
What happened to you in China which made you think completely differently about the country and society




Carol Mat Ara, MSc. Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University (2018)

Generally chinese are very friendly people with a good culture. However some of the things which I have seen happening are not good. To answer your question, I will have to explain what has happened to me personally that made me think differently about the people. Chinese prefer having a white teacher to teach English and do not take into consideration experience or qualifications especially if you are black. Once, I applied for an English teaching job. I believe, I was qualified for the job. After sending my application, which requires a video, they sent back a message saying that they needed a white teacher. So apparently my skin color disqualified me. This is a common because twice I have been told to recommend my white friends for jobs after trial interviews. I once recommended a friend from Uzbekistan. Although she doesnt speak English fluently, she got the job. I didnt think my color could prevent me from getting a job until I came to China. I knew there was racism but coming to China made me start to be more conscious about it. Some job advertisements say they prefer white. There are black teachers but their pay compared to white teachers is lower.


Joseph Skinkis, I lived in the USA, Canada, Papua New Guinea, Korea, and China. I traveled most

I was a teacher of English in China for 4 years from 1991 to 1995. Let me list the bad things I experienced and then the good things. It’s better to leave on a positive note.

The public toilets are disgusting. There was shit and piss all over the place and this was also the case in trains and buses with toilets. When I was there, almost all males smoked and in a train or a bus, it was unbearable even though I was a smoker myself. Spitting was even worse. While riding a bike along a bike lane (there were 100′s of bikes in these lanes) the guy in front of me would spit into the air and his spittle would land on me. During a classical concert, our driver was talking to his friends very loudly and when I told him to be quiet, my Chinese colleague whispered in my ear that I should not reprimand the driver as it would be seen as showing superiority over a lower class person. There were times when we would take the class on an outing. One time we were going to a museum and alongside the path leading to the building were some beautiful flowers. The students began to pick them. I told them to stop and one student told me that they were the people’s flowers and they were the people. Enough of the negative and on to more positive things I experienced in China.



Many of the people in China would risk their well-being by putting me and my girlfriend up in their homes. The students were extremely enthusiastic about learning English. I had at least 5 students come to my room at night, 7 days a week, to ask questions about an assignment or just want to experience speaking English. If you needed help with anything, the Chinese would be there for you. I even married a Chinese woman. This was one of my most memorable times of my life.


Daniel Walzinski, lived in China (2015-2017)

When I first arrived into Shanghai a pretty young woman in a suit approached me speaking English, “Would you like help getting to your hotel?”

She took me to a large kiosk, it appeared to be an official airport service. I was thinking, wow this is nice, Pudong airport helps foreigners upon arrival.

She made a phone call, I asked how much it would cost, she quoted me at around 500 rmb, I told her I just needed a simple taxi and asked where I can get one, she told me to go to the first floor.

At the first floor two men in uniform began to help me with my suitcases, I think, how polite of them, I sure did pack alot (175 lbs to be exact). They took me past the taxi que so I say, “Thanks but I need a taxi.” They don't let go of my suitcases so I ask them how much. The quote is still more than double the standard taxi so I use one of the only Chinese words I knew at the time, “Wo bu yao le.” I have to physically pull the suitcase away.

The taxi driver was very polite and the ride was cheap but somehow he short changed me 20 kuai because I didn't count my change in the dark taxi. (Meter was 45 kuai).

The hotel was in the middle of nowhere, it was chosen by my company. Luckily, the girl at the desk knew a little English, they didn't seem to understand any of the Chinese from my translation book for travel.







In the morning I was the only one having breakfast at the hotel. An employee wearing a leather jacket approaches me and I struggle to have a conversation with him, which was basically me saying that I've just arrived and will travel to Hangzhou. He had many words, I feel like he was trying to get me to pay him because he wouldn't leave me for awhile, I attempted to request him to have the front desk add my breakfast to my bill. (I felt like he was trying to hustle me).

Once I got to Hangzhou this type of interaction rarely ever happened for the couple years that I was there. When I was traveling in tourist places or in Shanghai I knew to be extra tough and avoid being hustled.

In Hangzhou I used to barter a lot. I went to tea, silk, and common goods markets. I was able to get much better deals than what I could get in America. A little money went along way. Some of the vendors I was able to make good relationships with so price didn't have to be renegotiated.

Overall I was impressed by the strive to make money. The older generation would open any kind of business anywhere. After dinner the street food vendors come out to the same locations every night.

There seemed to be a lot of opportunity to earn money and a lot of people were excellent entrepreneurs. It wasn't about profit per sale but rather the gross sales per day, meaning that one at choose to work all day in order to maximize income. There was a strong business orientation.

There was more money circulation in China that I had previously thought, and even the poorest citizen could find a couple kuai to get some food. At the same time the adults drove brand new cars, there was indeed a wide variety of incomes and most people had enough, no one seemed to act like they were worth too much, although China has some of the richest people in the world.







All the while I felt like the real estate was unfair. The owners seemed to be leveraging their advantage. To purchase a property the price can be very high, but the quality and future maintenance of the building may be mediocre or low. All the while there are probably more vacant units in China than any other place in the world. Ghost cities are a real thing. In Hangzhou there were two ghost districts, the new downtown and Binjiang. They even paid shops to open there in the attempt to attract residents, it created the strangest feeling in me. (Which may have been one reason to adopt the new 2 child policy, you can have more but you'll have to pay hefty fees).

In China there is a standard that if you are to get married you should own an apartment or house. This dynamic gives the building owners a sellers advantage, and one developer may build an entire city block, so just between a few individuals local prices can be fixed. It also appeared that the owners were stubborn as they would wait for the possible future demand from city expansion rather than just lower the prices.



Wasu Koysiripong, A Chinese descendant in Thailand who can speak Chinese

Before going to China, I used to hear a lot from my Mainland Chinese friends in Australia how the Chinese are so selfish and cunning. They told me to be careful when buying something because I could get cheated, that the Chinese won't do me any favor when I ask for one and if I ask somebody the direction they might point into a wrong direction. Of course, they warned me on good will, and I thanked them for that.

Yet, when I was actually in China, I found that virtually all what they told me are wrong. I've never met any arrogant Shanghainese, Hubei-ese cheater, bad Henanese or rough North-Easterner (though many North-Easterners do talk loudly). When I had no umbrella on a rainy day, someone gave me an umbrella; when I took a bus but had no coin, someone gave me coins and when I forgot my belonging in a restaurant, someone told me that. Of course, there must be bad people in China as well, but not as many as I imagined before going there based on what those Chinese friends warned me.

Then I learned something. The Mainland Chinese tend to think of their own compatriots worse than in the reality.




Demetrios Paspalaris, Interested in History, Politics, Ecology.

I went to China in the year 2000 with my wife and son and not knowing a word of Chinese. We took domestic Chinese flights Shanghai-Beijing-Xian-Shanghai. My impression is this. The Chinese people are extremely friendly and helpful, the policemen included in giving help and directions. The customer service at airports and elsewhere were going out of their way to help, (unlike in USA, they would walk outside of their offices and airports to help us get a taxi. I did not see anyone trying to cheat us when shopping, the prices are posted, but we were getting a lot of attention and even in the fast food restaurants they refill your drink. But we saw the evidence of the so called “ugly Americans” who were trying to cut the price of a banana from the equivalent of 20 cents to 10 cents, the street fruit seller seller justifiably refused to sell and told them to go to some other place. Taking the subways or walking in the old neighborhoods of the cities with the narrow twisting streets, we felt secure and not threatened. People like to talk with foreigners everywhere. In a few words, I liked China and the Chinese people very much!


譯文來源:三泰虎 http://www.santaihu.com/49784.html 譯者:Joyceliu



Constant rudeness made me think China is uncivilized and has no future. Previously I believe the ‘5000 years of civilization’ and ‘China rising’ propaganda and thought China had a bright future.


Eric Umland, Attended many universities.

I saw people practicing ballroom dancing in the park at 6 am. I thought: Only a fool would want to fight a country that has people like these



