
一、Life has a funny way of working out, just when you start to believe it never will.人生總會有轉機的,而且往往是你開始相信它再也不會的時候。

二、Don't wait for perfection all the time, but make it perfect now.不要總是去等待完美,而應該把握好現在讓此刻變得完美。

三、When we grow up, we never change, but more and more clearly.長大的歲月裡,我們從未變化,只是越來越清晰的成為自己。

四、Sometimes, not the other side does not care about you, but you look at the other side is too heavy.有時候,不是對方不在乎你,而是你把對方看的太重。


五、I have two good assistant,one is my patience,another is my hands.我有兩個虔誠的助手,一個是我的耐心,另一個就是我的雙手。

六、When nobody helps you, stand up straight, the road is long and the figure is beautiful.沒人扶你的時候,自己站直,路還長,背影要美。

七、The value is not worth I don't understand, but I know, wait for a day, the heart is tired and put down.值不值得我不懂,可是我知道,等有一天心累了就放下。

八、You got to put the past behind you, before you can move on. 你得丟開以往的事,才能不斷繼續前進。


九、That belongs to the string of dreams, i still tightly clenched in the hand.那根屬於夢的弦,我依舊還是緊緊攥在手裡。

十、When I was young, I only needed a quilt to separate myself from the whole world.小時候,我只需要一張被子,便能將自己與整個世界隔開。

十一、Forget yourself once more beautiful, not dirty, do not hide a dagger behind a smile.忘了自己曾經多美好,不會髒話,不會笑裡藏刀。

十二、Maturity means less self-righteousness and more self-knowledge.成熟就是少一些自以為是,多一些自知之明。


十三、If one day, I become very strong, thank you have forced me.如果有一天,我變得很強大,謝謝你們曾經逼過我。

十四、You are a landscape, no need in the scenery inside looking up to others.你就是一道風景,沒必要在別人風景裡面仰視。

十五、Life like this cup of liquor, again and again without refining ah, will not be so delicious!生活就像一杯濃酒,不經三番五次的提煉,就不會這樣可口!

十六、The mountain spring water after a tortuous road, just sing a wonderful song.山澗的泉水經過一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。

