + 形容詞 + for sb. to do sth.."這兩個句型使用頻率都很高,前者表示說話人對客觀事物的高興、驚訝、遺憾、難過等情緒,表現的是人的性格、品質或特徵,經常可以轉換成:①How + 形容詞 + it is + of sb. to do sth.! ② How + 形容詞 + of sb. to do sth.! ③Sb. + is + 形容詞 + to do sth..或 ④ That is + 形容詞 + of sb. to do sth.等;後者表示說話人對客觀事件的決斷性,根據具體情況可以轉換成:① To do sth. is + 形容詞. ②It is + 形容詞 + that 從句. 或③. Sth. Is + 形容詞 (for sb.)to do.等。如

It is possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperature by 1℃. (利用計算機)能夠計算出溫室裡的溫度升高一度會使你賺錢還是賠錢。

Is it necessary to complete the design before National Day? (MET 89) 在國慶前完成這一設計有必要嗎?

=How stupid it is of him to refuse the invitation!

=How stupid it is to refuse the invitation!

=He is stupid to refuse the invitation.

It is better for you to live alone for some time. 你單獨住一段時間更好。

=To live alone for some time is better.

=It is better that you live alone for some time.

8、"no more + 形容詞 + than"和"not more+ 形容詞 + than"。前者含否定意義,表示"(兩者)都不……";後者表示程度上的差異,但有肯定意義,意為"前者不如後者"(但二者都……)。試比較:

This book is no more expensive than that one. 這本書跟那本書都不貴。

This book is not more expensive than that one. 這本書沒有那本書貴。(隱含意思是兩本書都貴)

9、"not/no /nothing /never...+ 比較級"表示最高級含義,表示"最……不過"。如:

The situation couldn't be worse. (= The situation is the worst.) 形勢再糟糕不過了。

There's noting better. 最好不過了。

You could give her no greater pleasure. 你使她再滿意 不過了。

10、"senior to"和"junior to"分別表示"年長於","年幼於",to 不能換成than。類似的還有superior(優於) 和 inferior(劣於)。如:

He is obviously senior/ junior to me. 他明顯比我大(小)。

The function of this machine is superior/ inferior to that of the other. 這臺機器的性能優於/劣那臺機器。

