
· 麻十七火锅店

· 浦东大道1559号滨江光合新座A4-12

· 中国 上海

· Shanghai China


In the store, rocks are attached across the hallway, following the traditional Ba -Shu culture space management. It aims to separate spaces to encourage "ice-breaking moments" among people and inspire business boom.


The ceiling patterns remembers the ingredient of the hotpot boiling and jumping over the pot. Both the hanging drop lights and the flat ceiling are picturing this Chinese culinary tradition. The objective is to Make us all remember these Delicious hot pots we sometimes have eaten. Chinese cuisine, as well as hotspots,

are more than food, but also a way of life.



The Metallic cubic partition pattern remembers Zanthoxylum bungeanum, pepper, vines, and cross-sections. The pattern is following the idea of a hotpot "with three peppers". Moreover, the cabinet is a big feature of the back of the store. This ancient pharmacy medicine cabinet as 17 secrets ingredients, showing an acquaintance with the name " Ma 17 " and the project.


The attitudes of the seven hot girls on the walls are different. Some of them are crying while others are laughing. This is representing the Chongqing girls after having eaten a hot pot. When they are enjoying their meal, they are bleaching, and red clouds are rising on their delicate faces. Their different expressions are reactions to the bittersweet smell and the salty taste. This culinary experience is bringing them up to life and make them even look real!


The entire room spice is a crooked oblique triangle. For well achieving the project, you need good designers who're confident in drawing a smart layout. Incorporating cleverly the different elements asks a specific know-how and needs a strong attention to each spaces specifications and details. The objective is to take a special care for every aspect of the space management.